
J's Bad Luck

12 times I've tried to steal a unique piece of software, a special program to be exact. This would be the 13th time, the last time. 

Experience has shown me that I couldn't do this job alone. So I hired the best hacker in Taormina City. 

The glasses I was outfitted with scanned Consept's secret cyber information laboratory.

My communication implant bleeped, and my hired help spoke. "I see that Consept upgraded their security. Thanks for making my job harder, J."

"Can you handle it?"

"Yeah, but it'll cost you."

"Do what you can, and I'll get all the notes you want."

"Okay… alarm down, cameras down, audio feed is inaccessible. Okay… I set off the alarms at another location."

"Can you give me a time estimate?"

"Consept's security team has received new cybernetics from Cybernetix. So, IDK… maybe 12 minutes?"

"I'll see you on the other side!" I thew myself from the top of a 80 story building.

I free fall, then my wingsuit caught the rushing wind. I aimed my decent to my target. As I near, I tucked into a ball and rolled on the roof of Concept's building. I swiped the area for any sort of security.

I used a small yet powerful drill to dig into to roof. I made golf ball sized whole. Below the concrete and a metal panel, I found a criss-cross laser lattice thati barred my progress. 

Here was when I  deployed a device that circulates a radiation charge. It then released this built up radioactivity, which created an electromagnetic pulse. This EMP had a short range. But it was just enough to deactivate the laser grid.

I continued drilling down. When I penetrated all the through, distant alarms blared. My estimated 12 minutes was up.

I buried an explosive into the drilled hole. I gave the detonation site a good amount of distance.


A hole wide enough for me to jump into is made. 

A man with gravity boots snuck up behind me. He launched a wire lasso, a metal wire that wraps anything it connects to.

I caught the wire, and tossed it aside.

I back flipped down the newly made entrance, and right into a trap.

Armed guards point their stun guns at little old me.

Instead of handing me to the authorities, they took me deeper into the building.

With each corner we turned the more worried I became. 

They brought me to a room, and locked me in.