
A girl in the hoods

why me, why does my life have to be so hard from thinking everything will be fine to another thing maybe love is not for me. pain betrayal love confusion teenage relationship self sabotage

benedicta_45 · 若者
26 Chs

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The plans landed and we were asked to wait for the driver who was assigned to pick I and Nadia up from the airport.

We look towards the waiting car and saw one who had a name card with out names on it. We made our way to the gentleman on suit, he was young and welllooking and as usual Nadia decidetto try her charm on him but it didn't work. Atlast one person that didn't fall for her charm.

He drop us at the school gate. Finally we are here the great king's college university I have heard alot about. We made our way inside the school as a lady approach us it seembshebis the one incharge of freshman here

Good afternoon young lady, can I help you

I am Nadia Adam and she is Sophia Elison we are freshman

Ooh freshman we received you guys with good hands, do you have a room already

Yes ma

Which one dear

Room 34

Wow you must be the elite of the school to get such room

We just smiled, Nadia and the woman got along as we made our way to the room. The room was arranged with lots of outspoken colours like pink, yellow and so on it was really telling Nadia hand work. The lady help us settle in and when we were fine she handed us our keys and the school map with a guideline.

Sophia how do you like the room, rate it cousin

To be honest a four out of ten

Why, is the room not pretty enough

One, the room is colour pink and purple who does that, second the room has gilter third

Ooh it's ok have heard you, you just have a problem with the colour

Yes I do and there is nothing that can be done about it

Just chill out Sophie the colour isn't going to kill you

True, it just going to blind me

We both laughed and started unpacking out bag in the warrobe.

Later in the evening I heard a knock that the door

Who is it

It me the day of this morning

Miss Laura comd in Nadia said

So sorry to disturb, there will be a meeting shortly so please get ready

About what

To get to know about the hostel and other stuff needed to be known

Around 5:30om we heard a knock that the door again

Nadia you go get the door

Aren't you coming for the meeting

Nope I thought I will sleep over that one

Come in

Good evening miss Elison and miss Adam

How many we help you

It is time for the meeting

And who are you again

My name is Irene stone

Ok Irene we will be there in a minute Nadia said as she close the door.

Cousin we have to go for this meeting

You can go I am not going


I don't want to

Please just this one


This is our first day of school let not give this people bad impression of us

Nadia was able to convince me. I made my way to the wardrobe and pick a black short with a white shirt after dressing we joined the meeting.

Miss Laura was sitting as she address us telling us what to say when we come across some certain people and everything about the school it was more like pre orientation i got bored and pick up my phone and chatted Ralph up he took up to fifteen minutes to reply me which was so weird but I convinced myself that he is busy and something is help that is why. Nadia in the other hand seem interested in everything miss Laura had to say indeed she was enjoying every single moment till she was appointed head over freshman and what I hate the most happened.

Everybody turn in our direction to see who miss Laura was referring to. Some freshman came to congratulate her while some just stood in their various spot burning in jealousy. Then somebody spotted me

Aren't you Sophia Elison like the heir to the Elison throne

What was this girl saying which throne to start with I just had to smile than to complicate things some people bought out their phone to research on me and at that point I just wish the ground can open and swallow me I made my way back to the room leaving Nadia to enjoy her fame.

One thing of being elite you must be posted everywhere you go.

I lay down ony bed as I observed my video call with Ralph. Nadia work in few minutes with her new found bestie Irene. Nadia looks so piss as she lay down in her bed

Are you ok I ask

She is fine just a little nervous with everything that happened Irene responded

I was so angry who is this miss know it all I ask my cousin a question not her why is she the one reply

You two look very much alike how people don't mistake you for her Irene said again

They can't Nadia is the pretty ona and I am just there.

Don't think like that

I have told her that several times do you think she will listen to you

Whatever goodnight guys I said as I return to my call. Ralph got angry and ended the call I was so angry but what can I do I tired reaching out to him but he didn't answer.

I just close my eyes and pray for sleep to come to avoid overthinking but sleep refuse to come I started thinking about everything I and Ralph has been though and if it was worth it.


The next day I woke up late, I saw Nadya at the mirror stand

Cousin where you going to this early

We have orientation have you forgotten

Off course not

Indeed I had forgotten,I have gotten to use to home, I got up and freshen up. Nadia bought out a pair of trouser and t

A matching shirt with hers

Why are we wearing the same shirt

Nothing really

I don't want people thinking we are twin

It just for my Instagram page

I am serious we already look alike isn't that ok

You can pull it after the orientation Sophia just wear it

I put in the cloth and carried my hoddie the plan was to change to my Hoddie if things get worst.

We approach the hall and older guys started approaching freshman, they see us to be fresh meat. Majority were after Nadia the ones that tried to approach me I gave them that back off eyes. Nadia entertain her guest as I went to grab a chair inside the hall indeed this place was beautiful.

A Man on black suit enter the hall and everybody was silent Nadia made her way to a sit beside me

Why did you leave me

Shi.... keep quiet he is talking I said pointing that the man on black suit

The man on black suit seem young he should be in his early thirties and it was obvious he was living the best life could ever offer.

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