
A Goblin's Tale

In a world full of magic, creatures of all types, and legions of dark warriors; Gheehae steps forward to lead the way to set the land of Zubyan to peace and prosperity. But who is Gheehae? A goblin? How could one of the races of most fearful conscripts of evil-doers possibly be the savior of the world? Full of being that will capture your imagination and keep you reading, A Goblin's Tale is a fantasy read you just can't miss!

Keith_St_James · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Malevolent Swamp IV

Finally, Sky spoke up and asked, "Queen, what of the other species of beings in the world? How did they, including your Pixie Clan, come into existence?"

"Ah, yes, as for us pixies, worry not. For that is a tale for another time. And for the other creatures - a wizard of the past made that happen!

The human population was growing out of control and threatening the lives of the other species! As people continued to use the animals as sustenance at an alarming rate and began polluting the lands with their refuse, the populations of the creatures were being threatened! Add to that the killing of animals for sport or fun, and a true crisis was nearly at hand!

The wizard, Ghabrale, used his great capabilities of miraculous incredulity to advance the development of various creatures throughout Zubyan. Over time, the creatures increased their brain size and power until they could reason and create as well as humans to defend themselves and keep their species alive!

Many of the animals were severely depleted and that is why Creature City was created. As a sanctuary and home for hundreds of the creatures nearly extinct! Of course, war and viciousness inflicted the creatures as well. Those that reside in Creature City are there because their homeland was destroyed and race neared extinction. This was an error in judgment by Ghabrale no doubt!"

"What of the Goblins, Trolls, Merfolk, Dragonites, and other races?" Kames asked.

"Ah, well yes, not every race developed the same way. For Goblarians and Trolls developed from animals that went extinct, just as humans evolved from apes, just as the Merfolk came from the creatures of the sea. The Dragonites, Crocodilians, and other dastardly races were created by the first wizard to take the dark path, Zephyrine!

I can sense you are thinking of the Apeonians! They are different and no one knows exactly why. For they grow on their own with no aid from magic which brings us to the question of humanity and its origins. I cannot get into that now, for the answers are vague, and what we know, or believe to know, may actually be incorrect!" the Queen answered.

"I see. And we thank you, your grace. You have given us much to ponder and much to accomplish. I only wish we could visit you again, with enough time to talk and learn more from you," Kames replied.

"Yes, and don't worry, you shall not find The Pixies here again even if you tried. There will be a day in the future when another meeting can happen," the Queen said.

"We should be on our way Queen. Again, thank you so very much. We will never forget you or this wonderful homeland where you live!" Sky exclaimed.

"The last thing before you depart from here - for Aoife, the greatest of our pixie warriors shall go with you, to be a guide and help when you need it. Take this," the Queen said as she handed Kames a glowing reddish/pinkish jar which looked to be made of magical crystal.

"I hold a home away from home for Aoife. It shall sustain her life far from here. Once she goes inside, she shall remain hidden and only come out when she deems it necessary to aid you. But keep this in your minds! If she does not return to her sanctuary and stay there for a day's time after being outside for more than a day, she will weaken and continue to weaken until she perishes. If she perishes, the Pixies become weaker! It is of the most importance that you do not lose or destroy this sanctuary!"

"Yes my Queen! She will stay safe with us, and I'm sure she will prove to be of great help in our missions!" Kames replied.

"And for you, Sky. Your power is budding and shall be vast one day! You need to stay safe, and be careful – for the dangers and darkness of this world which you shall experience can break your spirit. You are the future mother of the world's salvation!

I have here a ring for you! It is not any ring, but a ring of amazing power! Forged by the Zubian Mages, it amplifies your abilities and lets you hold twice the sorcery for twice as long as normal!" the Queen exclaimed placed the ring upon Sky's left pinkie finger.

"Now, I bid you both farewell, and wish you the best!" And with that, the Queen fluttered into the air, pouring out a bluish-green flash, and disappeared before the couple.

Aiofe reappeared before them and said,

"Come, we must go! You will find your horses healthy and strong. They were treated with special Pixie Dust that has given them five times their normal endurance and strength. They need not feed or sleep again for one year's time!"

"That is truly amazing! And we thank you and your people to the fullest for your aid!" Sky said.

The three flew out of the serine and gorgeous sanctuary and back to the humid and depressing swamplands. Once outside, Kames and Sky regained their proper size, and both felt stronger and more energetic than ever. Before them, their chargers stood, packed with their gear, with a look of vigor and might, ready to be ridden at top speeds! The couple re-armed themselves; Kames put his armor back upon his body but it now weighed much less.

"Aoife, why am I stronger and healthier now?" Kames asked.

"By casting our spell upon you and Sky to shrink and give you flight, you both gained heightened strength. You have the durability your horses hold and the lack of needing sustenance or sleep for many months. Whereas before, when the Crocodilians surrounded you and torn you apart, now you can fight through them with ease!" Aoife replied.

"That sounds tremendous! I wish for a hundred Ghoells snarling and stinking in front of me so I may demolish each one! Let's be off!" Kames announced as he opened the crystal sanctuary and Aoife flew inside. He sealed it, placed it in his satchel, and said to Sky,

"Are you ready? You have that introspective look on your face now."

"Yes. I am ready," She replied while mounting her steed.

"I am overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity and knowledge of the Pixie Clan. And it has given me new hope for our mission! Let us be off!"

Sky and Kames rode off, at an incredible speed. They knew of their whereabouts perfectly as the swampy forest suddenly appeared in their minds as if they had always known, no doubt coming from Aofie. They went with vigor toward the direction of Creature City ready to give their aid and begin their mission to save the races who were threatened by the horrid witch Hazjarid.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Keith_St_Jamescreators' thoughts