
Her First Argument With Her Parents

Her First Argument With Her Parents

The following day, Analise made her way to her parents' residence as they had expressed a desire to speak with her. Upon entering the house, her mother addressed her, saying, "Analise, my dear, we are concerned about you. Your fixation on Michael Myers is not conducive to your well-being." Analise, clearly annoyed, responded, "Mom, I assure you, I am perfectly fine." Her father intervened, remarking, "Honey, you rely on Michael Myers excessively." This remark upset Analise, prompting her to head towards the exit. Her mother, attempting to reason with her, began, "Analise, as your mother..." However, before she could finish, Analise shouted, "You know what, Maryanne? You're not my real mom, alright!" In a fit of anger, Analise stormed out of the house and drove away, rejecting her mother's attempts to contact her. Along the way, she noticed a cannabis store and purchased some edibles. She then stopped at a gas station and bought some bourbon. Upon arriving home, she fed her dogs a mixture of dry dog food and leftover baked chicken. For dinner, she prepared ham sandwiches for herself and Michael. Still seething with anger, she retreated to her room and began expressing her frustrations aloud, exclaiming, "How dare they claim that my obsession with Michael Myers is unhealthy? They simply do not understand." In that moment, she felt Michael Myers embrace her from behind, planting a kiss on her neck. He whispered in her ear, "I'm here for you". 

Analise turned around and passionately kissed Michael Myers, initiating a passionate encounter. Michael swiftly removed Analise's clothing, lifting her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Carrying her to the bed, Analise couldn't help but moan as Michael's tongue sensually explored her intimate area, simultaneously stimulating her with his fingers. Moving to her breasts, he tenderly sucked on them, gently nibbling her nipples. Eventually, Michael laid down while Analise pleasured him orally. In the midst of their intimate moment, she expressed her desire for anal intercourse, to which he carefully obliged, inserting himself into her anal region. The intense pleasure caused Analise to moan loudly as he rhythmically moved in and out. Gripping the bed tightly, she released a contented sigh as she felt him ejaculate inside her. Afterward, they indulged in edibles and bourbon, becoming intoxicated and euphoric. The combination of being high and drunk alleviated all of Analise's stress, allowing her to reminisce happily about the joyful moments she shared with her biological mother, Lilly, and her former companion, Coco. Analise and Michael soon drifted off to sleep, still unclothed and under the influence. 

After some time, Analise was startled by her father's voice coming from her bedroom entrance. "Analise, what on earth are you doing?" he exclaimed. Analise grumbled in response, "What are you doing here, Jackson?" He retorted, "Why in the world are you lying naked in your bed next to an older man?" Analise grumpily replied, "Because I'm an adult and I can do whatever I want." Her father then questioned her, "Are you high and drunk?" Analise angrily shouted, "Get out of here, Jackson!" as she hurled an empty soda bottle at him. He replied, "Let us know when you're ready to talk," and left, locking the door with the spare key he had. When her father arrived home, he informed her mother, Maryanne, saying, "Analise was high, drunk, and naked next to an older man in her bed. She told me to leave." Her mother exclaimed, "What? She has never done something like this before. I'm truly concerned about her. While we can't force her to change, we should at least try to help her understand that this behavior is unhealthy." Analise heard her phone buzz and vaguely noticed a text from her mom, but she chose to ignore it and went back to sleep with her dogs by her bedroom entra
