

They had sex on the first date. It was so good that she wanted it to go on and on. With time, she grew too much of a strong connection to him that it scared her. She did not believe that a relationship could be so good and that she was capable of loving someone that deeply. So she began to pull away. She would get angry unnecessarily, snap at him and try to bend him to do what she liked. She became excessively controlling. She knew it was toxic but the fear of not wanting to show how vulnerable she had grown with him, did not stop her. She loved him dearly and did not want it to end, but her pride would not allow her risk 100% transparency with him. So her behavior became worse and worse until one day he said he couldn't take it anymore. He had found someone else. Someone who loved and respected him. She didn't ask him to stay or beg him to forgive her but her heart broke. Her heart broke so badly. It hurt her how much she loved him and wished she had been more accepting of his love. But she knew it was too late. Two weeks after the breakup, she found out she was pregnant. She didn't waste any time before booking an appointment in an abortion clinic. The process was painful but it wasn't very traumatic for her. As a matter of fact, it even let her heal faster even though she knew now that she never truly healed. As the thoughts of Jason filled her mind, her hand slowly crawled in between her legs and cupped her cherry. She threw her head backwards in pleasure. She began to rub around in circles, inserting a finger or two inside her body every now and then. Her breaths became heavier. The thoughts of Jason fueled her desire. She began to moan, whispering his name as her fingers went in and out of her, faster and faster. When she came, her body collapsed onto the bathroom floor. "The strongest people are the weakest." She said to herself as she tried to regain her breaths. "But I will win this case." *** Two very powerful and intelligent women with totally different backgrounds compete fiercely to outdo each other in unraveling a mysterious case after being hired by two bereaved men to investigate the case of their missing brother James. What begins as a normal investigation, later develops into a battle of wits, intelligence, love and manipulation between the two women. Judith is a professional investigator with the Middleville Police Department and highly renowned for her enviable ability to solve difficult murder and kidnap cases; while Jessy Paris is an unlicensed self-acclaimed investigator popularly known for her skills in resolving the weirdest and most mysterious criminal cases. Each with her own secrets and a burning resentment for each other, Judith and Jessy Paris will do everything to outsmart each other in order to get to the roots of the missing boy’s case, no matter the cost. Not even when the price to pay might be love. Who will unravel the mystery case first? And AT WHAT COST? ** NOTE: I’m rewriting this story which I have written before under the title Bones and Love.

FortunetheGhost · 都市
26 Chs


Judith held Paris's gaze unblinkingly. It was more of a showdown about who would look away first.

"You are being too forward." Judith started to say. " We know you are Jessy whoever Paris but reaching a conclusion like that without forensics?! I feel..."

"Madam Detective please spare me your horrible lecture. Do I look like I'm interested?" Paris interrupted sharply, rolling her eyes and looking away thereby losing the lock of eyes.

"Oh now you are raising your voice at me?" Judith glared rigidly at her. "Is that the best you can do? Bring it on then! Raise your voice and scream your stupid confidence to the world."

"We are not working together. You are doing your job and I'm doing mine. It was you who challenged me to a battle of wits remember? So yes, this is my way of doing what I know best to ensure I win. I don't even know how engaging you is beneficial to my existence, but if that's a problem for you, you can kiss my foot." Paris was being unreasonably viscious and she knew it. Maybe it was her own insecurities trying to build up defenses. But whatever it was, she was glad she wasn't giving this woman the opportunity to intimidate her.

But maybe Judith could see past her bold front.

"You are such a fool. You mean your unprofessionalism and incompetence is what you know how to do best? Trying to cover up your insecurities uh? You are doing very badly I must say." Judith smirked. "All I am saying is that it sickens me to know that the so called popular self aclaimed investigator would jump to a conclusion without admissible evidence. There are processes to this thing. The bones won't just admit that they belong to James. It is your job as an investigator to create a direct link between a bag of maggot infested rotting bones and a human being who has gone missing for days now. You can't build a legal case using your intuition! Why is that so difficult to understand or your pride just won't allow you admit?"

Paris sneered, "As if we both don't know that the only forensics lab in town is currently closed. If we decide to deliver to that next town, it might take days before we get the results because asides bring understaffed they have a bulk-load of work to do."

"Paris your incompetence baffles me. Of course the truth is worth the wait! We must first establish that truly, the rotting bones belonged to James. And this means having to conduct a sibling DNA test or run a DNA test against his father. D.N.A!" Judith stressed, exasperated.

"DEAD father." Paris was now calmer than earlier. It irks people when you don't react exactly the way you want them to and she knew Judith had a temper. She only had to stay calm to drive her mad.

"He must have a record somewhere. But there is still the sibling DNA test. All we need is at least a 50% match and that's enough to establish it is indeed James. Then we can focus on finding his killer."

"That's your job, not mine. Hold on..." Paris paused as if coming to a sudden realization. "Why on earth do you keep using 'we'. We how? We what? Because I know I am not part of your team. So whatever plans you have, keep it to yourself. I'm not interested. Or you want to be friends now because you know I'm smarter than you?"

Judith felt extremely humiliated. "Just admit you are envious of the fact that I'm rich and privileged, yet still hardworking and diligent to get things done for myself! While you... only God knows where you are from, going about things unprofessionally with your not-so-good background. You know what? I'm done with this baseless argument!"


Judith sauntered across the sitting room to where a painting hung loosely against the wall. It was one of Da Vinci's greatest paintings: The Mona Lisa. There were faint scribbles on it, probably written with a blunt pencil. She ran her fingers across it, admiring it, and trying to soak in the beauty so she could stay calm. She loved paintings intensely. Especially historical paintings.

"Well, yours is heart battering." Paris's voice was as solid and as comported as her countenance. She was determined to make the detective uncomfortable. She was facing the wall opposite Judith, admiring another of Da Vinci's paintings: The Lord's Supper.

Judith disregarded her and continued admiring the painting.

"The boy is dead. You just don't want to admit it." Paris pursued.

Judith was now looking into the eyes of Mona Lisa. Those eyes always made her feel exposed. When she spoke, her voice was calm. "I am not discarding that possibility. I am insisting on proof. What If someone placed those bones there on purpose? To deceive you because it's obvious I'm not fooled. And what if forensics proves it isn't James?" Judith was still staring at the eyes of Mona Lisa. There was something mysterious there.

"You are the one been deceived here. Not me. Can't you see that one of them knows what's going on? That's if they are not all doing this together." Paris moved her fingers to the goblet before Jesus. She wasn't a fan of historical paintings, but she was beginning to observe something about this painting that stirred her inquisitiveness.

"Who exactly do you think you are?" Judith turned, running out of control.

"Jessy Paris."

"There is utterly nothing unique about your name."

"My name doesn't define me."

"I am the boss around here girl. Don't forget that."

"Unfortunately, I think you are absolutely useless around here."

"Jessy Paris!"

"Detective Judith!"

Paris swung around and now they were facing each other from both ends breathing hard. Their eyes locked in a fitful contest.

"Are you good at combat Paris?" Judith asked, not prepared yet to back down.

Paris liked her directness. "Oh! Physical combat?"

"Intellectual combat. Sense combat. Every goddamn combat there is." Judith said and moved an inch forward, eyes still fixed on her opponent's.

"Are you challenging me Judith?"

"Oh! I thought we already had one?"

Judith replied with another inch of movement.

Paris scoffed. "You will lose."

"We'll see." Judith smirked again.

"So be it.