
Chapter One

A young guy with silver eyes and long curly white hair could be seen in a lawn, weilding a wooden sword and swinging it around without any skill or finesse, just haphazardly. A middle aged man with a wooden cane in hand glares at the figure in disgust, his hand tightening on the wooden cane.

"How worse can you get?" The middle aged man asks irritated, he takes a step towards him holding up the cane.

Well, I should introduce myself but I'm quite sure you should know me already. I am the young handsome looking guy if I must add and it's not that I don't know how to wield a sword properly I'm just too bored to be doing that now, and the middle aged man well he's my father. In this existence to be exact.

What do you mean by in this existence? Well let me see how to explain this without completely confusing you. I am a God.

No shock, No surprise, No eyes widening- well not like I was expecting any of that, but yeah I am a god and not just any ordinary god, I am the god of this world and countless others and I have just decided to take a vacation in one of my worlds.

Today is supposed to be my birthday, I'll be 18 today but in reality over infinity years of age, just think of how long your world has been existing and multiply it by infinity. Back to what's happening currently.

My so called dad has been trying to teach me how to properly wield a sword ever since I was 8 but I just refused to learn, it's so mundane and old when I could easily snap my fingers or have a thought and all my enemies would seize to exist. However I've decided not to be that Over powered seeing that it makes my vacation extremely boring so why not just behave like a normal human and see how things go for now.

"I should teach you a lesson, Get over here." My dad motions for me to move closer to him, but ofcourse I won't, no sane child would do that.

"I've been trying, maybe being a sword user isn't just my thing." I complain. I thought the frown on his face couldn't get any deeper but it just did.

"How dare you! My family legacy is what you're calling a thing." He draws out the sword hidden in his wooden cane. There's no way he'll use the sword on me right? I am omniscient and I should probably know, but what's the fun in knowing everything that will happen.

"You aren't planning on using the sword on him right?" My mom said behind me, coming out to the lawn glaring angrily at my dad.

"Your worthless son, called my family legacy a thing. He needs to be taught a lesson." In a flash, he was infront of me swinging the sword down on my head.

The sound of metal hitting metal is heard as my mom stood infront of me blocking the attack.

"What the hell! Jerry!" She yells at him as I take a step back. Wow I never knew he'll go that far, maybe I should start using a bit of my powers now.

"Step away woman." Jerry, my dad, glares at me.

"Silver inside now!" My mom orders. I nod meekly and turned back walking back into the house.

I could hear them arguing outside as I close the backdoor. We were not very rich, we live in a two bedroom flat, my dad is a royal guard and my mom was a former adventurer but married and became a merchant, sad I know right? Leaving such an exciting life only to be selling trinkets.

I conjured up a cup of water seeing as no one was watching and had a drink.

I've been thinking of what to do ever since a clocked 18 which was some hours ago, I've been almost everything I've ever wanted to be. A hero, A demon king, An evil king, Even a dragon during my past years but you tend to tired of everything.

The backdoor opens and my dad walks in still angry but not to the point of taking my head off my body, he growls at me and enters his room slamming the door behind him.

My mom follows behind him but didn't enter the room, she grabs me by my hand and drags me out the front door. She also seems pissed but not at me, probably at my dad.

"Come on Silver, Follow me to the Merchant Hall, I'm not leaving you with this psycho today." She says as she waves down a commercial carrier wagon.

We both boarded the wagon and we were on our way to the Merchant Hall. We are in Phoenix City, the biggest and strongest city in all Empires. Every traveler, merchant, adventurer wants to come here cause of there's abundance of anything they might need here, from swords of highest quality, amulets that can increase your Mana pool to monster pet, to different skill book to learn more skills, to different Guilds and Caverns, even bars for enjoyment.

"Hope you're not injured?" Mia, my mom asks checking my body for injuries.

"I'm fine mom." I reply smiling, she has always loved me unlike my dad. He prefers my sister over me any time any day and always makes me know everyday that I'm worthless. Little does he know what I can do.

"I thought you were off today, why are you going to the Hall?" I ask curiously.

"Well Sam, your elder sister is coming home today. To take the adventurer test coming up, and I want to buy some armors and weapons for her." She explains, smiling proudly. By the way, I'm not jealous, Ofcourse a parent is allowed to be proud of their child and I have no problem with that.

"That reminds me. You should also take the test." My mom says looking at me.

"I--." I would have refused but then since I've decided to use more of my powers now, there's nothing wrong in testing them out.

"That will be good." I reply and she beams.

"Good, when your sister gets back, the both of you would go on to register for the test."

We arrived at the Merchant Hall after few minutes, The Merchant Hall is very crowded and has always been crowded, different people from different works of life are here.

We made our way through the crowds my mom pulling me along with her. I hate the Hall, different smelly people, merchants yelling at people to buy what they are selling, sometimes reaching out to touch them. The amount of irritation here is enough to make me pass out.

There are guards stationed at each corners of the hall, incase there are pickpockets or for any other unforseen circumstance.

We reach a shop were they sell swords, an old man with a very long white beard is busy polishing a sword when we arrived. On his counter are different types of sword, ranging from long to short, fancy to plain.

"Hello, whasht can I gesh you?" He speaks through his gap teeth.

"I'm looking for a long slim sword, made of adamantine." My mom asks and I turn to look at her in surprise. Adamantine is really rare and it costs alot and I'm sure we don't have that kind of money to afford it.

"Adamantine eiii?" He strokes his beard as he rummages through his shop.

"Mom?" I call out, she looks at me knowingly and pats my head.

"Your father gave me some money today and he instructed me to use all of it to buy an adamantine sword for Sam." She explains.

That selfish bastard, we've not eaten well in the house for some days now and that's cause he refused to drop money to buy foodstuffs in the house, all the while this has been hoarding money.

"Here it is." The old man brings out a long black wooden box and slowly opens it.

Inside the box is a glowing blue sword with snow design on the body.

"How much would this cost?" My mom asks.

"5 golsh coin." He replies and my eyes widen in surprise again. You might be thinking how much does a gold coin cost, well lemme explain it to you from the lowest currency which is bronze. 20 bronze coins are equal to 1 silver coin, 10 silver coins are equal to 1 gold coin. Now you can see.

"Ahh I see." My mom sighs and checks her bag until she finds a pouch filled with gold.

"Here, 5 gold coins." She drops the pouch on the counter. He smiles sheepishly and takes the pouch jingling it.

"Pleashure doing bushiness with you. I'll just help you cleashn it up and deliver it to you. Where can I see you?" He asks.

"Canerry town. Fifth house."

"I'll send someone." He says and stores the sword on a row of boxes that are most likely to also be delivered today.

A loud horn sound silenced the noise at the Merchant Hall and everyone immediately moved to either side of the hall and bowed down as a royal wagon passes.

My mom immediately pulls me down and we fell into a bow. I look up discretely and watch as the wagon passes.

"Heads down, Peasant!" A groan is heard from a commoner as a royal guard hits him.

From inside the wagon, I could see a male with red hair and a smirk on his face as he looks down on the commoner being beaten.

From the looks he is the second prince of the Royal Family, Prince Klaus.

They quickly pass through and everything returned to normal, well except for the now bloodied man in the hall which no one helps and just walks by.

I move to help him but my mom holds me back and shakes her head.

"The prince is still around and helping him up could bring us trouble. I know you want to help but not in this occasion." She explains and turns to face the old man.

"Do you have any weapon that cost 10 bronze coins?" She inquires.

"Yesg, this old twin dagger." He brings out a red dusty rusty old dagger.

"Ohh.. umm.. Silver?" She looks at me. I smile and nod. 10 bronze coins is alot of money and that's all she could afford, I'm sure she doesn't want me to feel left out that's why she's buying it.

"I'm sorry Silver. That's all I can afford." Tears wells up her eyes as she explains to me.

"It's fine mom." I say and wipe her tears, afterall I really don't need a weapon truth be told but then to appease her conscience.

We took the dagger to go and head back on our way home.