
A Grand Touch Of Nihilism

You know, when I took a nap I never expected for a multiversal A-hole to basically tell me that my world - the template world - was destroyed because another A-hole thought killing everything was fun like a dumbass. Oh, and the first A-hole told me a game/anime/anime series I knew little of was the world it was set in because apparently prophecies leak onto different worlds. Why is this my problem? I don't know, tell the first A-hole. In very simple terms, I got yeeted into Fate Grand Order to save everything in existence when I honestly couldn't care less... So yeah, this is the story of me (nihilistic twat) making reasons to motivate myself to save the world via time-travelling. End my suffering... (Disclaimer: All original works belong did their rightful owners) NOTE: My attempt on a SI that wouldn't leave my mind.

IsekaiFanBoi · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 3

Fuyuki City/???/Morning

I opened my eyes and found myself facing a dark night sky surrounded by flames.

"How lovely." I snarked as I picked myself off from the floor. My glasses are still in pristine condition and I still have my bag on me, that's good.

I sighed as I now held a grudge at the fucker who sent me here."I'm gonna put a stick up that motherfucker's ass..." No, not Roman – fuck him though. I mean the wannabe boss, Head Advisor.

I observed my surroundings and found that on the edge of the... small town near the city there was a temple. I ignored the corpses near me, they weren't of much value anyway.

'Ryuudou Temple, if I'm correct.' Now I know next to nothing about Grand Order except movie 1, a bit about the came and UBW but I do know some shit. If I remember correctly, the future MC and a wizard Cu Chulainn fight here, and if I also remember correctly: there's supposed to be a leyline or something there.

I shrugged 'I'll take my chances.'

I walked up the stairs with a faster pace than normal up the stairs, but that's to be expected as my caution is increasing. Just not cautious enough as I haven't been attacked yet; yes I'm self aware.

Eventually I finally reached the top and checked the surroundings. Nothing there except the temple.

'Why did I even try?' I questioned myself. I very much doubt I would be able to find anything considering I'm a novice in stealth and combat, other than the usual scuffles I had in school and casually fading into the background. Nothing superhuman level though.

I shifted my bag's strap so it was behind me as I walked up to the leyline. How could I tell? It was blatantly glowing. Funny, even with the city practically destroyed the leyline still works.

I took out a book of Heroic Summoning given by Zelretch. I needed a circle and a circle out of Gradation Clone chalk I did.

Then I needed a chant. Oh boy. "Let silver and steel be the essence..." the circle glowed – I'm probably attracting hostiles – I'll have to speeden it up "Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation..." And... the other words are supposed to be personalised? I swear it's supposed to mention a kingdom of four or something. Oh well, time to personalise it then "Give me someone suitable to increase my survival chances, or something." The circle went from blue to gold "And uhh, make sure she at least has some experience with taking down servants." The circle shifted from blue to gold – as if complaining... Fucktard. "Anyway, shut fill times 5 and give me my servant already."

'Fucktard.' The circle... temporarily changed into an insult as it vanished.

"Did... Alaya or something just call me a 'fucktard'?" Bruh, I feel so insulted "Well fuck you too."

The circle buzzed out and in front of me was an entirely new entity. The 'girl' (I asked for experience, damn it) wore clothes that resembled native Indians apparel except there were a bunch of blue magatamas around her collar – as a necklace – and on her wooden sandals which extended to her thighs. She had blue ribbons tired around her waist – to keep her 'clothes' or more precisely cloth from falling – and around her shins – with the same situation as her torso – and also around her wrists which had the cloth surprisingly attached to Magatama near her neck. Also to note her sides barely covered her as there were practically no coverage on the sides – so I had a full view of her bust – but there was a blue see-through material a bit above her shin's cloth which also extended a bit out of her wrists and the last bit – was funny as it – was under her exposed side-bust and encompassed the area below her bust and a bit under her – blatant – white panties. As a side note, the insides of her cloth had blue patterns of circles which most likely represented waves.

"Servant Lancer at your service!" She had shoulder-length black hair with a tint of blue – although there was also a Magatama there to signify quite a few strands of pinkish red hair – and also clear sea-blue eyes. "Wait what?"

She also seemed to be confused at her role.

"Wait... Ohhh!" Information was probably given to her, she coughed "Are you my master?"

"You know..." Hearing an exhibitionist say that just annoys me." Ah, I spoke aloud.

"E-E-Exhibitionist?!" She seemed annoyed, oh well.

I nodded "Your boobs are... blatant and so is your panties. Who're you trying to convince you're not one?"

She seemed livid "Hey! I never ever wore this! I was summoned with this!"

That seemed unlikely, oh well, might as well go with it "Likely story."

I turned around and entered the temple as she was busy trying to convince me even though I already gave my confirmation.

I walked into a room and saw pictures of a boy in glasses. A bedroom. It isn't relevant anyway. I sat down on the bed along with Lancer.

"Anyway, here's the gist of things." I spoke up "I'm from an organisation which has a focus of time travelling to the past to fix anomalies called 'singularities' which put the future and past of humanity in danger." She was going to speak up but I placed a finger on her lip to shut her up "But something went wrong as during the first insertion of individuals an explosion occurred – probably due to someone who wants humanity gone, their reasons aren't really my problem anyway so I won't continue talking about it – but now here we are in our current situation: the few survivors alive are probably scattered around the city and we're also going to fix the problem along with keeping them safe. Also, we summon servants to help defend the rest of humanity as the problems probably involve servants." I finished explaining. "Any questions?"

She put her hand up as I nodded "Likely story."

Annoying brat "Honestly, I don't care if you believe or not. I just need your abilities not you as an individual."

She frowned "You're not really making me like you."

I'm acting more arrogant... Maybe because of the command seal? I'm acting more recklessly because of some semblance of power? I'll have to remedy it later.

"Simply put: I don't need to nor do I care. I barely care about myself, much less you." I replied as her face took a more thoughtful expression. Hey, I'm getting good a reading people. "Anything else?"

She nodded "What's our next course of action?"

"Simply put, we're gonna wait till 2 servants come into the place where I summoned you and duke it out. Whilst they're fighting, you intercept the red one and knock him out whilst starting peaceful relations with the blue one." I responded as she seemed annoyed.

"What about your friends?" She asked with quite the expression.

"Don't worry about them, they'll be safe." I replied as she seemed livid and gripped my shirt's collar.

"How are you just fine with your friends being in the middle of that?!" She exclaimed louder than I'd like – quite emotive too – as she pointed at the window which depicted a scene of carnage and destruction.

I stared directly at her eyes "I'm sure they'll be safe." Our eyes clashed for a whole minute.

My (apparently) "sleepy" devoid of life (my words only) eyes against her full of life eyes.

Spoiler alert, I won.

She sighed loudly as she laid down on the bed "Fine."

Why is a battle hardened historical figure just being so lax in such a dangerous situation? "Also, set up some barriers around this temple's premises to keep all within hidden."

She sighed as she jumped out the bed "On it."

I heard the door click and then I sighed. Why couldn't I get a less excitable one? More preferably an easy to manipulate one.

I glanced out the window. 'Wonder how the others are doing? Olivia is probably still alive.'

I shook my head. 'Might as well do something.' I contemplated my options. I could either scout the locations of the others, look for anything good here or I could learn something... I skimmed and scanned the book as I found a particular spell which took my fancy. Sound Dampener.

It was fairly simple, produce a bounded field around the body by simply creating a barrier out of internal od.

I tried it and... "Link."



That was easy, I clapped my hands and no sound was produced.

'I have time for something else...' I muttered 'Reinforcement.'

Reinforcement was fairly simple. Enhance the existence of something by pouring mana into it or a certain aspect of it.

I made a Gradation Clone of a pen and then poured Mana into its tip as I then stabbed it through a desk which promtly shattered the desk in its entirety.

I made stable progress... although I'm sure it could be improved "Link."


"What is it?!" Lancer came crashing through the door as she wielded her spear and observed the surroundings.

Her spear was quite unique. It had a maroon shaft with a golden butt however the blade itself starts around a golden ring which had blue magatamas and jagged white and red papers simply floating around the golden ring. The blade starts off as two rusted separate pieces which curve around to form an oval as it eventually forms a clean swordish point with jagged parts extending outwards and an empty area inwards.

So that's her weapon "Nothing, just training."

She nodded at that "Okay, also I finished with the bounded field."

I nodded and went into my bag to get two snicker bars out. This'll definitely be a rarity in the coming days.

I tossed her one as she looked surprised and murmured a blatant "Huh?"

"I believe giving gifts to people is supposed to make the giver more likeable." I responded as I unwrapped my snicker bar "Or something." At least, that's how I was introduced to my school friends until we eventually developed a 'normal' friendship.

My... acquaintances in this world probably don't classify as 'friends'... more-like 'allies' if anything.

She looked surprised but nodded a bit more positive "Thanks."

And then there we were, two individuals just simply consuming snickers on the same bed. Needless to say, we both probably had our own thoughts on our minds. I was admittedly – probably – worried about Rikka and Mashu – the protagonists – and to some lesser extent, Olivia (forgot her name).

There's probably... 12 hours left of this day. I need to also conserve my energy both physical and magical.

I know for a fact that they make a small stop at Shirou Emiya's school for rest. They probably spent around 12 hours there including travelling and rest, so we have to get prepared at around tomorrow evening since after that they decide to travel to the current boss.

I'll rest for now...

"Hey, tell me about yourself." Lancer asked me.

I defensively retorted on instinct "Why should I?"

She frowned "At least to fill the silence."

She's too carefree "What about possible ambushes?"

"Don't worry, I've met enough assassins to know how to create a simple bounded field based on stealth." She replied with a probable air of certainty. I'll trust her for now.

I sighed "Also as a reminder we're probably gonna have to put our plan in action at the evening of tomorrow."

"Why the evening?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Out of 24 hours, my... acquaintances are probably going to take around 12 hours to travel, regroup and rest in and at a safe area then they'll probably spend the next 12 hours travelling to the source of corruption of the grail." I explained and while she raised an eyebrow at me she didn't question me. I know (probably) I'm making quite a few assumptions.

"What about you?" She asked.

I shook my head "They'll probably decide I'm second priority and I assume this barrier can hide from magic related search methods." She nodded at that.

Then I continued "Then they're probably marking me as MIA or going to look for me after they've found the grail." I clicked my tongue "Although, I don't know the grail's location."

"Oh and I already know the corrupted grail's location, by the way." She informed as it was my turn to raise an eyebrow "I'm used to tracking things." She didn't delve further on that.

And thus it was silent again...

Until she spoke up again "Oh, and you still haven't told me about yourself."

I sighed "Just so you know I'm not telling you everything." Who knows if she could be used to gather information on me.

"That's fine with me." She smiled and I was instantly reminded of something.

"Wait, can we speak telepathically?" I asked and she replied.

'Yep.' I heard a feminine voice in my head. So she wasn't a fake or duplicate.

'Great.' I replied 'Anyway, so, umm... I'm Noble HP Four – yes it's an alias and I doubt I'll ever use my real name again – I'm born on the fourth month, I like sleeping and silence and uhh I'm somewhat of a nihilist.' And that my dear readers, was my attempt at talking about myself to her.

She hummed and smiled at the progress. 'Is that so? Well, I'm Erice Utsumi but do continue calling me 'Lancer' in this 'Singularity' – as you call it. I like reading books and spicy food also I like practical things.'

Then there was silence until she spoke up 'Anything else, you don't mind telling me?'

'Uhh,' I began to think 'I'm a novice Magus who's started for a couple of days before all this. Around 7 days or less, I think.'

Her eyes widened 'Oh wow, really? You've already given me adequate magic energy with your circuits. I thought with your attitude and energy quantity that you came from a long line or something.'

I seemed to have an improved impression on her. 'Nope, just a normie who's been forced by a multiversal vampire to actually put effort in something.' Shit, I gave more info than I'd like to.

'Multiversal vampire?' She questioned.

'Don't worry about it.' I replied as she nodded back.

'If you say so.'


Guess I'll rest for a while.

Singularity F/Fuyuki City/Dreams/12 Hours Left

I'm dreaming, I'm definitely sure of it. I was in the dream observing from a third person, observing Lancer from third person.

'Huh, she does wear modern clothes...' I noticed as her surroundings... oddly resembled akihabara.

She was walking and eventually she came upon a corpse. She dropped her bags underneath her black and white sneakers which had her white socks poking out a little.

Her eyes... turned brutally 'cold' to the point even I could tell. She re-adjusted her black tie which was ontop of shirt and dusted her navy blazer – which only reached up to her her torso – and her navy skirt with red frills fluttered in the wind as she jumped on top of a building.

As she was hopping from building to building – her inner clothes being red seemed to work well in design, I noticed – she eventually found her target. It resembled a child with white silver hair, a black cloak and golden eyes with a scar running down on one eye.

She put her palm in a finger-gun gesture.


A concentrated purple bullet pierced the core of the assassin as it began to fade into nothing.


Singularity F/Fuyuki City/12 hours left

And I opened my eyes... to see Lancer hugging my body. Now, recently I've discovered I'm aromantic instead of asexual, or in other words: I don't like romantic relationships instead of being incapable of being horny from any sex. That or I'm incapable of romantic relationships, hard to realise which one as I've never personally experienced a 'crush' and I've seen how romantic relationships can lead to downfall enough times which further makes it a topic I'd like to avoid. And I find it hard to differentiate people who are handsome, beautiful, pretty, cute or even ugly.

'Actually no, there's only one person I recognise as 'ugly' but that probably stems from his behaviour as a smiling idiot (I remember him smiling even with a broken nose) rather than his appearance so I can't honestly define him as 'ugly'.'

But I'll say this: I still get horny. And, right now, a pair of soft cushions were being pressed onto my chest with very – and oddly – soft legs wrapped around my own. Needless to say, my physiological reactions were beginning to take place.

'Fuck... fuck... calm down my 'son'.' And his reactions were taking place quicker 'I said calm 'down' not 'up'!' I shouted in my heart as I then decided to calm down by simply focusing on the beat of my heart.

Strangely enough, listening to the beat of my heart reduced, minimalized and eventually stopped my physiological reactions. I sighed.

 'Damn exhibitionist.' I'm still a healthy male! I think.

I looked down at Lancer's face whom was blissfully smiling whilst she clung onto me. Her clothes are really light, huh? I'll just wait for her to wake up.

After a while she woke up, red-faced. We didn't mention what took place in the morning.

'I have around 6 hours to devote my time to things... I'll spend the last 6 hours transferring my consciousness from object to object to find Rikka's party's location.' I decided 'But... what should I do?'

I idly stared at my command seal. It was a red seal which depicted an irregular shaded circle with two irregular arrows pointing in the same direction and connected to the tip of each and centre of the flat side of each other. They were both pointing East. Wonder why east in particular?

I shook my head. 'Anyway... what should I do?'

I took a moment to decide.

'Guess I'll explore the temple first.'

Singularity F/Fuyuki City/Ryuudou Temple/6 Hours Left

I spent half of the three hours exploring the temple and I came across a few things. I came across a martial art manual that seemed to have a focus on assassination created by one "Kuzuki Souichirou" (and I just realised I can read Japanese. Or rather, the 'intention' of the word. Thanks to whomever gave this bonus).

'This could be used as a catalyst or learning manual for me.' I put it in my bag.


Then I came across a couple of knives which honestly were quite the boon since I can simple reinforce their existence. Too bad I can't specifically reinforce it though, so I have to reinforce it at around a second before it hits a target because my magical energy is finite.


And lastly I came across a traditional kimono. Could use it as a catalyst or something.


And thus, I finished ransacking a temple. 'Will I get karma from some divine being?' Hah, nah. Even if I did, I still wouldn't care.

I spent around 1 and a half hours so I have an extra 4 and half hours left in total.

After that I returned to the room from earlier. Wonder what Lancer is doing? Probably scouting.

"Hmm..." I murmured as I remembered something. Kiritsugu – Shirou's dad – was an assassin, why don't I search his place for any valuables?

I looked out the window and used Transference Of Consciousness to transfer one of my 'rooms' around the anarchistic city and had it transfer from one object or item to another till I eventually found it. Shirou's house still had a broken shed. Dude, at least bother to fix it.

'I'll also need to find the others...' I then continued to transfer my consciousness around the city till I found the school. They were still resting, looks like Mashu was taught how to use her super move. They'll probably rest for a while.

I made my consciousness fade by simply turning my third 'room' off and on. It was back in my head.

'Hey, Lancer.' I telepathically contacted her.

'Yeah?' She hummed.

'Wanna find some useful stuff?'

Her next reply was the happiest I've ever heard her.

Singularity F/Fuyuki City/Emiya Estate/4 Hours Left

Lancer 'astralised' or rather went invisible, and decided to scout the place.

I entered the estate and didn't dare to click my tongue, no matter how tempting it is. There's still servants on the loose according to Lancer.

I walked inside with a steady pace. 'No point bothering being stealthy as anything still around that could probably kill me has more stealth potential than me.' I entered each room and in the dojo I found a striped shinai. I believe there were some memes about this "Tora Shinai".


Could be useful for blunt damage, instead of stabbing and slashing. I sheathed it in my bag. Surprisingly it fit.

'Huh.' I shrugged as I explored even further. Before I even opened the next door...


It was shoved down by a blackened corpse that seemed to still be around. It's arms and legs were elongated and it's tongue stuck out.

'Kinda reminds me of a traditional ghoul.' I remarked as adrenalin spiked in my body as I rolled to the side.


'Shit.' It's making a lot of noise.

I stared at the corpse break through the wall as I calmly walked outside – at least as much as I could – and I took out a dagger.

'Master? Is everything alright?' Lancer asked me. If I can't even survive this then there's no point in even trying at all.

'Don't worry.' Because there's no need to worry for someone who doesn't even worry about his own life 'I'm fine.'

"Simulate." I muttered as all my 192 Partitions went into overdrive. I got my legs in an easily manoeuvrable – even though it was quite amateurish – position and tilted my back forwards a little and had my dagger held in a diagonal manner at eye level.

It dashed forwards and I knew it was faster than me. Luckily, I was able to computate it faster thanks to my increased mental capacities. I was tempted to simply roll out of the way but that would be wasting too much energy and too much movement. This is all fast pace in real time and my muscles are just average.

I estimated how far away it would swing it's elongated arm and as it raised it, I stepped out the way. It went past me which elicited my beating heart to pump blood around my body faster as I formed a posture to stab it. I slid my knife down its arm but halfway I realised that it was doing little damage hence I twisted my wrist and put it in a reverse grip as a I thrusted my knife into its chest.

It breathed heavily and howled as it kicked me away which forced me to roll on the floor and dodge out of its way.

'Ow.' I grunted.

I shifted my vision back towards it and replayed our individual selves in my mind.

I refuse to use Lancer, so she's out of the tool-box. Ehwaz, Gradation Clone, Flash Air and Reinforcement are the tools I have right now. Meanwhile, it needs oxygen to breathe given how I pierced it's lungs and it's heavy breathing, it's fast but surprisingly weak – probably due to unlocked limiters – and it's not that intelligent.

A plan formulated in my mind. 'I'll try it.'

It dashed towards me and I rolled back as I used Gradation Clone to create a standing copy of myself and then I used Reinforcement to strengthen its existence to give more than a moment to me then I used another Gradation Clone and wrote an Ehwaz Rune to strengthen my knife using Gradation Chalk – ignoring it easily slash apart my other self easily and continue onwards to me – I then rolled out of the way and – wastefully – used Reinforcement on the entirety of my knife to fully sever an arm.

It howled in pain as blood spurted out. A pleasant surprise, it gave me a moment to shift to its back and dig my knife into its back and swipe horizontally to sever it's lungs as I then promptly jaggedly pulled my knife out of its rib and pulled back before it landed with its other arm. I walked back with a fast but steady pace and observed it.

It was still screaming.

Blood was still bursting.

It's red eyes glared onto me.

I raised my knife in retaliation as it darted towards me... but failed. It failed. Seems like oxygen was more useful to it than officially known because it fell halfway during the sprint.

I waited for it to run out of oxygen. Once I was sure it stopped breathing, I used Flash Air to transfer my Tora Shinai to my hand and began to whack it's corpse until it was unrecognizable.

Afterall, always double tap... Five times.

After a while, I stepped back and let my beating heart calm down.

'Perfect, I'm more calm and cautious.' This was a benefit. I sighed and sheathed my knife and shinai after cleaning them with a Gradation Cloth.

I sighed again and refocused my attention on my surroundings. I was on Shirou Emiya's backyard, near his shed.

"Good work." Lancer remarked as she was casually just watching me from the roof. Being congratulated feels disgustingly sweet, but I'll take it.

But... "You really need new clothes." I blatantly stared at her exposed panties with a trademark deadpan.

Her face flushed, but that wasn't my problem.

I entered fate/stay night's protagonist's workshop and picked up a pipe that could serve as a better weapon.


'Honestly, Tohsaka would probably have more useful items but I have no idea how it would look other than a mansion and I'm not bothered to ransack every mansion in this city for one.' I remarked as I re-entered the room I originally wanted to enter and... It was Kiritsugu's honouring room. Japanese people really have a thing for honouring the dead, huh? Although, I'm pretty sure every culture has their own version I've never noticed any in England other than parading a casket around the city. I searched the room and found a few things.

One was a letter directed to Illyasviel Von Einzbern from Kiritsugu. Could be used as a catalyst. Also I found a gun and 8 bullets. The bullets are supposed to be deadly to Magi if I recall... probably makes their magic inactive or something.




I'll need Structural Analysis if I wanna replicate something this complex, I pocketed one bullet and inputted the seven others.

'Hey, you know how to shoot a gun?' I contacted Lancer as it was worth a try.

'I'm a Lancer.' Oh okay 'But I can shoot guns.' She confirmed as I told her to come to my location. I handed the gun to her and she took it.

"There's seven bullets; they disrupt magic." I informed and she nodded as she reconfigured the bullet order.

"Lets head back." There were a lot of gains.


And then... There were only two hours left.

"We have 2 hours of free time left, do what you want." I informed and she nodded.

'What should I do?' My cautious nature is making me more receptive and adaptable. 'Guess I'll learn to be specific with my Reinforcement.'

I entered the boy's room and sat down on his bed.

I decided to reinforce a knife's blade and not the whole blade. After around a whole hour of work later, I could be more specific with the distribution of mana.


"Good enough." Next would be to use Reinforcement on living creatures.

'Lancer, it's snack time.' I informed her and she arrived. I took a bar of chocolate mints out and halved it with her. I used Gradation Clone to create a cloth and ate mine.

She raised an eyebrow "You don't really like eating healthy, huh?"

Well, she's not wrong but not right either. I don't like anything in particular since I can barely taste the flavour, I can only make out the texture and temperature and chocolate has a nice smooth texture with a warm temperature.

I don't think I can fully process the taste of the chocolate...

"I find it hard to taste things, but I enjoy the texture." I replied and she took a thoughtful expression.

And then there was silence.

There's around an hour left of free time.

"Anything you like specifically?" She asked and... there's only one thing I had in mind.

"Reading, but more specifically books about Arsène Lupin." Her face shifted surprise.

"I wouldn't expect that from you." She looked intrigued.

"Why?" I asked.

"You look and behave like the type of person who doesn't care for justice or charismatic things." She responded and... I could see where she was coming from because truthfully I don't and do. "Someone satisfied with the status quo."

"I guess you could say that 'justice' as a concept is skewed hence I like Arsène whom enacts his own form of 'justice' and thus presents the idea of different interpretations of the same concept. That and he's a fucking badass who goes against people of higher authority with sass, guts and blatant charismatic gall." I found myself inadvertently smiling. I don't smile with my heart that often. "Also I don't necessarily like or dislike things with charisma, but I'd like to personally stay away from anything charismatic."

"Why?" This woman asks a lot of questions...

"Simply put, I hate change. I hate my own thoughts being used, altered and configured to someone else's pleasure." I spoke with annoyance and hatred. "New things, I don't mind but personally changing me is an entire different story."

She nodded as if in confirmation with my thoughts.

And I continued "As for the status quo... well, love to break it to you but I'm too lazy to challenge any form of status quo."

"What?" I think she heard me wrong.

"Simply put, I hate putting effort in things." I replied. "Probably because everything I achieve will all vanish away after my death."

She sternly replied "No, it won't vanish."

I begged to differ "If I can't experience it then it might as well have vanished."

She neutrally replied "That's quite selfish of you."

I smiled my usual smile, the fake one "Good, I'm a selfish person. I'm neither a hero nor a villain, I'm just selfish."


After that low-scale argument we both fell into a silence. Wait... this felt like a persona styled conversation in which I'm the confidant and she's the silent protag with a few words dialogue.

"What about you?" I inquired "What's your story?"

Her eyes diluted – as if reminiscing – and uncomfortably opened her mouth to the point even I could realise it.


Thus there was silence "Thanks." She thanked me for some reason.

"I know I've been asking a lot about you whilst giving next to nothing about myself." She informed as I nodded. I don't particularly care anyway. "Just... give me time."


After that we waited till the amount of free time was up.



And thus, I was observing them. Mashu seemed to have gained a metaphorical light, whilst Olivia and Rikka were cautiously observing the surroundings. Oh, and also I think I see their newest summon. It looks like a long-haired blonde (tied with a black ribbon behind her) with emerald eyes in a white and silver armored dress. Probably a Saber.

Huh, I wonder if they still remember me?

My consciousness stalked them as they moved and I observed their lips as they talked. I could make out most of their conversation as they talked about the corrupted grail and Caster Cu Chulainn was busy explaining to the rest of the party that the corrupted Saber is being protected by an Archer.

Eventually they reached the part in which Archer – Future Shirou – interrupted them with an arrow as Cu defended them with a smirk. Cu turned to them and told them to go on ahead as he batted away an arrow.


'Get ready.' I informed Lancer as I switched my third 'room' off and on.

'Got that.' She nodded and hid herself somewhere far away.


Erice honestly found this situation quite baffling at first. HER of all people, made into a Servant – well technically a Semi-Servant but still – she whom had the sole-role of hunting down Servants had now been assigned by literally Alaya herself to hunt even more Servants. Oh, joy... The dread spirits within her blood were practically laughing at her misery.

Her master, was a troubled person. Afterall, what novice magus goes against a phantasmal species just after learning a few basic spells and a few days of actually learning Magecraft?! And what's worse is that he has such a depreciating view of himself and the world, even she didn't have one nearly as bad. He doesn't care about his own life, he always mentions terms to bring himself down such as "like me" or 'I think" and just shrugs his problems away simply because he feels that he is too lazy to deal with them, because 'yes' she could hear some of his inner thoughts spark out. It was truly a surprise to hear that he liked Arsène – someone she had personally met before – when their personalities are complete opposites.

She sighed as she observed the two servants of blue and red duke it out.

The blue servant wore a blue robe designed for winter which had fur in its hood and he wore a black shirt. His clothes wore embroidered in gold lines and his toes stuck out from his sandals. He carried a wooden staff which was golden near the top which complemented his long blue hair (which had tribal accessories) and his red eyes.

The red servant's clothes were torn but remnants die what it used to be still remained on his trousers. He had steel-grey eyes, tanned skin and silver hair. There were purple veins popping out of his skin on his left.

She observed them both for a clear weakness in their guards. The two servants were Caster Cu Chulainn and Archer Emiya.

'Good thing it isn't Assassin Emiya.' Assassin Emiya was troublesome to take down.

Caster Cu's weaknesses were as followed: Uses his staff as a spear, not as physically fit as his other iterations and over-reliance on magic. The amount of mana he spends on increasing his physical ability makes it harder for him to actually put big spells in use. Though, his strengths were the magnitude of spells and his craftiness.

Archer Emiya's weaknesses were as followed: his limited reserves, lack of stable fire power and he's extremely tired. Strengths: stupidly adaptable and can use a weapon for almost any occasion.

Erice observed the situation, waiting for a moment in which they both showed weakness. Her cold blue eyes scanned for any flaws or weaknesses.

And there it was: Archer held Caster from behind and held a white falchion-like dagger to his throat. Bakuya, if she was correct.

His sides were left defenceless which was the perfect time to strike.

Erice lifted her finger and formed a finger-gun. Her own specialised Gandr which imitates the Demon Hunter Of Bohemian legend, Samiel. "Freischütz."

Three concentrated purple bullets crashed onto Archer as each bullet progressively became stronger.

Cu jumped behind her as Erice looked at him. "Leave this to me." She calmly replied with her cold eyes and he simply nodded.

"Hoh? A Lancer?" Emiya glared at her like a hawk with his steel-grey eyes "And... you're not part of the other party?"

His silver hair fluttered as blood marred his visage "Who are you?"

'Master, what should I do?' Erice asked for confirmation.

'Hmm...' She heard a youthful hum 'Ask him if he's willing to gain revenge against the person who caused all this mayhem.'

"Are you willing to obtain vengeance against the person who started all this anarchy? All these innocent lives lost?" Erice tried to appeal to his more kinder side.

"I'll defend Saber..." Emiya – even in his beaten and battered garbs – murmured and the battle re-started again as he observed Erice's figure.

'Looks like he plans on fighting.' She informed her Master.

She heard another useful murmur.

'Subdue him and offer it again; keep offering till he accepts.' Her Master informed her.

'And if he doesn't?' She inquired.

'Take him out of the picture.'

She could get behind that considering the circumstances...

She wouldn't attack first because that would advantage him too much. EMIYA was always the type of servant you didn't want to give too much away or else you would definitely fall. Luckily, he can't gather too much information from her spear thanks to her enchantment.

"Tch." EMIYA clicked his tongue and darted forward towards her.

They clashed their weapons together – neither aiming to one-up the other.




She needed to break the flow somehow... She observed the gaps in his fighting style. During their continuous clash she integrated some Freischütz shots but she always reloaded before the final shot.

Their fighting styles were quite similar. She used the knowledge she had to exploit weaknesses and if she didn't have the knowledge then she would go on to obtain it. He did the same. Though, a notable difference would be their adaptability and fire-power.

Her Master clearly needs this servant for something, so she can't use the Dread Spirits in her blood because that would just 'blacken' him even further till he dies.

She used Reinforcement to enhance her physical capabilities and attacked him even further. He was beginning to become more wounded and wounded simply because he was already exhausted.

"Tch." EMIYA clicked his tongue and jumped back.

'Tell him we don't plan on making him attack Saber but rather the one who desecrated Saber and the war.' Her Master ordered her.

"We don't plan on making you attack Saber; we plan on making you attack the one who corrupted her." She spoke aloud.

"Who is 'we'?" EMIYA inquired.

'Master?' She inquired as she heard him hum in his head.

'Hmm....' Then he spoke up 'Let me handle this.'




Someone walked out the temple. It was her Master. No, it was a projection? And illusion? She couldn't feel her Master from it but she could feel a part of her Master in it.

Her Master was clad in a businessman's attire, his eye length black hair, glasses and a grey scarf along with a bag strapped behind him.

"Me." Her Master said aloud with his hand which should contain her command seal in his pocket.

"Hmm?" EMIYA probably analysed his with magic and found that he was just a projection "Explain."

His stable voice spoke up again "Simple really; the one who fucked up this timeline is gonna appear later. Although, what I wanna know is if you will assist us or not."

He growled "I will protect Saber..."

Noble sighed "I'm not saying for you to attack Saber I'm saying for you to attack the one who corrupted Saber."

EMIYA took a moment to decide.


Her Master spoke up "After Saber is defeated by the other party, he will appear to kill one of their companions because her being alive will be a nuisance to him."

"After Saber is defeated?" EMIYA's eyes pierced her Master.

"It won't be that you weren't protecting her but rather you were busy protecting her from any further harm." He negotiated. "After the Grail is taken she will return to the Throne as this singularity will collapse and thus not only have you 'protected' her... you could say you 'saved' her too."

EMIYA closed his eyes to think.

'What do we do if he insists in combat?' She asked Noble.

He responded 'Take him out; we've tried long enough and the blue servant has already gone to help Rikka and the others.'

EMIYA sighed.

"Fine. I'll save her..."


"Got it..." Noble muttered.



I formed a temporary contract with the Future-Shirou. After our scuffle, Lancer carried me and led both of us to the Grail Site. It was past a bunch of dead trees and it seemed to be a coliseum of dirt and metal.

Now, obviously we didn't go through the entrance but we climbed on the top of it.

"WICKERMAN!" They heard from the insides.


And they observed from the top as Saber – or rather the future version of Rikka's Saber – which was dressed in black armour and had draconic golden eyes was subjugated.

We heard a conversation between the Altered Saber and Cu Chulainn.

"In time you will come to understand Ireland's Child of Light... Grand Order." She glanced at us for a moment "The battle for the Grail War has just began." Her body began to fade into glimmers of light.

I supplied more of my MP to Future-Shirou to keep him safe from vanishing just yet.

"Wait!" Cu Chulainn – now top-less – reached his hand out only to realise  he too was beginning to fade away.

He sighed and turned to Rikka's party "Next time summon me as a Lancer, kid."

Rikka shook her head "I'd prefer to summon you if I'm honest."

He grinned "Heh, thanks."

Cu Chulainn then turned towards me and winked.

What was he insinuating for me to do? I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

After they both vanished... an ominous presence radiated the area.




"My... I would have never had thought that you would've made it this far... Well done, Master Candidate Number: forty-eight..." A man near the Grail walked towards it and blocked the party. "Truly, you have survived like the cockroaches you are..."

'Heh, he said "cock" lol.' Was the abrupt thought that appeared in my mind. I'm such a child lol.

'Master, please be serious.' Lancer admonished whilst Future-Shirou shook his head.

'Out of spite: no.'

"Lev? Lev! You're alive! Lev! It's me!" Olivia seemed to be in disbelief as she approached him.

Lev wore a green suit and a top-hat as well as long brown hair that dangled past his shoulders.

'He looks like a fucking leprechaun...' I muttered in my head and I felt Future-Shirou nod at that.

"A~h..." The leprechaun drew out his own sound of disbelief as he stared in disbelief "And you... Olga Marie Animusphere... you were truly troublesome."

Olivia stopped in her tracks as she murmured one word "What?"

"I planted the bombs right under your feet and in sheer happenstance two members of the A-team took the hit for you. One lost an arm and one was merely knocked out..." Olivia's eyes widened in disbelief "And to prove me wrong even further beyond... you somehow gained an affinity for Rayshifting! You must be feeling ecstatic... The moment you were destined to die, you didn't. How troublesome." He shook his head as if disappointed.

"L-Lev...?" She murmured again in disbelief.

"This is an unforeseen element of the project that goes beyond what my tolerance allows..." He monologued.

"You're..." Rikka murmured

"Professor Lev...?" Pinkette muttered.

"I am quite furious right now..." Lev spoke aloud "Romani, I told you to come to the control room right away." He sighed "I might as well make up for some of my... mistakes."

He glared at Olivia "You dedicated your entire life to Chaldea; it only serves you right to show what's happening."


He snapped his fingers and a hole in the sky appeared which showed a red orb being circled by a bunch of ovals. Kinda looked like a dynamo...

"T-that can't be... that's... that's an illusion, right Lev? It's just a virtual image, right Lev? It's not real, right Lev?" She asked in rapid succession.

'Ugh, her disbelief is so fucking annoying. It's been made clear that he's already an enemy.' I spoke aloud in my head.

'Hmm... I can agree that she's quite distraught, Master.' Lancer nodded as well whilst Future-Shirou seemed ready to tear Lev a new hole.

I sighed 'EMIYA, get ready to throw your best at him.'

'Got it.' He replied back.

"It's the real thing. I linked space-time just for you – be honoured. Even with the Grail, this is possible." He smiled "So take a look, Scion of the Animusphere family... This is the fate of your family's lunacy."

He picked up Olivia with telekinesis as she struggled "W-what are you?!"

He smirked even wider "As this is the end... I'll make your wish come true..."

'Time to act.' Lancer informed me and I nodded.

"Archer, I command you to use everything you have to kill Professor Lev whilst obtaining the Grail for us if possible." I commanded and he nodded as he jumped right into the fray.

They (the party and Lev) heard my voice as they turned in our direction.

"You're alive!" Rikka exclaimed aloud with shock.

Archer opened his mouth as he was a moment away from Lev who simply glanced towards him.

Lancer merely dropped me to the same plane as the others whilst I ordered her to remain on the top.

'Remember, shoot Lev in the heart with the gun when you can.' I reminded her of the plan and she nodded.

"I am the bone of my sword..." He required more MP... Okay. "Steel is my body and fire is my blood..." He still wanted more? Okay...


Lancer fired a bullet towards Lev who was focusing in Future-Shirou's attack. Great because he was distracted, bad because she missed his heart and instead pierced a lung. He dropped the Grail and Lancer picked it up – it looked like a golden ball of light.

"I have created over a thousand blades, yet these hands will never hold anything..." He STILL wants more?! Okay... "So as I pray..." And he wants a tiny bit more... Okay. "Unlimited Blade Works!"

And suddenly they both vanished into another hole in the sky which depicted a barren land of swords with cogs filling the dusty sky.

I turned towards both Olivia, Rikka and Pinkette. They all clearly wanted to say something... "Roman, pull us out already."

"Roger that."

I sighed as I felt my consciousness begin to fade.

This rayshifting is bullshit.


Did I just spend the entire time here trying to put a stick up Lev's metaphorical ass just because I was spiteful that he nearly killed me?


Sounds like something I would do...