
A Gamer in Multiverse

A young man named Arthur was given an opportunity to have a cheat like the power he desires and a chance to travel the multiverse if he accept a task from an unknown entity. It's a gamer fanfic. as you read on the title. I'll write it mostly for my own amusement and practicing english .

Ragdin · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Chapter 23: New Training Methods

' ': speaking to himself

" ": regular talks

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


After his shopping spree, Arthur divided his mana pool into 6 sections and he spared one for himself and use other parts to create 5 shadow clones to practice in his place

As he is right now he could only use 1 of the 3 mana gathering techniques but his current intelligence stat is already at 48 points. With three clones simıltaniously practicing the basic mana gathering technique should hit 50 points at most a day so he put 3 of his clone on that job immediately.

The 2 other clones Arthur created also create 5 other clones themself and make their overall number 12. The first six clones sit down and in a meditative position and each of them created a small mana ball and started shaping those balls into the various elements Arthur himself can shape and control.

The cause of this practice was to increase Arthur's proficiency with his new elemental magic skills. Since all of them except the fire magic is at common tier- level 1 with that said although these new magic lack lethality they also cost way less since they are only used to create and sustain a small ball of their said elements not for attacking or defending.

While sustaining those elements, the clones try to shape them into miniature-sized bullets, arrows, or ropes. Some of these spells were available at the shop but their prize sometimes tripled or even quadrupled depending on the element, so the other side of this training besides the leveling up these skills and learning how to better control his mana was the clones will try out see if Arthur could create proper spells without using a skill book with same effects he would get from a book from the shop.

After settling down the clones, Arthur pulled out some books from his inventory and put them in front of the last six clones. Looking at them, Arthur realized this seems a bit inefficient but he quickly found a simple solution for this situation.

"Since you guys only going to read a book and not gonna use even a single point of mana, I want each of you guys to create 4 other clones. The remaining mana should sustain you around 2 and a half or maybe 3 hours. When that happens ask one of the clones practicing mana gathering to create other clones before dispelling himself. That could cover you for another hour."

With that said Arthur pull up more books from his inventory and put them before the clones. and before leaving he also left his mana potions to clones as an extra layer of precaution.

Finally finished dealing with clones Arthur create a goblin dungeon to start his own training. Although he didn't fight goblins before and he already spent nearly all of his mana to create shadow clones, He didn't worry a single bit, unlike the first time he entered the zombie dungeon.

When he entered the dungeon he noticed differences between this one and its zombie counterpart. The colors of the forest turned yellowish from their original lush green colors. When he was in the zombie dungeon surroundings looked like dead gray colors.

Another difference was the weather, while Arthur knows that islands in one piece world have bizarre seasons that can change each week but the island Arthur currently lives is felt like it has either summer or spring-based weather, and this merry weather replaced with gloomy one when Arthur entered the zombie dungeon, and now the weather around him looks more like windy mid-autumn.

After looking around a little more Arthur decided to open his minimap to locate goblins around him, According to the map, all the goblins gathered in some sort of settlement 700 meters to his northwest.

While walking towards this settlement Arthur reviewed his battleplan once more. Reaching the doors of the goblin settlement Arthur quickly cast the Ironflesh spell get ready for the battle.

"COME ON!?!? YOU LITTLE SHITS?!? CRAWL OUT YOUR HOLES AND FACE ME?!?!" yelled Arthur use his new spell < Taunt > while amplifying his voice with mana.

With the effect of the taunt spell goblins started to leave their safe settlements and they rushed towards Arthur while shouting to him with an unrecognizable and crude language possible trying to send some insults back to Arthur.

Arthur himself get into the one of basic kata's of Shito-Ryu karate and wait for the forerunner goblin to get in his striking zone.

The goblin running in front of the rest looked like a relatively strong member of the group carrying a club look like made from some kind of metal without wearing any armor on its weird but kinda muscular body.

Unfortunately for the goblin, its muscles can't grant any type of protection against Arthur. The moment it entered Arthur's strike zone it gets to meet with a heavy punch on its chest.

Single punch. All that it takes kill the monster. With that single strike, Arthur put a literally knuckle shaped dent on the monster's chest and killed it instantly.

Seeing their little leader get killed instantly cause 3 goblins to stop and slow down some others a little but this time Arthur dashed towards them.

Arthur raised his guard while seeing another goblin was getting close to him, when faced the second goblin Arthur chance his stance and put his left feet forward on the ground firmly and send a right hook to the monster's face and with the force of that devastating blow send it flying to his left side on some other goblin that rushing towards him.

Shocked by the sudden death of their brethren couple of goblins in front of the group running to Arthur stops too, just like 3 smarter goblins get out from the effect of the skill < Taunt > after the first kill.

Although Arthur has a considerable amount of strength and dexterity that can deal massive damage in close combat, the real reason he can kill those monsters with a single punch is the spell Ironflesh. The purpose of the spell actually just raises the user defense value level of ıron and helps him/her resist physical blow, but a body with a density of iron can be a living weapon too. ,

When Arthur punch these monster the effects of this punch look more like after effect of a hammer not fist.

After killing the second goblin he used the passive movement skills he mastered before (AN: Foundation Movement Technique) and dashed towards the group that gets disorganized by the flying goblin corpse from a moment ago.

Arthur moved like a vengeful ghost between these goblins. Sending powerful punches, kicks, and elbow strikes whenever he can. With each of his strike, another exp notification appear on his side view.

8-C: Building level

Characters who can destroy medium-sized buildings and constructions, such as large factories or large complexes such as supermarkets.

Ragdincreators' thoughts