
A Gentleman for Grace

Giving up on a dream is never easy. Giving up on a partnership is even harder. But when all your decisions end in pain who would want to go on? After losing her dream and giving up on love can there really be a gentleman out there for Grace?

Cowboy_Crazy_2017 · 都市
4 Chs

01 The Ultimatum

I listened to the announcer call out the lineup for the next event. My mare blew out a breath as I rubbed her neck and ran my fingers through her mane. I jumped at a hand on my knee to hear Nathaniel laugh at me. "Calm down babe."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I let a smile span my face. "Where have you been?"

His face fell, "Sorry I missed your run. I wound up with a flat on the way here. I'll make it up to you I promise."

I leaned down to kiss him, "You're fine. It couldn't be helped."

He patted my knee. "Well I'm going to run to the concession stand. Good luck on barrels if I don't make it back to see your run."

I watched his retreating back for awhile before I turned my mare to warm back up as the tractor started for the second drag. I was 39th on the run sheet for this event, the very last run before the next drag.

My mares breath quickened as her heart accelerated when we turned towards the alleyway. She danced as I held her in check. We rode up the left side of the alley going into the arena and the closer we got the bigger she lunged, begging to be turned loose. Halfway down the alleyway I gave her her head and she turned into a black blur. I leaned up her neck driving her to the first barrel of the pattern before sitting for the turn. We cruised over and around two and just like that we were burning towards three. She turned the third barrel and we lined out, top speed back to the alleyway. I cheered inside as I pat her neck. "Good run Angel. Good run girl."

I waited in the warm up arena for thirty minutes for Nathaniel before I had to go to my trailer and switch horses. Red tossed his head and called to my mare. She returned his call and quickened her step towards the trailer and her hay bag. I stepped off and eased the bridal off her head so she could eat. I ran my hand over Red's back and belly to check for dirt and stickers before I pulled my saddle from Angel's back to transfer it all to his. I slipped Angel's halter onto her head between bites of hay and then set to tightening all the girths and straps on Red. I crouched to take off all of Angel's boots and dropped them into their bucket one by one before I opened the tack room to replace Angel's bridal on its proper hook and pull Red's down. The bucket of boots went into the far corner to be swapped for my rope bag before I came out and locked the door back.

I went to hang my rope bag on my saddle horn but squealed as someone picked me up from behind. Hearing the deep, familiar laugh I growled, "Put me down Dakota!"

"I don't know. It's kinda funny seeing you squirm squirt." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"So help me Dakota, I'm going to kill you one of these days."

He finally dropped me with a small laugh, "Ha, you could try darling."

He leaned up against the trailer as I coaxed Red into opening his mouth to take the bit. "Saw your runs this morning. You did good."

I shrugged, "They could have been cleaner."

He gave me a look, "You were tenths of a second from taking the whole show. I'd say that's pretty darn good."

He rolled his eyes when I just shrugged again. Making fun of me he shrugged his shoulders and gave me a dumb look. I couldn't not laugh, and as soon as he got that little chuckle out of me he smiled. "Hey, I've a...oh hey, I just remembered, I forgot something at my trailer. I'll catch ya later Grace."

I looked over my shoulder to see what had caused him to stop mid sentence and saw Nathaniel making his way over. I turned to ask him what he was going to say but he was already on his gelding, Sage, making his way back to his trailer.

I couldn't help but sigh. My best friend and my boyfriend had never seen eye to eye.

"Oh John Wayne didn't want to stick around?"


He laughed, "I know, he's never shot a bad guy in his life. Bad comparison"

"I don't see why y'all just can't get along."

Nate towered over me at 6 foot tall and he used that to his advantage as he stressed his point with a stern tone. "I don't like you hanging out with him so I'm sure not gonna encourage yalls friendship. I've seen how he looks at you. His intentions aren't as pure as yours."

I withdrew a bit and spoke softly as I reassured him. "Nate, he was around long before me and you. If he wanted to make a move on me he would have. He's my best friend. Plus don't you feel safer for me when I travel knowing I've got someone watching my back?"

He shrugged. "I guess." He grabbed me by the waist and smiled, "you could always give up this cute little pipe dream and move into a cozy little apartment with me."

I leaned into his chest. "I'm doing too good this season. I'm finally wining enough to ride the circuit in a serious way.

He pulled back and kissed me "you can't want to do this the rest of your life though. Just think about it, finish this season. I'll be here waiting. I've got to go though, duty calls. Good luck, stay away from Casanova. I mean it this time. I'm not gonna fight for your attention. It's him or me."

I sat down on my trailer fender after he disappeared. The ultimatum had come. Rodeo or Nate. Nate or Dakota. My passion or my dream of a family. I pet Reds nose as he nudged me. "Oh baby I don't know what I'm gonna do."