
A Gamer's Wish

Enjun Lestari is a teenager who has alot of family problems, and to cope with it he plays games on his computer for a long period of time. But his problems catch him to the point of suicide, in this place he meets a god who grants him his long time wish, to play a game as he is tasked to go to other world and save it if he so likes He takes the challenge and lives as Sakuto Komori, will this adventurer be able to defeat the evil or become one himself?

Sebastian_Derlos · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Your Dimming Memories

She kicked some paper off the floor so that I can have a path. "Walk dipshit" she said to me, "What the fuck do you think I'm doing?? Your the slow one". She then pushed me where I landed on a bunch of papers, "you son of a bitch, Your ruining my papers" she said "What is this self victimizing act? YOU PUSHED ME, JUST DO YOUR JOB DAMN" I Yelled. "keep it down, god. What's your deal" 


At this moment I think this woman has major issues, does this place even have standards in their employment. I would rather have those cloned child give me instructions rather than this miserable bitch. I killed myself to get away people like her, holy hell. I sat down and hope to get this over with as soon as possible.


She went behind the desk and sat as well, she winds up a horizontal hand crank and asked me "Ok so what brings you here, Samoto Kumani", " Umm... It's actually Sakuto, Sakuto Komori?" I corrected.


"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll correct you, you bratty child" she said to me but she said the last sentence in a whispery voice


"Excuse me, what?" I asked


"Nothing" She said in a serious tone


A purple screen vector appeared out of the lamp and gave information about me, it was like a character profile.

[Name: Sakuto Komori]

[Age: 16]

[Sex: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Height: 5'3]

[Weight: 120lb]

[Crimes: Tax Evasion]

[Birthday: August 7]

[Relationship: None]

[Nationality: Japanese]

I was going to complain about the tax evasion but then I remembered I made Sakuto Komori a poor orphan and hell, most of the tax business shit are stuff my dad or my older sister does for me, so this is really just on me. But the nationality? Did it change, because I'm not even Japanese nor do I feel like I could speak it. Actually wait, if I'm Japanese then I'm not....






Holy shit, 20 god damn year but there is not even a single singaporean word that I can remember. I still have memories of my past yet it's all in Japanese now, and the worst part is that I can understand it all. What did that kid do to me


"Are you ok?" The woman said to me in a monotone voice


"Kind of...I think. God let's please just continue" I said, focusing on the more important part and trying not to question it to much


"Okay then, so I want to ask. Do you want to say here?"


"Yes, I would" I said in a nervous tone


"Then I would suggest getting a job as if I just check here" She says as she proceeds to press some buttons under her desk


[Name: Sakuto Komori]

[Length of Evasion: 1 Year]

[Total Debt: 12 Gold, 7 Silver, 1 Bronze and 5 Copper]

[Note: "If anyone from the age of 15 to 20 commit such act then they will be kicked from the country until they can pay their debt, and those 21 and above are Imprisoned for 3-5 year which after their sentence they shall be also kicked"]


"Yeah, that..." She said in an awkward tone


"Soooo, what's the best job"


"Well there's assistant to alchemist, bartender at the tavern, delivering ite-" She rambled


"Yeah but is there like an adventurer job I can do. You know, like a guild?" I asked her


She stood up from her chair in anger and with both her arms on the table, then pointed to a cabinet door with displeasured face


"Yeah, I think I have a rope there somewhere. If you want to go ahead and kill yourself that badly then don't play heroic and go hang yourself now" she said in an sarcastic and irritated voice


"Woah, okay. Sorry I guess, I'm just more great in that kind of field"


She drank a whole cup of coffee in one chug, and sat back down with crossed arms on the table, where she buried her face in


"Just don't, that place is a circus shithole with no sense of responsibility. You'll just be another disposable gear that keep that rusty and immoral system going"


It's was depressing, the atmosphere of the conversation. I just wanted to know, but now I felt like I'd had done something wrong, I feel guilty for this. She was such a bitch before but now I want to comfort her


I grabbed her arms and held them both sandwiched between mine, her messy hair was in the way but we still stared at each others eyes


"Hey, look at me. I don't know what had happened to you or what you experienced but please believe that I won't be another burden in your mind, I'll strive to be the change that you've always wanted to see in the system. I won't give up even in my dying breath, not until the memories of me are worth of diamonds and gold"


There was a sparkle in her eye, and she was hiding a face of glee. "You really remind me of someone, you guys have the same enthusiasm and optimism in your words. I'll trust you, it is North out from this building's main entrance and behind the shopping districts. You'll find it without question since it always ruckus and unnecessary noises in that building"


I feel like I'll be meeting her soon again, she was an interesting character at first but now I want to get to know her better, maybe she'll teach me something new and exciting, like spells and potions. "Thank you so much for your help, I wish to talk with you soon and more in the future if we can" I said as I bowed


"You don't have to so formal with me, It's not like you'll never figure that out by yourself. Also I gave you access to your profile, you can probably check it when you have a Tokanaha"


"Thanks again, I hope I can repay you tenfolds" I said as I face the door, but I look back at her and she was biting her nails but not seductively, she looked anxious.


"If your ever in need of help, please don't forget to call me. See you later" I said with a smile to brighten her up, but as I was going to the door, I heard someone shout from behind me


"WAIT!" She screamed as she rushed towards me, knocking her coffee mug on the floor and stepping on a bunch of paper work. She hugs me as I held the door knob


"Please....not yet" She said in a sorrow tone, I could feel water drops dripping on my shoulder


I looked up to see her face "what is it..." I said in a worried voice


"Nothing, but can we just stay like this for a little while, that's my request" She replied in a soft and calming tone. I don't know if it was forced but she had a pitiful smile when she said that


So we both stood there, it felt like time had slowly gone fast. Her chest was pressing against the back of my head and her arms held me tight like a seatbelt, she was so tall and big while I felt so weak yet so protected. I don't even know how much had gone by, but I think I was hypnotized, my mind just went completely blank.


"Your hair smells so beautiful" I thoughtlessly said


"Did you miss it" She said




"I missed you more" She said before grabbing me and leaning to kiss me. I was so shocked, how could I even expect this to happen to me. Especially on day one, and without any set up or warnings. But when we kissed she was so passionate, our tounges met and she rolled mine around, I could feel our salivas mixing in my mouth, she was so in control of me. But still I managed to push her away before anything more extreme happened


"I'm sorry... Please.. My heart... Isn't ready yet" I said to her, panting between my words. It felt like I was breathing steam, and my heart was going explode and shut down. It wasn't like this was my first kiss though, why am I so mentally weak, I'm acting like a geeky middle schooler getting teased by his crush. But now that I think about it, my past... It's getting blurry, my rich father was now just a Japanese delivery man for the town, rich?... I lived a luxurious life, why did I even kill myself. I'm changing aren't I, that damn book boy has something to do with this


My body looked disoriented, with a red face and my back against the door like I was defeated, While my mind was having an exisestencial crisis about Me and Sakuto's memories and personalities. Pomya then look at my weaken state, and her eyes widen as she realized what she had done.


"Oh my- Holy Shit I'm so sorry I was jus- well it's... Fuck, how can I even explain this" She said as she was perplexed on what to do


"Okay, first of all, Look at me" She said with her arm on my shoulder and another fixing my hair


"Nothing happened, alright? Never tell another soul about this, Do you understand?"


"Y-Yes" I whimpered as my body was trembling without my control


She backed up and stood still "... I am so fucked, what should I even do if someone finds out. Maybe as long as he doesn't find out it's fine and my job is safe" She panicked as she spun in circles and scattered paperwork across


"Okay, I am going to call a Chrone™ to help you out of the building. He'll guide you but he can't leave the building so you'll be on your own, so just remember, The Guild is to the left and none can know what happened"


She grabbed me away from the door and opened it, she yelled for a "Chrone" And the boy with a blindfold appeared.


"Yes, Mrs. Pumya? What is it that you need of service" The boy asked politely




"It's Dove"


"Okay, Dove. Take this boy with the armor and guide him back to the Central hub"


"Will do Ma'am, but there is something that Christoph would like to talk with you about"


"..... is it about paperwork perhaps?" She asked nevously


"Umm, nope. I'm also not sure on what he meant but he said something about you and an oneshota complex?"


"Well shit" She said


"Complex...what?" I said to them


"It's nothing, just a VERY Important work related topic that I'm going to be talking with my boss"


"Well then, Mr. Komori, please follow me" Dove said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me gently to the elevator. Hexia also did take the elevator but he took the one next to us, I don't know what floor she's going, maybe she's joining us





"Ding" The elevator that carrier Hexia said as it has reached the top floor of the dome which has a clear glass roof with flat stone brick walls


And so many paper, scrolls and magic incantation circles all over the floor but it was only a few compared to the paperwork covered floor that Pumya had in her office. There was a big astronomical telescope pointing up and three black boards with wheels, and where were many bookshelves that covered the walls. And in the middle of it all is a desk with the chair facing away from the elevator.


"Now then" A voice coming from the desk said


"Okay, I know this may look bad"


"Yes, BECAUSE IT'S BAD, SHOCKER" the voice yelled


"I only kissed him, geez"




"Okay Okay, maybe it was more but he's fine, we're fine"














"YOU- OKOK, you first forced yourself on someone defenseless because I swear he was trying to retaliate while you kissed, and second, even if you had consent it was still A CHILD"


"Okay but take in to account my bip-" She said with tears in her eyes


"We have been OVER THIS, I literally excused your manic outburst and your mood swings but YOUR BIPOLAR DOES NOT MAKE YOUR PUSSY CRY FOR PUBESCENT BOYS, YOU FUCKING EPHIBOPHILE"




"What? I never sent you him. You know what, I'm doing so much for you as always so I'm going to make a deal. I know you fucked up but you'll work it out just like with him, I let you date even though I didn't agree with it. But unlike here I'm not sure of Sakuto's loyalty to you, if he even has any. He has so much to gain and we have so much to lose if he reveals what had happened. So I want you to spy on him, even if you go borderline obsessive stalker on him, I don't care, just make sure he can never talk about this event"


"Thats-.... Okay then"


"Okay now, glad we're on the same page. Also starting next week I'm cutting your pay"




"Stalking ain't working, be happy you still get paid, sometimes I wonder what's your job here"


"Fine, I guess I'll work with it" She says as she heads back to the elevator


"Wait, while you spy on him, be on the look out for Lost. He's still out there to bring trouble"


"I'll take note of that" She says as she enters the elevator and goes down


"Heh, Yung Kakaiba. Oh my dear angel how cruel that you'd become a demon" The man talked to himself


"If only I was there, as your creator, your father, your.... god... Wait!" He said as he rushed to the bookshelves


