
A Night Out On The Town Ends With A Satisfying Surprise

The following day, after freshening up, getting dressed, and rejuvenating herself, Analise reached out to Ma'dam Louise to share the information she had received from her great aunt Lola. "Hello, Ma'dam Louise. My great aunt Lola informed me that my grandfather Norman was actually Norman Bates from the Psycho movie. Furthermore, the witch who brought him to life revealed to my grandmother Ana that if any of her descendants broke the tradition of falling in love with a horror movie character, the spell allowing them and their children to live normal lives would be broken for their grandchildren. Since my mother broke this tradition, I have the option to have the spell recast on my own children. Additionally, the witch created a spell that allowed my grandmother's descendants to have long lives instead of immediately joining her and Norman in the spirit world after passing away. It turns out that some of my relatives are even horror movie characters." After conveying this information to Ma'dam Louise, she responded, "That's wonderful, dear. What was your grandmother's name? Perhaps I can find out which witch she consulted." Analise replied, "My grandmother's name was Ana Bates." Ma'dam Louise then said, "Ah, yes. She's the one Countess Mary mentioned. You see, Countess Mary is the highest level within our coven, the Makov. Witches and warlocks in the Makov possess more spells and knowledge compared to other levels, such as the Bakay, which I belong to. I only have a few spells that the Makov level possesses. Therefore, if you wish to have the spell that allows future generations to grow up normally, you would need to consult Countess Mary, as she was the witch responsible for making all of this possible. She's 194 years old, yet she still appears youthful, as us witches and warlocks can live for many centuries. For instance, I am 98 years old, but I still maintain a youthful appearance. I'm just petite." Analise expressed her gratitude to Ma'dam Louise and concluded the call.

Later that evening, Sidney reached out to Analise over the phone, "Hello Analise, there's a gathering at the local ballroom tonight at 8, and I was wondering if you and Michael Myers would like to join?" Analise turned to Michael and inquired if he was interested, to which he nodded his head slowly. Analise then responded to Sidney, "Certainly Auntie, we will be there." An hour prior to the event, Michael Myers dressed himself in a tuxedo, dress pants, dress shoes, and a tie that Analise's uncle Jimmy had given him for special occasions. Meanwhile, Analise was upstairs contemplating which one of her mother's dresses she should wear. Ultimately, she decided on her mother's black seductive dress, paired with her black cowgirl boots. As she descended the stairs, she caught sight of Michael Myers licking his lips and adjusting his pants. He approached her, passionately kissed her neck, and whispered in her ear, "That dress looks stunning on you. You're going to be spoiled when we return home." They then made their way to the party. 

Upon arrival, they were greeted outside by Analise's uncle Lyle, who complimented, "You two look absolutely fabulous tonight." Once inside the venue, Sidney embraced Analise and politely greeted Michael Myers with a "Hello." While enjoying some punch with Sidney, Analise asked her, "So, does the same enchantment that prevented people from recognizing Grandpa Norman Bates from the Psycho movie also apply to our other relatives from horror films?" Sidney confirmed, "Yes, it does." Analise then expressed her uncertainty regarding whether it applied to Michael Myers, as some individuals have commented on his resemblance to the actor who portrayed him in the 2018, 2021, and 2022 Halloween movies. Sidney responded, "Ah, well, for that enchantment, you would need to request a witch to cast it specifically on Michael Myers." Throughout the night, they danced and indulged in the delectable offerings at the food bar. As the party came to a close and they bid farewell to their relatives, Analise and Michael Myers drove to a nearby lake and sat on the hood of the SUV, taking in the serene view. The sound of crickets chirping created an intimate atmosphere, prompting them to share a passionate kiss. Suddenly, a twig snapped, catching their attention. They turned towards the sound and were startled to see a man in his thirties observing them. Filled with anger at the intrusion on their private time, they confronted him. Analise swiftly retrieved her lasso from the truck, and together they approached the intruder. However, as they advanced, the man began to retreat. Determined not to let him escape, Analise skillfully lassoed him around the waist, causing him to stumble and fall backwards. Despite his attempts to explain himself, Analise and Michael were not interested in hearing his excuses. In a moment of intense rage, Analise retrieved her machete from beneath the backseat. With Michael firmly holding onto the rope, preventing the man from fleeing, Analise ruthlessly stabbed him in the chest, causing his stomach to be sliced open and his intestines to spill out. As the man's life slipped away, Analise let out a satisfied sigh and remarked, "That was truly gratifying." They then released the lasso and departed for home, leaving their most recent victim lying on the ground.

Once Analise and Michael arrived home, Michael greeted her with a loving kiss and whispered sweetly, "I promised to spoil you tonight, and I intend to keep my word. Now, let's get you out of that dress." Analise, after removing her dress and boots, lovingly touched a picture of her mother on the nightstand and murmured, "Mama, you had such good taste in dresses." Michael then took her hand and led her to the bathroom, where a relaxing bubble bath awaited her. Grateful for his thoughtfulness, Analise smiled and kissed his cheek. As she soaked in the warm bath, Michael mentioned, "I'll go fetch the rest of your surprise from downstairs." Returning with a tray of strawberries, whipped cream, crackers, cheese, and white wine, Analise exclaimed, "You're truly spoiling me." Michael set up the tray next to the bathtub, lit some candles, and sat beside her as they reminisced about their life in Wisconsin. He reassured her that he had taken care of feeding the dogs, mixing dry dog food with canned beef stew. Pouring her a glass of wine, Michael watched as Analise enjoyed the snacks. After the bath, Analise blew out the candles and waited for Michael in bed. He soon joined her, and they shared a tender, intimate moment together, choosing to cherish the night in its entirety without any distrac
