
A life of dreams!

Sitting on a grassy land of soft,tender bushes, surrounded by elegance of beautiful, delicate flowers under the roof of shiny blue sky having a full phase sun which is looking down the earth with a smile on its bright face. Accompanying them, o yes, there were huge mountains which by their tall heights were trying to make her feel their presence. Indeed, she was feeling every bit of nature's beauty by a blow of breeze striking her face.

How beautiful is every creation of God!

Would that life could be this much beautiful. O my dear heart! For what are you wishing for? She thought for a while. Then a group of imaginations and thoughts surrounded her mind again. What if there were no losses, no one has to lose her loved ones. Ahh! What if no one has to go through a phase of failures, Ahh! What if no one has to see their hopes being crushed and ruined. What if no one has to suffer hard for earning, for a piece of bread, for a peaceful sleep at night,. Ahh! What ifff!

And, suddenly, her mind was brought back to the world by the sounds of birds flying over her head. Probably,that was necessary at that time because she had to go back home to get ready for her medical college!