
A fighters journey

A fighters journey is about a young boy who through mma discovers who he really is to give him self a identity and a purpose

Bludder · アクション
4 Chs

Saving jake part one

Jake woke up in a mysterious place, his head in pain. The last thing he remembered was being knocked out by Jin, and now he found himself surrounded by Jin and his goons. He struggled to open his eyes, as he had a realization that Jin must have dragged him off somewhere.

In his mind, Jake knew that Jin was probably trying to call Hanuel, his best friend. He couldn't bear the thought of Hanuel getting involved in this dangerous situation. Hanuel had just made new friends, and Jake didn't want him to be put in harm's way because of his own troubles. He made a silent vow to protect Hanuel at all costs.

gathering every ounce of strength, Jake would charge towards Jin while his back was turned. However, before he could even reach him, one of Jin's goons a skilled judo practitioner grabbed Jake's legs and forcefully threw him to the ground. Jake winced in pain, realizing that he was still recovering from his previous fight with Jin. It was clear that he was in no condition to take on Jin or his goons.

Despite the pain and exhaustion, Jake's determination to protect Hanuel burned fiercely within him. He knew he couldn't back down. Gritting his teeth, he pushed himself back up, his eyes fixed on the phone in Jin's hand. Without a second thought, he lunged forward and snatched the phone, he threw a punch that was telegraphed and predictable.

Jin easily dodged Jake's overhand right punch, countering swiftly and delivering a powerful blow that sent Jake crashing back to the ground. Gasping for breath, Jake watched helplessly as Jin dialed Hanuel's number, panic and concern gripping his heart.

Hanuel had a excited tone as he answered the phone, having never really spoken to someone over the phone before. "Hey, Jake! What's up?" he exclaimed, unaware of the danger lurking on the other end.

But instead of Jake's voice, it was Jin who spoke, his tone dripping with menace. "This isn't Jake. Come over here, we have him with us," Jin stated, his voice sending a shiver down Hanuel's spine.

Jake's desperate voice suddenly erupted through the phone, filled with urgency snatching the phone out of jins hand. "Hanuel, don't come over here! I don't want you to get dragged into this!" Jake pleaded, his fear for his best friend evident.

Jin swiftly snatched the phone away from Jake, a malicious smirk playing on his lips. Ignoring Jake's plea, he proceeded to give Hanuel the location, his voice cold and calculated. Hanuel's heart sank as he heard the location being recited, realizing the gravity of the situation he was about to face.

The call abruptly ended, leaving Hanuel to grapple with a whirlwind of emotions. Fear for his friend's safety mingled with determination to help Jake, knowing that he couldn't just stand idly by. With a deep breath, Hanuel steeled himself, ready to face whatever awaited him at the ominous location Jin had given him.

He knew he couldn't face this situation alone, and he needed to reach out to his friends for assistance.

Quickly, Hanuel opened his phone and located the group chat that Jake had created earlier at the bar. With trembling fingers, he typed a frantic message, trying to alert Ryan and Mark of the dire situation. "RYAN AND MARK, PLEASE HELP ME! SOMEONE'S GOT JAKE! THEY'VE DRAGGED HIM TO A LOCATION! COME OVER TO MY HOUSE SO WE CAN GO THERE!" Hanuel typed in all caps, hoping to convey the urgency of the situation.

Meanwhile, Ryan and Mark received the message simultaneously. They exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. Without hesitation, they rushed to gather their belongings, determined to assist their friend in need.

Arriving at Hanuel's house, Ryan and Mark found him anxiously pacing back and forth, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. "We're here, Hanuel. We're going to find Jake," Ryan reassured, placing a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.

Mark nodded in agreement, his expression grave. "We won't let anything happen to Jake. We're in this together," he affirmed, his voice filled with resolve.

Hanuel gave them a grateful nod, his voice filled with determination. "Thank you both. Let's go save Jake." With that, the trio set off towards the unknown location, their bond of friendship driving them forward, ready to face whatever awaited them.

As they went towards the location they were greeted by three people

Jin lee the elite boxer

joji seong the judo black belt

seonsu hyong a undefeated kickboxer

Who were all about to face off against

Hanuel jinwoo the complete mma fighter

Ryan kim a undefeated D1 wrestler

Mark shin a excellent standup fighter using the best striking art of muay thai