
A friend's world

An unusual story following the chaotic life of a girl with an unlucky streak in life, ironically named Clover. Never having had any friends she somehow finds herself being the best of friends with three equally odd girls. Though she still isn't convinced she needs friends in the least. She is a die-hard believer in love at first sight and finding your prince charming. She often spends her time stalking her love interests who don't even know she exists even with them being classmates. Read as she constantly gets herself in the oddest of situations trying to tie a non-existent knot with three handsome boys. But wait, why does it seem like she is being stalked by a boy she doesn't even like herself? Could it be karma getting back at her? Why though since life hates her enough to constantly get her in trouble! And what is with the red-haired beauty who makes her feel a way she has never felt before? What is this gushing feeling in her stomach, could she just be sick or something? What awaits Clover in her ever chaotic yet entertaining life? Maybe friendship, a new discovery about herself, and a deep bonding with three of the craziest girls she has ever met. Find out what mischiefs she and her partners in crime will get up to in.... A Friend's World!

Cromulent_life · 若者
21 Chs

Chapter fourteen

Ever since being forced to become friends with these three crazy girls, I've been hanging around with them a lot even sending my precious lunch break with the three blokes. I've hardly had any time to myself and by that I mean I've had no time to go and look at what Adam, Chris, or Novel is up to.

And this is why I said friends are nothing but a hassle. Always getting between you and your plans like that.

How annoying.

"So I think next week's good."

"Yeah, I'm free by then."

"What about you Clover?"

I looked up from my questionable lunch meal; courtesy of my mother, rapidly blinking my eyes at Erica.

"Huh, what did you say?"

She rolled her eyes at me in irritation and flipped her hair behind her shoulder.

"I was saying, we should go out on Saturday for some lunch or just hang out. You in?"

"U-uhm, I really don't have the time to-"

"Oh come on!"

Without warning, Yuserine wrapped her arm around my shoulder pulling me to her body in the process. Slightly uncomfortable I squirmed in her hold but she ignored it and tightened her grip on my frail shoulders

"Besides, it's not like you have anything going on, right?"

"Actually I-"

"I don't think you'd want us telling the school about your incidents, now would you? Or perhaps the cops would be better seeing as you destroyed school property. Ah, what to do I wonder"

She looked down at me with an evil glint in her eyes, winked then gave a sweet and innocent smile as if she was not just threatening me a few seconds ago.

"What I meant was I'd love to come along."

Nervously laughing I looked at the other girls with a fake smile plastered over my face.

"Great! So it's settled then."

Yuserine exclaimed as she let go of me. Not wanting to be near the witch I scooted to the corner of the bench seat. Away from that demon incarnate!

"Yusa, stop threatening her would you? She's had enough already"

Holding her head and shaking it at Yusa, Somila tried to defend me from the wicked beast.

"It's not like I have a gun held to her head or anything!"

"Well, you might as well be. The poor thing has suffered enough thanks to you"

Erica argued back as Yusa continued to justify her actions.

"Guys, stop arguing will ya?"

The soft, frail voice of Somila spoke out as she tried to stop the little argument. The three battled it out with Yusa and Erica again at each other's throats and Somila trying to make peace.

One thing I've learned from the short time I've spent with these girls is how totally different they are from each other. Like for instance, Erica is quite a glamorous person. She loves flashy outfits that "popular" people would wear. She's also well-liked and treated like some sort of dutchess.

Somila on the other hand is completely different from her. She's always wearing dark clothes that are often ripped. She has more of an emo-rock kinda look. But despite her rough look and piercings, she's actually a nice girl with a soft heart and unexpectedly naive.

And then there's Yuserine. I don't really know what to describe her as. She's a difficult person to deal with though she does care about those she considers close. She also prefers wearing like she's a war goddess or something. Always having spiky clothes, leathery and all. But she can be extremely hard to handle with how rough she often gets with others.

So I guess the only way to describe her is a complete and utter demon. She's always threatening me and always forcing her ideas onto me.

I am aware this girl's actually the devil's lost baby.

"I'm not that bad! Clover,"

The sound of my name being called caused me to come out of my trance and my head whipped up from the table and onto Yusa.


Confused at what she was asking this time she continued with her sentence.

"Tell these fools I'm not that cruel, no in fact tell them I'm not cruel at all!"

She said pointing over to Erica and Somila who sat idly by with blank expressions. I looked over at them and raised my brow at them in question. Through some telepathic communication, I asked the two if she really was serious about that question. They responded with nods and sighed in defeat.

Eyes closed I shook my head at no one in particular. Looking back at the girl in question, she jerked her finger at the two. Still waiting for me to answer the question.

"Somila, Erica,"

Voice monotone and a blank face matching, I looked at the girls sitting across from me not even trying to mask my pretense.

"Yusa is most definitely not cruel,"

"See? I told you guys I'm not cruel! I-"

"She's batshit crazy instead."


The two broke out in laughter. Erica smacked her hand on the table out of breath while Somila had both hands covering her mouth. Tears lined her eyes, threatening to spill. Angered by my words, Yusa grabbed me by the shoulders and rocked me sideways.

"What the hell Clove?!"

My face was still blank and I let her shake me like a rag doll. Though I was beyond satisfied with my words, I didn't let the feeling show on my face.

"Wow, I think you've finally met your match Yusa"

Erica spoke out as she wiped a tear from her eye. Somila silently nodded her head in agreement.


Her head whipped to the two in shock and horror. She had stopped her simulation of an earthquake and was now focused on her two friends.

"What the hell are you two talking bout? There's no such thing as an even match where I'm involved!"

Slamming her palms onto the table it shook at the action.

"Not you, or you or even her, can be of a match to me!"

You could tell just how much that statement got to her with how much her finger pointed at Erica shook with such vigour. Her face scrunched up in distaste and anger. It looked like she had swallowed something extremely sour and it took all I had in me not to laugh at that.

"Just look at your face, you're only reacting this way cause you know it's true!"

Erica was right, usually if someone said something she didn't agree with she'd act nonchalant or ignore them. But her reaction was way too strong for something that wasn't supposedly untrue.

The realization that I was an even match for this girl filled me with so much joy that I felt butterflies in the pits of my stomach.

"You, what're you smirking for!"

Pointing an accusative finger at me Yusa glared at me.

I guess I was so happy about the new information that I didn't notice that I instinctively smiled. Clearing my throat, fist held to my lips in a weak attempt to hide the smirk I averted my eyes away from her to gaze at the outside.

"Oh, was I smirking? I had no idea."

Once again the two sitting opposite us laughed at my nonchalant act.

That seemed to only aggravate her. Tightly clenching her teeth in anger she held out her hands in a choking manner. But she never made contact with my vulnerable neck, well that was until I commented on it

"What can't go through with your action? Didn't know you were a coward too"

Rolling my eyes and resting my head on my hand, elbow perched on the table I watched with glee as the two girls laughed even harder.

"Oh my, oh my gosh. Someone actually called you a coward! You!"

Erica loudly exclaimed with a finger pointed at Yusa. Somila was now lying on one of her arms the other was steadily smacking the table in a tight fist. One would think she was in pain but the shake of her shoulders gave away the fact that she was instead laughing.

Before I could register what was happening I felt two hands wrap around my slim neck. Rocking me back and forth with a tight grasp over my throat, Yusa screamed out like a certain anime character I'd heard of.


I struggled in her arms, my hands over her's as I tried to pry them off by the fingers. But it was no use. Her grip was like steel and just felt so freaking rough. What was this girl, a mammoth?! Guess it's true what they say about the Japanese, they're definitely cyborgs. Mhm.

"I'm, showy."

Rocking me repeatedly without mercy, the others continued laughing while I was busy suffering.

"Okay, okay...I think that's enough now Yusa"

Out of breath and still giggling a bit, Erica tried to stop Yusa from committing murder. And by "tried" to stop, I mean she didn't try at all.

Like do you seriously think if you told a lion to stop eating you it would just listen to your words and let you go? Nah, the world doesn't work that way. Not to mention just how stupid that is!

"Yusa, u-uhm could you let go of her, please?"

Somila's words made her falter in her assaulting actions but only for a few seconds. As soon as she regained her composure, she continued her conquest to end my life and achieve her goal of becoming an official murderer.

"Like. Hell!"

Okay, I feel like I'm getting motion sickness right now. My head's even getting heavy and I think I feel a headache coming on.

"Pl-lease st-op!"

She did not stop. If anything her grip on me tightened and she rocked my head harder.

"Ugh, your death is nigh!"

Violently releasing me from her crocodile grip, she grumbled in anger, crossed her arms, and laid on them with cheeks puffed up.

"Oh wow, I've never seen Yusa this grumpy or pouty before."

Somila commented with eyes wide in amazement. She held her hand over her mouth like some posh lady.

"I know right? The only time she's ever acted like this much of a brat was when her brother stole then broke her toy in middle school."

"Shut up"

Yusa commanded with a pout, she still lay on her arms with only her eyes visible.

I smirked at the cute little pouting brat, cooing at her I made baby noises just to irritate her a little more. She grumbled in anger and buried her face further into her arms. That's when I could no longer hold it in and I outright laughed my ass off.

I mean how could I not? This was Yusa the scary, cruel, witch demon here and she was pouting like a three-year-old after being called out on their massive tantrum.

"Wow, I can't believe you're actually this much of a sulk!"

Somila and Erica joined in on the laughter while Yusa sulked even further in her arms.

"Oh wow, that was a good laugh"

Looking over at the two girls in front of me I couldn't help but sneak in a small smile. Although in my last hometown, I didn't have real friends I could hang out with daily, not to mention my remark of not needing any in the first place...

I had to admit, it was somewhat nice having people to chat with and talk to about small insignificant things.

As I was busy watching my newfound and admittedly forced onto me, friends my eyes glimpsed to the back of the cafeteria. Far in the corner of the room, I saw the tall figure of none other than Novel.

It was then that my heart swelled and my eyes drooped in a hypnotic state. Somila must have seen the look on my face and decided to look back to what it was I was looking at. As soon as her eyes landed on Novel, they widened in shock and immediately her head whipped back to our table.

Erica was too preoccupied with teasing Yusa, and Yusa was too busy being a sulky baby so none of them took notice of her reaction...

But I did.

"Hey, Somila you alright?"

I asked the shy girl who squirmed in her seat. She had her head cast down to the table, her bangs hiding her face.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright"

She didn't sound alright. Her voice was softer than usual and it seemed like she had a fever or something. Slightly worried for her health I coaxed her into looking at me.

"Hey, you sure? You don't sound alright to me though. Can you at least look at me?"

I asked her with a gentle tone. She didn't seem willing at first but after some time she finally raised her head. I raised a brow at her reddened and flushed face.

Why was she blushing so hard?

Looking back to where Novel sat and then back to her, I repeated the action a few more times and that's when I got it. My eyes widened in realization and the only word that repeated in my head was no!

This girl who was dressed as a rebellious emo but sweet and quiet was in love with Novel!

This cannot be happening!