
A Reader's Guide to this Novel

Good day, Adventurer!

I hope your travels around my little world has not been tiresome. The sun might be shining from where you stand right now, but unfortunately for our heroes, their's is still somewhere hidden in the horizon.

But, I know you didn't come here to read the ramblings of a chronicler! Well, my ramblings compare to their struggles are but a speck of dust. Honestly, it's nothing really. It never comes close.

I am here to educate you with the world's system. The way their culture works, their counting systems, measuring systems, also the flora and fauna of the regions. Let it be known that this guide is a continuing work effort and thus, will be updated on a regular basis as the world expands for you to unravel.



Real World (RW)

Local Realm (LR)

Old Language (OL)


Measuring Systems- their unit of measurement is based on the length and width of endemic creatures that roam the world.


Kilometer( RW)- ildwyrm (LR)

Meter(RW)- yungwyrm (LR)

feet (RW)- footlings

Weight Measurement Systems- Unit of measurement in the Principalia for Weights.

1kg- 1 stonecube

10kg- 1 stone block

50kg-1 decablock

100kg- 1 centiblock

1000kg/1 ton- 1 milliblock


Time Systems- their time is complicated as it is based on clustered hours. They follow a system wherein the measurement depends on the levels composed of LOWER, MID, AND HIGHER. Their hours are grouped by 3's.

Obura- 6am-9am

Mirdura- 10am-12nn

Noon- 12nn

Andenoon- 1pm-3pm


Dunsupar- 7pm-9pm

Time of Obscura-10pm-5am

The reason why the time of Obscura is clustered with longer hours is because during the olden days they believed that no human aside from the beings of Obscura walks during this hours.


Military Units (Recent Units before Expansion)

10 men- Xedecima

30 men- Xedecura

50 men- Liqurra

100 men- centurra

1000 men- Millennia

5000 men -Legion



Ildwyrms- Dragon-like creatures that roamed the skies of the world in the ancient times. It has two hind legs and a pair of bat-like or bird-like wings (depending on the species) with claws on the end that acts like its front legs.

Sea Wyrms- Another classification of dragon like creatures from the sea. Characterized by their elongated body and odulating pattern of movement. Can commonly be termed for fishes with elongated bodies with gigantic proportions.

Giant Centipedes- Huge centipedes that can be found in caves and burrows. Their usual sizes range from about six footlings long to 15 footlings long. The one's our heroes encountered were mutated into growing to such gigantic proportions.

Obscuros/ pl. Obscurii- an ancient race of monsters from the First Age. Created from the piece of the crawling darkness that Oyue bit and spat to the mortal world. These creatures have different specifications, species and names.

They are generally called Obscuros/Obscurii because of their fondness to the darkness. The term time of Obscura was derived from these creatures name, albeit mistranslated to the Principalia's oficial language.



Primary Metals:





Ingots-lowest worth- usually used for copper

coins (Principalia)- copper, gold and silver

talent-gold and silver



10 copper ingots/coins- 1 silver talent

10 silver coins- 1gold talent

100 silver talents or 10 gold talents=1 denarii

Gold is the most precious metal used in this world's currency. While the rest of the world uses ingots as unit of measurement instead of coins, the Principalia made it standard to use coins. Some of the shops in the city DO NOT accept ingots, as they treat it as some barbaric unit of measurement.
