
A Gorgeous Villain's Märchen

Elysabeth was born into a family rich in history and culture. Unfortunately they lived as neighbours to humanity's greatest threat. Demons and monsters from the continent Agrax. In order to truly assume the throne, and lead the city of Vledburg back to its former glory, she'll have to face off against a threat she can't begin to comprehend.

Lucas_Klassen · ファンタジー
1 Chs


The Stewarlight family dynasty was long and prosperous, spanning generations of Kings and Queens. Every part of the family, even the most disconnected, ruled some land or had political authority of some kind. My father, King Micheal the second, ruled over the city of Vledburg, a critically important location neighbouring the demon continent known as Agrax. Due to our proximity, we were constantly under high alert for sieges. Death was common, too common. When my sisters and myself were young, we were taught not to grow too attached to anyone outside of our immediate family. At the time I didn't quite understand what that meant, but now I know better than anyone how devastating this never ending war can be.

After I'd turned 16, the air within the castle walls started to grow tense. My father, who was usually quite lively, even during the worst of times, had locked himself in his study. Only allowing a few of his generals access. For nearly a week, no members of the royal family had heard anything of what was going on beyond those doors. Any time we'd ask one of the generals what was going on they'd simply ignore us, hardly even giving us the time of day.

Eventually he would leave his study, however he seemed like a completely different person. His eyes were sunken in, hair ruffled and unkempt. The odour was horrendous, enough to make you keep your distance. All he said was that he wished to address all the people of Vledburg, as soon as possible. After a quick bath and a shave he got himself ready to address his subjects.

I was beyond nervous, not many people knew to what extent had happened over the last week. I was worried not only for the people of Vledburg, but also for our family. Whatever caused such an odd event couldn't be good.

"People of Vledburg!" King Micheal yelled, his voice echoing across the crowded foyer. "I stand before you today with news from a scouting party, news that I never wished to give you. We believe that an army, larger than anything we have faced before, is making their way here from Agrax."

You could hear people in the crowd muttering to themselves, others seemed to be reciting prayers. This was the news that I feared most. After all the hardships that our people faced, all the hard work ensuring the safety of our people, all for nothing.

"Those of you that wish to leave, I ask you do so as soon as possible. If you wish to stay, head to the barracks. I will be praying for all of your safety."

The muttering turned into chaos, those that wished to leave began running towards the exit. Micheal looked utterly defeated. You could tell this was the last thing that he wished to be doing, he didn't have to say a word yet it was obvious exactly what he was thinking.

"I believe that its only right that I stay and fight with the soldiers, what might people think of a king that abandons their people in the face of their greatest threat." I wanted nothing more than to tell him to come with us, yet nothing I could say would change his mind. Dying a hero or living as a coward.

Withing the week we were packed and ready to leave. Micheal told us to head to a family villa far off in the mountains to the east. We had one last opportunity to say our goodbyes, then we left. The entire trip was quiet, nobody really wanted to talk. The thought that, at this very moment, our father could be risking his life in what was essentially an unwinnable battle shook us to our very core.

"Do you... do you think he's ok?" My sister Ryia asked, breaking the silence.

For a moment I thought about what to say. What did I really think happened to him? "I'm sure hes doing just fine." Ryia seemed happy to hear my response, yet in my mind I was doing nothing more than lying. It was almost guaranteed that had the war started, our father would inevitably be dead.

After a few more days on the road we eventually made it to the family villa. We unpacked, got comfortable, then began the long wait for news from the front lines. And wait we did, it took nearly a month to get the first letters about how it was going in the castle. Father said that moral seemed high, yet so was the tension. Every day the demon army grew closer, it was now inevitable that they would engage within the next few weeks. He finished it off saying that should we not hear back for some time assume that he died, requesting that we spread his name along with the other soldiers around as heroes.

It hurt my soul just thinking about the letter. He seemed too content with the idea of his death, it almost made me jealous. I still couldn't let go of the idea that he would be fine. The anxiety and depression would have killed me first had it not been for the hope of receiving the next letter.

And so we waited.

One month, two, three. To say that the depression I was feeling was kicking my ass would be an understatement. It had been so long since we last heard back, every day that would go by was another chance that he was dead. Growing more and more likely the longer we waited. However, after five months of waiting we did eventually receive a letter. Everyone gathered around to see what it had to say.

As I pulled the paper out of its container, the shock of the first few words hit me like a truck.

'King Micheal has died in action...'

Before reading anything else I simply placed the letter down on the small table in-front of me. Nobody said a word. Without giving it another thought I simply got up from my chair and left the room.

I couldn't help but ugly cry. So much of how I act and treated others was because of Micheal, he was my hero. Yet now I would never get to see him again, all that I have left are memories. I took a few hours to simply be alone, after everything that's happened, I thought that I at least deserved this.

Once I was feeling a little bit better I returned to the living room, everyone was still sitting around quietly sulking.

"Elysabeth, thank-goodness you came back. You should really read the rest of the letter!" One of the maids said, handing me the letter. Without much thought I read through the rest of the letter, most of it was generally uninteresting, except for the last part.

'...As of the 5th of the second season, Elysabeth shall be declared ruler of all that is under King Micheal the seconds authority.'

I was so shocked that I couldn't think of what words to say. Everyone in the room was staring at me, as if to ask, what next? I was lost in deep thought, I knew that I would eventually be the next ruler, only it felt way too soon. Micheal should have gotten the opportunity to live a longer life, dying in comfort. Yet we were in war times, now was not the time to sit idly by.

"We will return to Vledburg, ensuring the legacy of King Micheal the second is never forgotten!"