
Chapter 5

We returned back to the inn, Kyna lets out a sigh and jumped on the bed.

"It has been a long day." She says snuggling into the bed.

"Indeed." I reply sitting at the edge of the bed. Ever since the fight today, I've been thinking of the skills I should use, I wouldn't want to use extremely powerful skills as that would direct attention to me and I certainly didn't want that.

In this world, once awakened you will be able to control one or two elemental skills, along with an Inherent Skill. An Inherent Skill is your own personal skill, everyone does not have the same Inherent Skill, it might be a very weak skill for some or very powerful in others.

However, you can only have one Inherent Skill, but I'm the creator of all skills meaning I have everything and if I go ahead casting everything, people would get suspicious and I really want a low-key life.

A knock interrupts my train of thoughts, Kyna sits up and looks at me but doesn't get down to get the door.

"What? You're closer to the door." She points out.

I roll my eyes and got up to the get the door, on opening it I was pulled into a hug.

"Silver. I'm so proud of you." My mom says hugging me tighter.

"Mom.. I can't breathe."

She lets out a chuckle and let go of me, I motion for her to come in and lock the door behind her.

"Hi." Kyna greets bowing down slightly.

"Oh?" Mom looks at me then looks at her, then smiles widely. Only the gods know what's going on in her head, she returns the bow and goes to sit beside her.

"You didn't tell me you have a girlfriend already Silver, you're even sharing a bed with her, such a bad boy." My mom teases, Kyna turns red, her long fluffy ears covering her eyes.

"Mom, she's not my girlfriend. She's just a friend." I explain taking a sit on the chair.

"Is that so? What's your name?" She asks.

"Kyna ma'am." Kyna replies still blushing.

"Such a lovely lady. Nice to meet you my dear." Mom says then redirects her attention to me, the playfulness in her eyes disappears replaced with seriousness.

"I was at the arena today and noticed somethings." She starts, Kyna ears move away from her face paying attention to her.

I'm sure this is about the level of power I displayed at the arena today. That purple headed princess really pushed me to use a powerful skill.

"I didn't know you had that much power in you son." My mom says. "Since when did you start hiding things from me boy?" She asks slightly angry and disappointed.

"I'm sorry mom, I just recently made a breakthrough and you know how breakthroughs always increase the strength for a while." I lie, but it's true. After making a breakthrough you become stronger for a while then return back to base form, unless you keep on practicing you remain that way.

"That's true but a breakthrough from level three to level four doesn't really produce that much strength." She glares at me warily.

I mentally face-palmed myself and start formulating another lie. I haven't really had to lie before, I mean whatever I say always goes so this is new territory for me.

"That's cause-- He made a double breakthrough." Kyna covers for me.

"Double breakthrough?" Mom turns to look at her confused.

"Yeah, I provided him with a Five clover leaf potion that sent his Mana into overdrive and he made a double breakthrough." She explains or rather lies with a straight face.

"Oh, that makes sense. So you're in level five now." Mom smiles at me and pulls me into a hug one more time. I nod at Kyna in appreciation and she smiles at me.

A double breakthrough is uncommon but it's possible, by consuming a Five clover leaf potion which is somewhat rare, a person's Mana could make a double breakthrough cause of the amount of condensed pure unadulterated essence in the leaf, it is extremely dangerous as it can affect further breakthroughs if the person that is consuming it is not strong enough.

"Hope you're not affected in any way?" Mom asks after releasing me from the death hug.

"I'm okay mom." I reply.

"Also, I don't want you to have any sort of disagreement with the princess, you know how ruthless the royal family can be." Mom warns.

"Yes mom."

"Good boy." She pats me head and Kyna giggles.

"I will have to go now. Your father would be waiting." Mom gets up.

"Would you be coming home?" She asks.

"No mom, There's still a competition tommorow." I explain, she nods and pats my face.

I open the door for her to leave, she was halfway out when she comes in again.

"Before I forget. I watched your fight Kyna. What element do you specialize in?" She asks reaching for something in her bag.

"Air ma'am." Kyna replies respectfully.

"Here. This would help increase your ability to cast skills without a thorough drain in your mana pool. I used it when I was an adventurer also." Mom hands her a white love shaped pendant with the symbol of balance on it.

Kyna bows as she accepts it then wears it around her neck.

"Thank you ma'am."

"You're welcome dear. What about you Silver? What is your inherent skill and your awakened element?" She asks. Here comes the moment I've been dreading, I've showed fire and air elemental abilities though I can do all, then as for inherent skills I'll choose a powerful skill that has many uses, at least I'll be able to show some amount of power while still restricting myself a bit.

"My Inherent Skill is [Aether Manipulation]." I raise my hand and a royal blue swirling orb filled with all elemental types swirled around my hand.

"Wow!" My mom and Kyna said together.

"I've never heard of this before. It looks so destructive." Kyna says taking a step back as a small bolt escapes from the orb and strikes a cup on the table turning it to dust.

"Aether is the combination of all elemental types. It's very dangerous like you said and extremely powerful. Do you know how to control it?" My mom explains then asks.

"I'm getting there." I reply and close my hand making the orb disappear.

"Alright son. Becareful with it okay?"

"Yes mom." I move to hug her again and then escort her out of the room.

I shut the door behind me and let out a deep sigh, that was close.

"Aether." Kyna mutters to herself.

"Thanks for covering me up." I say to her and pull off my shirt before jumping on the bed.

"It's fine. You didn't say your elemental skills though." She points out her as she looks at my bare chest.

"Between me and you. I can do all but to everyone else only fire and air." I let out a bit of my secret to her, her eyes widens for a while then she nods in understanding. I close my eyes and begin to get comfortable on the bed.

She gets on the bed and lays beside me, staring at the ceiling.

"Can I ask you a favor?" She says after a while.

I open my eyes and turn to face her, asking for a favor is a really big deal for the beastkind.

"What's that?"

"Can you teach me an air based elemental skill?" She requests.

"What makes you think I can?" I ask curiously.

"The elemental display in the arena today and the amount of power I feel you're hiding." She says confidently.

She's smart, I'll give her that. She has earned my favor ever since she covered for me, I've always done things myself and didn't need anyone to cover for me but she stepped up to.

"I will teach you all the air skills you need to know." I accept, she beams and hugs me. We both stayed like that until she fell asleep in my arms.

The next morning, we woke up early. Kyna was excited cause I was going to train her. We ordered for food and after we were done bathing and eating we headed downstairs.

Not many people were gathered at the bar today, just four adventurers, a maid currently sweeping the floor and the old man behind the counter.

We walk over to the old man, when he saw us coming he smiles and brings out stools for us to sit. We obliged and sat down opposite him, he serves us two cup of coffee.

"On the house. It's a welcome gift from me." He says shining his crooked teeth.

"Thank you." We took a sip of the coffee, it was delectable one of the best I've ever taken in this world.

"Do you have a training center around?" I ask after I've drank half of the coffee.

"Yes ofcourse. Freya please take our guests to the training center." He orders the maid sweeping, she bows and immediately finished what she was doing before coming to us.

"Please follow me." She bows.

She led us to another section of the guild, Have I mentioned the guild is huge cause it's really huge, it's like another village on it's own. Different buildings hotels and sort for adventurers, the marketing section, the guard house, the arena, even brothels.

She led us to a wooden fenced gate across from the guard house, Two guards were stationed there armed with spears, I could already here grunts, the sound of metal on metal and explosions coming from behind the gate.

"Heyo, It's the two rookies." The guard stationed at the left said scowling at us.

"Yeah I saw one come in this morning also, they'll soon become forgotten and entirely useless." The guard at the right states.

The maid could not say anything, just bows and hurriedly left.

"You're both rude you know that right?" I say annoyed at their words.

"What you gonna do about it rookie?" The guard at the right challenges stepping up to me.

"Ignore them Silver." Kyna holds my hand easing my tension.

"Look, the slut speaks." The guard insults smirking, the guard at the left laughs and made lewd signs at her.

"[Total Paralysis]." Kyna moves forward quickly before the guard could move she hits his chest paralyzing him immediately.

"I thought we were to ignore them." I say smiling looking at the guard twitching on the floor.

"How dare you!" The second guard charges aiming his spear at Kyna. I pull her back and move infront of her.

"[Air Palm]." A burst of air spiraled out of my hand and slams into the guard sending him through the gates.

"What is going on here?" A deep masculine voice asked.

I raise my head to look at the man approaching, he has a buzz cut hair, a "X" mark on his chin, strapped to his back is a wide shield, his appearance looks rugged and rough.

"Just teaching manners to rude children." I replied.

The gates to the training center was burst open, everyone had gathered at the entrance and were looking at us, whispering among themselves.

"What did the rude children do?" The man asked staring down at us like we were pests. I hate the look on his face and if he doesn't clear it soon, I'll wipe it off for him.

"Nothing that isn't handled, now if you'll excuse me." I see no reason to explain my actions to him or anyone, I drag Kyna by her arms and was about entering through the broken gates but I felt his hand on my shoulder pressing down on it making me stop.

"I wasn't done talking." He says sending me a side way glance.

"What do you want?" Kyna asked.

"Apologize to them."

I scoff and take a step back so I'll be facing the man. With a snap of my finger I could wipe him off existence and he has the gut to touch my shoulder and act all high and mighty on me. How dare him!

"Who are you?" I ask gritting my teeth in anger.

"Garth, enforcer of rules in this training center." He replies smiling smugly.

"Very well Garth, We would certainly not be apologizing and take your filthy hands off my shoulder." I growl staring furiously at his ugly ass face.

"What did you just say?" His hands folded into a fist as he steps closer to me.

"I'm sure you're not deaf now, or are you Garth?"

Kyna tries pulling me back trying to avoid a confrontation but I was already pissed at this dirtbag and the fact that he still hasn't removed his hand from my shoulder.

"How about you testosterone filled men settle this in the training arena?" A middle aged lady from the crowd said, I turn to look at the lady and notice how people seem to stay behind her, even Garth took a nervous gulp when he heard her voice.

"That sounds nice." Garth says and finally un-hands me going into the training arena.

"Follow me boy." The old lady motions for me to follow her, the crowd cleared space for her as she pass through their middle, we follow behind her.

"You might want to sign up first before going to your fight." She says, she led us into a small building, the two female inside the building stood up at her arrival and bow down to her, she ignores them and take a seat on an old rocking chair, beside her on the floor is a small box, she pulls out two forms from the box and hands them over to us.

"I'm Martha, people call me the Witch Medic." She chuckles, the two female appeared to be scared when they heard that.

I finish signing on the form, it was just basic information and an agreement saying whatever injury is not the fault of the organization.

"Why do they call you that?" I asked curiously.

She grins and leans closer to me. "Well you'll find." Okay she unnerves me, she's just like the goddess of Fate, only I know what I was thinking when I created her, she's even more scary than the god of the underworld.

"Get out from there or are you too scared to fight?" Garth yells from outside.

"I'll rather not come out there and meet you." Martha yells back and recieved silence in response.

"Goodluck out there boy." She pats my shoulder.

Kyna and I both walk out of the building and head to the arena, my second time of being in an arena, maybe this would prepare me for the fight still happening today.

"Kyna, you said you wanted to learn Air skills. What better way to learn than by watching it in action. I'll give you the ability to see my mana pathway which would give you the idea of how to do any of the skills I'm about to show." I explain.

She nods in response, I touch her eyes and channel a bit of my Mana to her eyes which made her eyes become pure black.

I enter the arena were many people were already gathered eager to watch the fight, Garth had already changed into an armor, his large shield is now strapped on his hand, at the middle of the shield there's a glowing red gem.

"[Barrier]." A group of guards channel their Mana to the stage creating a barrier that enclosed the both of us in it.

"Garth! Garth! Garth!" The crowd chants, he smiles in adoration and waves his hand to the crown earning a louder chant.

"The only rules are no killing. Anything else goes." Martha said and we both nod.

"Very well then. Begin!"

We both circle each other waiting for someone to attack first, I wouldn't want this to end fast.

"[Shield Smash]" He charges at me and slams his shield on me, I flew back and land on the barrier hard, I must admit he's strong but that strike was too predictable.

He rushes at me again doing the same move, I move out of the way evading the strike.

He smiles and circles me, he thinks he has me scared. "[Laser Beam]." The glowing red orb shoots out laser beams, I evade most of them and release an attack of mine.

"[Air Palm]." The wind spiralled out of my hand and slams into the shield however something unexpected happened as my attack rebounds back to me, I was able to jump out of the way in time.

"That's the power of my shields [Reflect] it reflects every attack as long as I have Mana." He explains.

"Let's see you reflect this then. [Wind Slice]."

Burst of winds tore through the stage towards Garth, he slams his shield to the ground thinking he can withstand or reflect the attack but he is so wrong, the wind struck his shield and blasted him back.

"[RUSH]." Using the wind to aid my speed I rush beside him before he could recover and send a punch to his face.

He staggers back and tries to slam me with his shield but he was too slow, I side stepped and kick his back sending him forward, he turns quickly and aims his shield at me.

"[Laser Beam]." The laser shoots out of the glowing orb continuously, I dash through the stage as the laser kept emitting from the shield.

"How much of your Mana are you going to waste?" I taunt still avoiding the laser Beam.

"Bitch. [Divide]." The laser stops emitting and the shield divides so there are two shields on both hands, they were smaller this time but each has a glowing orb on it.

"[Earth Spikes]." He slams his leg on the ground and beneath me spikes erupts from the ground, I jump forward quickly but one of the spike managed to hit me on my left shoulder causing a light cut.

He smiles and charges at me throwing punches, I duck underneath a punch and return a punch of mine on his ribs, he groans in pain and tries a left hook, I block and channel mana to my free hand.

"[Compressed Air]." A spiral ball of air forms in my hand, before he could jump back I slam it in his stomach blasting him across the stage.

"[Twin Wind Blade]." Sharp swords made of wind formed on both my hands, I swing it down on him but he managed to block, I continue the flurry of attack, some connected while others were blocked.

I jump overhead and swing down, he raises his shield above his head and yells.

"[Reflect]." The shield glows as my attack connects and the impact of my attack hits me. I hit the ground hard but wasn't really injured, my wound had closed up already, all this because I am trying to restrict myself.

"Die!![Earth Prison]."

The layer of Earth opens up and seals me in a tight four walled cell with spikes on the wall.

"Smash!" The walls rush to close up on me, if it hits it's going to impale me but it's four walled it isn't five walled meaning I can still evade it.

"[Flight]." I channel wind which propelled me upwards, I guess he was waiting for me seeing as he had already aimed at me.

"[Laser Beam: DISINTEGRATE]." The laser Beam came out stronger and flies at me.

"[Tornado Shield]." I spin rapidly in air creating a tornado moving at high velocity, which deflected the laser Beam.

"It's time to end this. [RUSH]." In a burst of wind I appear infront of him and send him a punch which sends him flying. "[RUSH]." I appear behind him in mid air and send another punch to his back which sends him towards the barrier, blood dripping from his head and his arm, his clothes already ripped.

"Kyna watch this!" I yell toward Kyna that has been watching with keen attention since, she tenses up as I rush forward gathering a really large amount of air then start spinning every single particles of the air molecules randomly, turning them into small needle like wind capable of ripping anything to shreds.

"[Winds Wrath: Devourer]." I send the attack flying towards Garth, he raises his shield at the last moment but even that wasn't enough, the attack destroyed his shield ripping it to shreds and perforated his body with tiny holes which caused him to bleed profusely.

"That's Enough!" Martha yells stopping the fight.

The female at the building we registered earlier quickly came on the stage with a stretcher, the crowd had gone quiet as they just watched on too stunned to say anything, afterall their so called Enforcer just got beaten by me, a so called newbie.

"The winner is Silver." Martha announced, the crowd starts slow clapping at first but it soon turned to a loud standing ovation.

"Well-done boy." Martha pats my shoulder again and walks out with the girls carrying the unconscious Garth.

"That was so cool." Kyna said as she rushed to give me a hug.

"I learnt everything skill you did all I have to do is to practice it until I'm as good as you."

"Well since we're here you can go ahead and practice. I should rest up." I feint weakness, this small fight couldn't even take a drop out of my infinite power.

"Alright. I'll see you at the inn." She says and head off towards the training center to practice.

I noticed a presence watching me through the whole fight, they were trying their best to stay hidden and just watch me in plain sight but I could sense the amount of mana being directed at me as if trying to break the barrier hiding my identity. No one in this universe could come close to doing that but I'm curious as to why the person is trying so hard to find out.

I sense the presence again, I turn to see a flicker of a person covered with a cloak take a turn, then I decided to follow the person. Let's find out what you truly want from me.