In a world where Voldemort never rose to power you could really see how much devastation he brought into the world. The Harry Potter books never went into exact detail about the number of students per year, or the total in the school, but in the movies it seemed to be around forty per class.
Now it seemed we had about double that, and I knew that Hogwarts wasn't even the only magic school in the UK. Six more schools dotted the UK and in total they had around double Hogwarts population. That was about two hundred and forty total witches and wizards per year, and it brought the total population of the UK's Wizarding World to almost forty thousand.
Hogwarts accepted only those with high magical power, and the main scions of houses.
How the fuck would the ministry allow one man to kill twenty thousand citizens over the course of his reign of terror? Half of their population?
The eyes of hundreds of witches were upon me. The pull of allure showed me where Fleur was and I gave her a quick wave. She smiled at me before I had to walk past to be at the front. Then I scanned the head table and froze.
When thinking about Hogwarts I never really thought about the teachers other than what they were in the books. But the gender difference made it all different. Outside of the genial Dumbledore, who looked plumper than I would have thought, and Hagrid, every other teacher was female. There was no Snape or Flitwick, or whatever rendition of DADA teacher. There was the dark skinned dreamy Professor Sinistra, the mousey Professor Vector, the studious looking Professor Babbling, and of course Professor McGonagall, the thick Professor Sprout, the matronly Madam Pomfrey, the already drunk looking Professor Trelawney, hawk eyed Madam Hooch, and a few more.
One was easily recognizeable as Bellatrix Lestrange, or perhaps Black in this case. Another was an unknown woman, she looked to be either middle eastern or perhaps native american. Then there was a woman with burning red hair and bright emerald green eyes.
Lily P-
Lily Evans.
She smiled down at the new students and I had never seen such a friendly, bright smile before.
Professor McGonagall took out a stood, placing the dingy hat on top.
"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
I tuned out the rest, realizing it was the same as the original first year.
"When I call your name you will come up to be sorted… Abbot Hannah."
The bouncy blonde with pigtails leapt onto the stool, a smile on her freckled face and was quickly sorted into Hufflepuff. Two more girls went, one to Gryffindor and one to Ravenclaw.
"Calypso Black."
A tall girl with wavy black hair and storm grey eyes trugged up the steps, letting the thinking cap cover her scowling eyes. Was she Sirius' daughter? Or maybe Sirius wasn't born in this world, could of been Regulus' or maybe one of the female Blacks daughters who took on the family name to act as heir until a boy was born.
For almost three minutes we watched until finally the brim of the hat opened and it yelled "SLYTHERIN!"
Calypso stood throwing the hat onto the stool and scowling at it, then she smirked at Bellatrix then regally walked to the table on the far left. Well that was a myriad of reactions.
Susan Bones, a busty redhead followed Hannah, and Boot became a Ravenclaw like Neville had said. His sorting was followed by the loudest cheers yet, and a few sad groans from the other three tables.
Tracey also took a while, but eventually she was sent over to Slytherin. She winked at me before skipping over to the table of snakes.
"Gaunt Reigis."
Like with Boot there was more tension in this sorting, but I'm pretty sure most of them knew where I would end up.
I think you'd make a really good Hufflepuff. The hat said into my mind. You are all about loyalty and you are willing to work hard for those you care about.
Put me in Slytherin or I will rub Erumpet pheremones on you and watch it fuck you to pieces.
I smiled, standing and moving to the Slytherin table. They were more subdued in their cheering than the other houses, but I could still feel the tingle of excitement in many of the girls. I sat next to Tracey, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"That was pretty quick. I guess the Sorting Hat didn't have anything to say?" Tracey asked.
Calypso who sat across from us looked interested in the conversation.
"Yeah, it thought I really embodied Salazar's values," I said.
Calypso scowled at that.
"Nice to meet you," I said to the girl. "Reigis Gaunt. Son of Richard Gaunt and Peseria Nott."
While wives did take their husband's names, they also kept their own last names. It helped in families where it was inappropriate to call your step-mother by their first name.
"Calypso Black. Daughter of Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon."
I watched as Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor. When I first read the books I was confused as to why she wasn't a Ravenclaw. Then I remembered that she kidnapped Rita and put her in a jar to blackmail her. Then she tried to force house-elves to be free by sneaking them clothes. What a woman.
"Eying up prey already?" Daphne said, sitting on my other side, her uniform changing to green and silver.
"Yup, lots to eat up. Two ain't enough," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek as well.
"Speaking of eating I'm already stuffed from the appetizer on the train," Tracey said, rubbing her tummy.
"What appetizer? The trolley goes through pretty early," Calypso said, then she saw the blushes marring myself and Daphne's face and her eyes went wide. "You-"
"Saved food from home that had heating charms yes, yes she did," I said quickly. "Her mother is a cook, damned good one too, shame for it to go to waste right?"
"Oh I didn't waste a drop," Tracey said, giving Calypso a wink. "Kind of hard to when its put right into your stomach."
"Daphne, why is your sister such a whore?" I muttered just loud enough for the four of us to hear.
"Its Daphne's fault, she's a screamer. Hard not to follow in my dear older sister's footsteps."
"Right, moving on, Calypso, what classes are you excited for?"
"Charms I'd say. The first two years will be a bog to get through. Mom already tutored me in the basics."
"That reminds me, most of us have already had some sort of magical education, meanwhile muggleborns have had none. So are the classes going to be super easy or are they going to be difficult and the muggleborns are just going to have to play catch up?"
"They have an extra class taught by Professor Evans, who is also the Charms teacher. She helps them translate a lot of their muggle knowledge to magical applications. Most pure and half-bloods have been taught either family magic or house magic starting out, so they have some practical knowledge, but not so much theoretical or standardized knowledge. Lily says its like how some kids in muggle school start of already having some basic math skills or knowing how to read, we're just ahead of the curve. Though there are those that come in already at OWL levels."
That reminded me of Reigis, as in old Reigis. He had spent most of his time studying magic, and had a good base of the theories even before he became a teenager. Though due to his magic power he would have never been at the OWL level. His best skills were Occlumency because it didn't require a lot of magical power and just focus. Legiliminscy was a different story as most just threw magic through their eyes at their victims.
"Lily?" I asked.
"Sorry, Professor Evans, she's a family friend."
"Ah, which one is she?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"The red-head with green eyes… She's a muggleborn," Calypso said, giving me a look as if waiting for a derisive comment.
"Coolio Calypso," I said, giving her a thumbs up.
In a surprising turn Neville became a Hufflepuff, followed sadly by Malfoy becoming a Slytherin and lastly Ron becoming a Gryffindor. Cunt.
Lastly Promise Zabini became a Slytherin, and I wondered if she was just a female version of Blaise, but it was difficult to know when the boy never had a line in the series.