
A fantasy(a wish fulfiller-fulfillment story)

Wish, a single hopeful desire, it is something that i never even thought to exist within me,and it would always be or so i thought.

shiro2141 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

A new wind

I woke up feeling refreshed, i look at the clock showing 9.am , I WOKE UP LATE??

i immediately went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and went to the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Master"

I Took a bread on the Table that Seems Freshly Baked and Ate it Like a beast.

"aumm.. auf... why did you.... auff... not wake me up? "

Saber tilts his head in confusion, he thinks a bit before realizing.

"ah, i forgot to tell you, because of Yesterday the School is on vacation"


I accidentally dropped the plate holding the bread, it took me a second to understand what Saber said.

"ah.... Are you okay? you need to be careful"

Saber wore his gloves and cleaned up the broken plates, then he took the First aid kit on the shelf. He Scans my body looking for injuries or so.meanwhile i just stood there thinking a bit.


I just let out an exasperated sigh and went to the living room and sink onto the Big sofa. Saber after checking i have no problem whatsoever, resumed his cooking.


"and so that was what happened yesterday, do be careful on your daily life as the police is investigating the incident, Next up we have...."

I'm currently Eating while watching the news, thankfully no news about me and my involvement i was worried that would affect my life and all. didn't want a paparazzi on your tail.

"Master I'm leaving"

"oou, see you"

Saber leaves after Finishing his cooking. that leaves me alone. Thankfully it seems that he already installed consoles so that i won't be bored here alone.

Just How does he know me so well??


"AAA, you f word piece of- why does this thing are so- Hard to beat"

I'm currently Malding while playing a game, am i really bad at games? no, i think the game is too hard. yes, i mean everyone starts from somewhere right? and this is the beginning of my training arc.

Thinking about training arc, i think i forgot about something...


my phone rang, i take a look and saw Shirou calling me.

"Oh Shirou, What's wrong"

"Arthur, are you busy during the break?"

"yeah, I'm pretty much free, in fact I'm currently playing alone, wanna come?"

"i want to come but..canwe not play but... you know??"

i took a ponder what he was trying to tell me, 'ah, it's about yesterday"

"Sure, why not, oh you probably don't know about the way so i will pick you up at where we part ways."

"Okay, I'm going to get ready, see you soon"

Shirou hung up the call and i also did, i already took a shower earlier so... i will just play a bit before going.


2 Hours Later-

Huh, did i forget something?

i run out of snacks to chew so i was about to go take another batch but i heard my phone rang, i look towards it and saw Shirou's name. and in that moment i knew, i fucked up.

I picked up the phone while cleaning the room

"Hey Arthur? you there yet? I'm still on the way because of something sorry."

'SAFE' "it's fine...huf huff.... I'm still on the way there too"

i turned off the tv and consoles,put on my shoes, and ran

"you okay? don't have to rush I'm not there yet"

"yeah, is fine see you there"

if i just run there i won't be able to make it, guess it's parkour time

i jumped from building to building, making my way to my destination, along the way i could hear gasps and other kinds of voices but just ignored them. while i was doing that suddenly someone crept up to me,i look to my left and saw a person with White hair and wearing a... sunglasses?

"Heya! sorry for interrupting you but can i have a word with you??"

"Sorry, I'm busy"

"Please? just a bit??🥺🥺"

How did he make that face with sunglasses, did he just make the sunglasses shine or something?? i slowed down and he noticed that look cheerful and also went along, i look around to find a good place to talk and choose a building that looks a bit abandoned.

he catches up to me after and soon we were face to face on a rooftop.

"So? what do you need?"

"Me? nothing, it's just that i saw what you were doing and thought that you might be something else but.."

he peeked through his glasses a bit and paused, seemingly Scanning through me.

"It seems i thought wrong, I'm Satoru Gojou"

I raised my brows at that, i heard that name before, i think it was from that anime that i haven't watched, what was it juju- Jumanji? i forgot.

"i see, So since you thought wrong i will leave now"

"No please wait"

what is this? Deja vu? how many times has this been? next time i should just leave without telling anything.

"even though i thought wrong, i just wanted to make sure, so please can you let me ?"

"Let you do what?"

Gojou then clasp his hand and started rubbing it.

"well, i want to take a look at you, every single part of you"

my hair stood up at hearing that, what did he say? no, absolutely not.

"I'm leaving"

Since I'm in a hurry i will leave this man here with whatever stuff he is doing, Shirou will be mad if i let this go on. But just as i was about to run Gojou Then grabbed my hand and tried to force me.

"I'm sorry but could you plea-"


in a furious state, i accidentally made my emotion run wild, making the chakra that i had in my body run wild and making the genjutsu i put on my eyes disappear.Gojou froze when he saw my eyes. he loosen his grip of me,i took that chance to calm myself before running and leaving gojou.

'Hahh, i guess there goes my calm life, i just hope he won't really bother much later on


*Satoru Gojou POV*

I am the strongest Sorcerer in the world, holding both limitless and the six eyes, no one should be able to defeat me, i know i am arrogant, but what can people do? nothing. they know I'm the strongest, which is why no one ever asked me to stop.

but today, for the first time in my life, i felt it, i never knew of it existing inside of me before. but now i know.


That is the only feeling that i felt when i saw those eyes, Those white eyes that seemingly hold no bounds of existence, just looking at them makes it feel like i am nothing. My whole being was in panic mode, telling me that i would cease to exist.

so i let it go. even though i have to make sure that massive energy is not a Curse, but just looking at it i knew that was no curse.


I quickly arrived and saw that shirou wasn't here yet so i relaxed, but thankfully my body didn't feel tired or anything, thank you Endurance.

i saw shirou coming from a distance so i waved at him,he saw me and waved back while coming towards me. he seems to be carrying a big bag, wonder what that's for?

"Sorry, I was rummaging through my house a bit for these, anyway i hope that your house is big enough for us to train"

"No worries, it's fine i can say i had a pretty moderate space in my house, here, i bought this drink while waiting for you"

Shirou took the drink and we start to walk to my house, during the way back we didn't encounter anyone else so it was a relatively calm one.

"This....is your house?"

"Yeah, Pretty neat isn't it?"

Shirou just kept his mouth shut, but in his head he was a bit ecstatic.

"Anyway, let's just go to the room that we will be using"

We went to the Simulation room, this room was made for stimulating any environment that i need and that was what i need, i can't just say "I will train you" without actually having a way to train him do i?

after we reached there shirou changed his clothes into something more comfortable for training. i changed the environment into What would it feel to be in the mountains, with high Air pressure to train his breathing. Shirou was amazed at what i just did.

"Alright we should start now, can't be wasting your precious time now"
