
A Great Ambition

A path to greatness is one carved from the bones of others. It is a voyage in a sea of blood, to set sail means to be ready to paint the sea a darker shade of crimson. ========== One day, as Adger was venturing through the woods, a strange event pulled him into a web of madness... yet it was something he longed for. Finding himself in a new world, one filled to the brim with danger. Adger's cold, unwavering heart is willing to do anything for his goals. Manipulation, Killing, Betrayal, whatever gives him the edge over others, Adger will do. ========== Things to know before you read... > A dark story. > Slow start (around 15-17 chapters) > Eventual insanity (mc)

Mr_Outsider · ファンタジー
21 Chs


The man sized up Adger for a quick while and then turned to look at the two policemen with a smug smirk on his face.

"You two been slacking?"

"Ofcourse not sir." The two replied without a doubt in their voices. Their posture straight and their heads held high.

"Good, good. Now get back to work. And you..." He pointed towards Adger. "Go in before I change my mind."

Adger took heed of the man's words and without any dillydally, he swiftly moved towards the gate, fearing that he would be caught any second.

As he moved past the blonde haired man, Adger got to take a better look at his uniform, and noticed 3 golden stripes instead of the 2 blue stripes.

'Must be a higher rank.' Adger guessed.

Adger's body felt a little tense after walking past the man, the pressure that exuded from that man left a deep impression on him. He felt as if the man was a tsunami that could destroy him in one blink if he so desired.

As Adger crossed the gate, and the distance between him and the three men behind him increased, he felt a bolder lift off his shoulders. Thoughts that he had bottled up quickly came rushing back.

He quickly jumped into his sea of consciousness as the brewing of theories once again began.

'Infuser...' Adger had picked up on the term that was mentioned by the blonde man, even though he knew nothing about it, he had a certain idea of what it could be.

'Is this what the people who use special powers are called? Not being one really makes my identity so irrelevant that they allowed me, a stranger enter without any identification.' As Adger thought about things, a general position of the so called 'infusers' in this society was laid bare before him.

He presumed the 'infusers' to have a high social standing, while as common people like him might be in the minority and are irrelevant to the said group.

'The blond man must be one, a powerful one at that.' Adger narrowed his eyes as he kept on walking towards the city without looking back.

After he had moved a comfortable distance away from the gate, he finally focused at the city around him.

The city looked nothing like he had imagined it to be. It was unlike a modern city, the houses were made of stone, the ground was paved with stone.

The entire city looked very humble and had a home like feel to it. Thick aroma of coffee filled the street making one feel refreshed.

Although, there were cars running around, they did nothing to make the city feel any less warm and comfortable.

Adger looked down at the diary cover in his hand. A slight smile formed on his face as a thought appeared in his mind.

'Even that powerful man couldn't feel anything strange about this cover.' He was overjoyed, had the man found something amiss with the diary cover, Adger might have been having a chat with god at the moment.

He saw the symbols on the diary once again distort into a perfect map of the city. This time, the swirling symbols were concentrated around a house in the middle of the city.

However, the symbols this time were swirling at a greater intensity than ever before.

'Is this the real location.' Adger got his hopes up. He felt that his goal was almost in his hands, he now just had to reach out to have it completely in his grasp.

Without wasting any more time, Adger hurriedly raced through the streets of the city, taking turns where it was necessary.

He saw many people walking in the streets, some looked like beggers while some looked like aristocrats. However, all of them did in fact look human and not like aliens as Adger had guessed.

Taking mental notes of such small details, Adger finally arrived at his destination in just 15 minutes.

Before him stood a small, wooden hut that by no means looked shabby. Even though it was small, it was beautifully carved out of high quality wood.

'Looks like this is it.'

The Hut was surrounded by a wooden fence, Adger looked left and right making sure no one was observing him.

He then jumped over the short— one metre tall— wooden fence. Then he headed for the hut door.

Knocking on it a couple of times, Adger was sure no one would answer as was the case with previous building displayed on the map.

However, contrary to his expectations, the sound of footsteps suddenly came echoing out from the house.

Adger was dumbstruck. Why was there a person there? Was the 'book of secrets' not a secret?

' Stephen! That son of a...' Adger wanted to cuss but held himself back.

Adger waited a while. As the sound of the footsteps got closer and closer, he patiently waited for the person inside to open the door, but unfortunately for him, the person did no such thing.

Only after Adger realised that the person inside had no intention of opening the door or even speaking, did he consider greeting.

"Hello, my name is Adger." He said politely.

The person inside did not reply quickly but waited for a while before answering.

"Hello mister Adger, who sent you?" A soothing girl voice respectfully asked.

'A girl?' Adger raised a brow. 'Should I answer truthfully? Maybe Stephen has set up a guardian to safeguard the book.'

"Stephen." After deliberating seriously, Adger replied in one word. He secretly placed his hand on he gun in his pocket as a precaution.

The person inside after listening to the answer kept quiet for a long while. As Adger was getting impatient and considering breaking into the house, he suddenly heard the sound of door unlocking.

With a click sound, followed by a creaking sound, the door finally opened, revealing the person inside.

It was a girl, a very beautiful girl. She had a delicate oval face, a slender body with a pale white complexion that only intensified her beauty.

Her face had a perfect symmetry. Her hair lustrous and black that flowed towards her back, a few bangs formed on her forehead.

A fragrant smell of roses emanated from her being, accentuating her beauty even more.

She bowed slightly with grace and elegance.

"Welcome Mister Adger, my name is Alice."

Sorry for not uploading yesterday. I had an exam and had to prepare for it. Now, I am free again.

So, let's continue with the story...

Also, tysm for the power stones. Really appreciate it ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^

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