
A Greater Soul: A Cultivation Epic

They say death is the end of all life, but what if it's just the beginning of another? It certainly was the case for eighteen years old Ahmad. Losing his life to an armed robbery, Ahmad's soul suddenly got thrown into a grim World of Cultivation. A world where the strong prey on the weak, where man is defined by nothing but his strength. Ahmad, now Seyus must defy all odds to climb the ladder to the very peak of immortality and Godhood. Should he survive, he will face peril on his path to becoming the strongest.

ADrunkBard · ファンタジー
14 Chs


" Woo woohoo." Seyus instinctively let out as his balance waned, he staggered to the front trying to fight off the prospect of failing, he shifted to the side and there, he found his stable spot.

He slowly lifted a foot pushing himself further and fortunately, his other feet maintained balance. A smile crept on his face and he turned to Narwind. He on the other hand didn't share the excitement.

" Run a little and execute beautiful flips." Narwind instructed.

Soon as he did, Seyus strode the cold river, his feet making loud splashes. He did a backflip up high to about two meters and landed on his toes carefully preventing water from splashing towards his onlookers. A gentle vibration spread through the water body as he did.

He jumped about the river executing buoyant flips and lightening the serious environment.

" Enough. That's enough. You did great. Your ki balance is impressive."

Seyus leaped off the river onto the hard ground. He held his hands by the sides of his chest.

Suddenly, a vibrant blue aura erupted from him further illuminating the place.

" You're at the Core Foundation stage. How's that so?" Miya got off her leaning position, she walked forward curious as to why a boy such as Seyus progressed over two levels overnight.

" You ki is so pure." She commented upon getting closer.

Seyus opened his eyes and exhaled, the vibrant aura disappearing from him.

" You're in the Core Foundation stage alright. You can probably run up walls now. Send your ki energy into the water body and watch it boil."

Seyus gave an affirmative nod and got to the bank of the river. He placed his hands atop the river, willed Ki from his Core to his branches and had them travel into the water.

The very molecules of the river absorbed the energy and became even more active causing it to boil and release vapor.

" Stop.... You've got the basics of the Body Incipient Stage. Normally one would struggle to achieve that level of control but we're the Gullands."

Miya smirked over Narwind's statement.

" Now, block this!" Narwind drove forward his arm sending a blast of ki heading straight to Seyus's head.

The young boy sidestepped the blast in time avoiding major damage to his head.

" I said you should stop the attack you fool."

" How?!" Seyus shot back.

" I can't believe you're still a complete noob to this. You've read the books Father provided right?"

" I have. What about them?"

" Do you remember the basics of using ki offensively, it's not too different from using it defensively. Just have ki gather at your limbs preferably and have it propelled by the ki flowing behind . With the knowledge you can even execute something like this" He swung his right arm downwards and on it appeared a curved blade of nothing but pure energy.

" Or this." He lunged forward his arms and on them, Blue energy swelled. It grew from his palms and poured downwards like a stream taking a rectangular shape at its descent. In front of Narwind was now a shield of Ki, a thin but sturdy one.

The energy shield dematerialized.

" See, now do that to stop my next attack. Conjure up ki constructs." He said.

He slid his right foot forward with his left behind making him take a sideways stance. He twisted lunging his arm and releasing a turbulent blast of energy at Seyus.

The young lad immediately knew what to do, despite his small frame, he was confident he was going to stop it and so he remained at his spot bringing up his hands in a cross.

The blast hit him giving out a booming sound and creating a little smoke in the area.

The smoke slowly dissipated showing young Seyus. His arms were still held out in a cross, on it was a thick layer of ki energy that had neutralized the attack. Also, his legs were brimming with energy. Had he just concentrated Ki on his arms to stop the attack, he would be blown off balance.

" Quick thinking. Your legs would have been a goner had you not done that." said Narwind. Seyus released a smirk.

" I suppose that's all the basics, just hone your martial arts and skills. You'll be fine."

" Hmmm..." Seyus gave a low bow in response.

" Meditate with me. The Mana here is quite rich, it'll replenish your hungry core." Narwind suggested, he leaped, jumping above protrusions till he got to his destination. He was about fifty meters up on a jutting piece of rock. There he sat and began meditating.

Miya joined Narwind as well as she jumped and jumped till she met a satisfying spot. Her spot was way higher than Narwind's however, about a hundred meters high.

" I'll just stay here and do my thing." Seyus said to himself.

He sat on the wet ground in a lotus position. His eyes were closed and he started absorbing the energy around him.

Pure Mana seeped into his Ki branches invigorating him, he felt the energy concentration in his core warble in response.


" BAM!" A thudding sound occurred not far from his side.

" Seyus.... it's time we head back home." Miya whispered. The young boy on the other hand was too deep in his meditation to notice.

Narwind got to him.

" Get up before I create a hole through your head."

Seyus's eyes shot open, his meditation stopping. He slowly stood up and as he did, visible blue Mana danced about him and made their way into his nostrils.

" I can't believe it, you're on the verge of breaking through."