

Luna bursts into Isabela's room. Her scarf covered her nose due to her bad pollen allergy. The Madrigal cousins all sat around Isabela's bed.

"Out of all the rooms we can have a meeting, it's in this room. Great." Luna said as she tried to stop her sneeze. "Okay, we are on a meeting for Mirabel's Quinceanera. Your Abuela made me and Dolores the organizers. Because Isabela doesn't want the task."

"It's not that I don't want it. I just... Feel awkward. You get me." Isabela said defending herself.

"I got you sis." Luna said as she winked at her friend. "So! Ms. Dolores will be our lovely secretary to write down all the plans we will come up with and then she will bring it to Abuela Alma, while I and my Abuelo will be the one to prepare for the materials, funds, all that fun stuff." She explained, Dolores smiling and waving her notebook.

"Do I have to be here?" Camilo asked with a cheeky smile.

"Milo, you're Mirabel's cousin. Of course, you need to be here. So, first! We have 5 dresses that me and Mirabel designed ourselves. You guys can choose." Luna said as she handed the 5 Madrigal kids the dress sketches.

"This looks so mature, the leg slit looks a little... Too much." Camilo said as he exchanged a different sketch with Luisa. "This! Is my top one now. The off-shoulder thing looks good. And this looks like something you'll wear. Corsets and... Stuff." Camilo said getting really into choosing the gown.

"This design looks like a cupcake." Luisa said chuckling.

"Red doesn't look great on her." Isabela said.

"That sounds mean." Dolores said to Isabela.

"Just being honest." Isabela said.

"This looks great! I like it." A 4yo Antonio said as he pointed out a blue and white ball gown. It's the dress that both Mirabel and Luna designed.

A pastel blue and violet ball gown, studded with dark blue and white embroidery. Matched with the crown Luna herself used for her Quinceanera.

"Are you really going to let her use your tiara?" Isabela asked.

Luna raised an eyebrow as she looked confused. "Yes! I let you, Luisa, and Dolores use it. Even your moms used it. Besides, it's not mine. It's just an heirloom at this point." She said before smiling.

The tiara is from Luna's Great x4 Grandmother. King Felipe V's granddaughter. Although they do descend from a royal line, they are just descendants of the youngest sons or daughters, which means they are just the branch family meant to serve the main royals. Her bloodline became elite soldiers, nothing else.

"Makes sense." Isabela muttered.

"I think Mira will look good at that." Camilo said while showing a thumbs up to his younger brother.

"Yes! She'll look very pretty!" Antonio said proudly.

Luna walked a few steps away and sneezed. Her pollen allergy is kicking in. She stood a few feet away before turning around to face the cousins.

"So, this blue ball gown got it. Any plans for the gifts?" Luna asked as Dolores took notes.

"I have an idea! Have Isabela be nice for a month!" Camilo said before Isabela pricked him with a thorny rose.

"A great suggestion, but no." Dolores said.

"How about a new mechanical sewing machine?" Luisa suggested.

"Great idea! Who to get that from?" Dolores asked.

"Maybe we can get a custom made for her? I can go ask some artisan later." Luna said.

For hours, the 6 deliberated their final plans. They stop at lunch when Mirabel called them to eat.

"Excited for your 15th birthday?" Luna asked as she hugged Mirabel.

"I feel... Scared." Mirabel said.

Luna lets go of her friend. Waiting for her to add more.

"Some of the townspeople hate me." Mirabel said, Luna tucks Mirabel's stray hair on her ear.

"As long as you got your family and me, that's the only thing that matters, Right? Maybe we can ask your Abuela to make it a private event instead." Luna said. A private event? Mirabel's eyes lit up.

"You're the absolute best Luna." Mirabel said as she hugged Luna and rested her head on Luna's chest.

"Anything for my little sister." Luna said as she messed the girl's hair.

"I got no hug from my honorary sister?" Camilo jokingly said before he squealed as Luna tried to hug him.

The three laughed, Bruno smiled within the walls as he heard his nephews and nieces prepare for Mirabel's birthday. Bruno sighed. He missed all of his nieces' Quinceanera. He should've been there as one of their dances. But he cannot turn back time now. Another Quinceanera that he won't be able to attend. He'll be in the shadows singing alongside the Mananita, but that's it. He's... Absent from all the milestones of his nephews and nieces.


Luna bit her lower lip as Anita butchered playing twinkle twinkle little star on her violin. The instrument can sound very beautiful, but it can also sound horrendous when someone haven't mastered it yet. And an example of it is this.

"Does it sound okay?" Anita worriedly asked.

"Oh! Yes! You improved. You just need to practice more." Luna cheered on Anita.

Luna helped Agustín on handing out musical sheets for the kids. The duo just slumped their shoulders, for some reason this new batch of students are the hardest to teach.

"See you everyone tomorrow!" Agustín said goodbye to his students, waving while the 8 students went home. He sighed before turning to Luna who's saring at the metronome. "What on your mind?" He asked while erasing the black board of the musical notes he wrote.

"I'll stop teaching music once I got married. I... Want to keep teaching kids." Luna muttered.

Agustín looked sadly at Luna. The only thing keeping him and his wife from calling her their eldest child is the fact that she didn't came from them. Luna taught him how to not be clumsy around kids, and sometimes, when she was still only 2yo. She sleeps either with Pepa or Felix or Him and Julieta. Watching the child he lovingly raised to be a strong and talendted person be reduced into a housewife and a trophy makes him very angry.

"You can teach your future kids." Agustín said, trying to sound positive.

Luna just smiled at him before waving at the door where Isabela stood.

"Papá!" Isabela called her Father. "I told Señora Corazon that i'll help her finding a gift for Mira."

"Oh sure sure! Be careful okay?" Agustín said before lightly squeezing the shoulder of Luna and Isabela.

The two bid goodbye before heading to do their chores.

"I'm surprised you're going to help me with gift hunting for Mirabel." Luna jokingly said to Isabela, side-eyeing her.

"Ugh, I love her too you know." Isabela grunted. "I just, envied how she can be anything and not stay as a perfect granddaughter."

"You can break away the perfectness." Luna said with a grin.

"Coming from someone with huge Daddy issues." Isabela teased.

"Touché." Luna responded.

They went to the industrial part of the town where artisans makes their mechanical types of equipment.

People look at Luna and Isabela, for 2 Decades now, there have been a huge debate on whoever is prettier between the two. Some people argued that Isabela is perfectly beautiful with her gifr but Luna had to work hard to be on her position. Isabela never gains weight, she wakes up with perfect hair and she never experienced pimples. On the other hand, Luna had to go on daily exercises, use aloe vera and coconut oil to keep her hair moisturized, and just like everybody else, had pimple problems. The two girls never cared though, they never viewed each other as rivals. More like allies who are currently suffering from the same fate.

"Hola Señor Pablo!" Luna greeted as they entered a workshop.

"Ah! The two prinsesas! What does our two delicate flowers doing in the rough side of town?" Pablo asked the two.

Luna and Isabela cringed deep inside. Delicate. Isabela knows Luna is far from delicate, and Luna knows how strong willed Isabela is.

"Oh! We're here to ask to make a customized sewing machine for Mirabel. With her name engraved on it. Her birthday is on March 6th we still have 50 days to prepare for it." Luna explained.

"That's simple! We can make it for Mirabel. And we'll make sure it is the best." Pablo said.

"Gracias Señor." The two girls said in unison.

The two continued to finish the task of preparing for Mirabel's 15 gifts when Carlos approached them. Isabela hid behind Luna's back. Compared to Mariano who's respectful, gentle, shy, and quite an airhead, Carlos is the complete opposite. Mariano never approached Isabela unless there are adult supervision, Carlos on the other hand is the town's Casanova. Carlos is a tall 5'9 man with tanned skin and well-kept short light brown hair. His eyes are a lovely shade of brown which made women obsessed with it. Not the Madrigal women tho, they can see his true colors.

"Hola Luna! How are you? Do you want me to help you with your chores?" He asked as he put his arm around Luna's shoulder, she immediately removed it.

"No, it's okay. Me and Isa can handle it. And can you please not be too touchy? I'm not comfortable." Luna said. Maintaining a cold tone in her voice alongside her glare.

"Oh cmon, Mi Vida. We'll get married anyway." Carlos said as he leaned in her ear. "And we'll do more once we're married." He whispered in her as he maintained creepy eye contact with Isabela.

Luna felt anger. She held Carlos' neck tightly and slammed him on the concrete just like how she saw her Abuelo do it dozens of times. Some people are looking at her now. Her piercing amber eyes scared Carlos as he coughed up from suddenly being slammed.

"I'd love to gouge out that eyes now. Stop looking at Isabela." Luna said before standing up and turning to Isabela with a worried smile.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Isabela just smiled before suddenly hugging Luna.

"You fucking monster." Carlos muttered as some townsmen helped him to get up.

"No need to go tell this to Abuelo. I'll go tell him now." Luna said to Carlos. "Go give this checklist to Dolores. I'll go to Abuelo now before this wimp exaggerates everything." Luna said to Isabela as she patted Isabela's shoulder, Carlos' curses can be heard as she walked away.


"Are you fucking insane?!" Alejandro shouted as he took his cane and hit Luna's now bloody red palms as she knelt on rice.

"Alejandro stop!" Corazon shouted at her husband as she tried to get him off Luna.

"Shut up and get out if you don't want me to hit her other than her hands." Alejandro said with fury in his eyes.

He was never like this to his daughter. He never laid a finger on Luna's mother. Suddenly, her daughter's death turned on a monster in this man.

"I'm fine, Abuela." Luna said. Corazon paused before going out of Alejandro's office.

Alejandro knelt down and slapped Luna on her right cheek.

"Did I tell you to speak?" He said, his eyes glaring at Luna. "Carlos is the Guzman's heir! Mariano is second. Do you understand the consequences?! If Carlos' parents cancel your betrothal it can affect Isabela's too! And your disrespectful ass slammed him on the concrete in front of the whole town. Are you insane?!" Alejandro shouted.

"He is a perverted piece of shit! You don't know how many times I have to stop him from touching my friends. He is a Cassanova! He dated almost all the girls here! He's a cheater. And you expect me to marry him?!" Luna shouted back.

"I know all the rumors. And yes, I expect you to marry him. For our family's honor." Alejandro said as he stood up. His figure looms over Luna who's still kneeling. The pain of each little rice grain pierced her skin like little daggers.

"When will you stop blaming me for mom's death?" Luna asked. Her voice shaking, maintaining an unbreakable eye contact with her Abuelo.

"How fucking dare you mention that bitch." Alejandro said as his voice shake.

Alejandro tightened his grip on his cane as he hit Luna all over her body. Avoiding her face. After all, her face is their greatest asset. Luna never let out a sound. Biting her tongue to avoid crying. Alejandro stopped as he suddenly felt a tear fall down his cheek. He cursed before walking away from Luna who's still kneeling down the grains.

She sobbed. If marrying means being with a man like his grandfather. Fuck that. She'll enter the convent if that means avoiding that fate.


Bruno went fishing on the same river he met Luna. It's been a week since he met her. He just badly wanted some fresh grilled fish, and he's lucky he has some light from the full moon. He's about to be on his fishing spot when he saw an outline of a woman and a small campfire. He wore his bucket and removed his ruana, he got an idea who this is, and if they see his green ruana his 9years of hiding are useless.

"Señora Luna? Why are you here? It's kind of late." He said.

He sat beside her and saw why she can't bend her knees. Her knees and legs are covered with red marks from grains. He looked at her arms which is covered by violet welts. His heart sank. Did she... Got this from Alejandro?

"Oh, Hi Jorge! I just... I'm just relaxing. Come seat with me." Luna said as she pats the space beside the rock she was sitting on.

Bruno sat at a rock 6ft away from her. He fixed the bait of his rod and reeled it in the water.

"May I ask where you get that bruises?" Bruno asked.

Luna just looked at the moon before responding.

"Did you know I was named after the Moon and stars? Luna Estela. Tía Pepa said mom named me after that because I'm a delicate light during her dark times. Then she died just an hour after giving birth to me." Luna said as she pointed at the stars with her finger. "That's the reason why Abuelo never goes out every full moon. Because it reminds him that I'm my mother's murderer." She said with a slight scoff.

Bruno stood there silently. He's blaming himself over and over again. If he just told anyone about Marisol's fate maybe they are able to save her. It's his fault. Not hers.

"It's not your fault. I heard a rumor that it's Bruno's fault since he never told anyone about his vision. Blame him." Bruno said. He might as well absorb this blame too.

Luna scoffed. Ever since she's a kid she have heard people blame Bruno for so many mundane things. Even his name became a somewhat slang or curse. Too much rain without Pepa's gift intervening? Blame Bruno. Hit your head? Bruno's fault. Poor crop quality? Blame Bruno. It's all his fault. Luna inhales sharply as she felt the slight surge of pain in her knees. She then glared at the bucket head who's reeling in a fish.

"You know I'm sick of people blaming Bruno for his visions. If my mom didn't blame him, who I am to blame that poor man? Heck, even someone's dead fish are blamed on him. It's not his fault. He never makes the future, he just reads them. It's obnoxious that you think of him like that. Bruno, based on my 2 memories of him, is very nice. He saved me when I face planted my face on the concrete." Luna said as she lifted a bit her knee to blow on it and dry the ointment faster.

Bruno looked at Luna, his eyes are wide beneath the bucket he was hiding at. She's not scared of him? That's new. He smiled, feeling himself tear up. Out of all the people who's not terrified of him, it's Luna.

"I think he'll appreciate you kid," Bruno said.

"Jorge I'm 24. I'm not a kid." Luna said as she continue blowing on her bruised knee.

Bruno didn't respond.

"By the way Jorge, can I know more about you?" Luna asked.

"Uhm uh, I have rats as friends and... I write telenovelas and do acting as a hobby." Bruno responded.

Luna hobbled her way towards Bruno. Grunting and squeaking whenever she bent her knees too much. She sat beside Bruno.

"Show me the rats. I need rat friends too." She said.

"STOP SITTING SO CLOSE TO ME AREN'T YOU SCARED OF ME?" Bruno shouted as he stumbled and sat down on a different rock.

"Sir, I slammed a 5'9 hunk of a man in hard concrete. I can slam your 5'4 skinny ass face first on the rocky ground too." Luna said with a cute smile despite her grim warning.

"Scary." Bruno muttered.

Bruno just sat silently as he stabbed a fish on top of it's head, preparing it for grilling. Suddenly, they heard voices call out for Luna. Bruno grabbed his things fast and run away hiding from the tree line. Leaving Luna who still struggles with walking.

"Can I see you again?!" She shouted.

Bruno cursed under his breath after he safely hid himself. Does she want to see him again? Well no, she wants to see Jorge Lopez.

"Luna!" Agustin shouted as he saw Luna sitting on a small boulder. He and Mirabel hugged her tight. "We are so worried Mija, we heard what happened. We are so worried about... you..." Agustin's voice trailed as he saw all the welts around Luna's arms.

"It's worse than we think." Luisa said as she picked up Luna, bridal style.

"Eek! It hurts!" Luna squealed.

"Eat Mija." Julieta said as she handed her a Buneulo.

"I'm sorry.  You did that to protect me." Isabela said as she scratched her arm.

"And I'm ready to do it all over again."

"You don't have to protect us!" Isabela screeched. "We... we can protect ourselves."  Isabela said as she stomped her feet.

"I'll be fine Isa, You worry about me too much." Luna said as she grunted while trying to jump out of Luisa's arms.

"I'll carry you!"Luisa stubbornly said.

Señora Corazon stood beside Julieta as she held Luna's hand.

"We'll move in on my father's old home. I can't let him do this to you." Corazon said, their lanterns illuminating her face's sadness as her tears fell down her cheeks.

"I'll be fine Abuela. You don't have to do this." Luna said in a soft voice.

Corazon shook her head no. Luna's tears fell down. She chuckled a bit before resting her head on Luisa's chest as she bawled her eyes out. It's the very first time her Grandmother stood up against her grandfather, and she never felt so safe in so many years.


Alejandro sat in an empty dining room, the table filled with dinner for him, his wife, and his granddaughter. Both left him to be away from being an abusive piece of shit. He knows how badly he treated Luna and his wife Corazon won't tolerate it. Corazon is a strong woman, he knows it. And it's inevitable that she will stand up against him. He clasped his hands, sighing.

"Pedro... Marisol... help me. I, I've hurt her." He muttered as tears fell down his cheeks.

He heard steps behind him. He knows that only 2 people have the guts to talk to him after his outrage.

"Alma, I messed up." Alejandro said before looking behind him. The Madrigal Matriarch stood at the doorway, her face showing sadness and stress from all the years of bottling up her emotions.

"I heard what happened. Everyone is surprised. Pepa locked herself in her room, God knows how she's probably storming there now. It took me and Corazon to convince Agustin and Felix to not storm you here." Alma said as she sat on a chair adjacent to Alejandro. 

The two fell silent. He felt some happiness though that his friend's daughters all got to marry great men ready to defend the people they love. Alejandro looked at nothingness while Alma just scanned him. They've known each other for what, 65 years already? Alma is the 3rd person to fully understand him without talking. She gave him a disapproving look before avoiding his gaze.

"Stop blaming her. You know you're the reason why Marisol died." Alma said seriously. Alejandro would've snapped if it is a different person but he just sighed and bit his lip. "Oh wait, no. We are the reason. We kept forcing her to marry Bruno when the two just treat each other like siblings. And you're doing it again."

Alejandro's cold blue eyes looked at Alma before standing up.

"Should I say sorry now?" Alejandro asked.

"Are you really asking me that?" Alma said with a slight pain on her voice. "I can't even say that to my son."

Alejandro sighed. "Anyway, thank you. I really appreciate you talking to me." He said with a smile.

The two parted. Alejandro stood alone in the family's courtyard, his family falling apart.