
A fantasy(a wish fulfiller-fulfillment story)

Wish, a single hopeful desire, it is something that i never even thought to exist within me,and it would always be or so i thought.

shiro2141 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

A Deal

I straighten my back when i realized who i am facing with, i don't really have ant defense against spiritual attacks so he can almost pummel me out of existence.

"Yes, um, mister, who are you?"

Thnkfully, with my Acting skill i was able to make him think that i am nothing but a normal person who just happened to have strong mental powers and eyes.

"...Do you have a Dragonball?"

The words that left his mouth made me realize that he while might be powerful, could only try to act in front of me in order to hide the fact he came from seireitei. this is good,now i can just give him the ball and....

"Yes, Does mister also have it?"


wait, he might get suspicious if i just Hand it to him willy-nilly, instead of that i should try to make a deal to make him feel less suspicious, after all, a deal between two parties is more reliable than just gifting him.

"Well, i don't really want it but if Mister wants it maybe we can think of a deal?"

Hearing my words, Byakuya seems to relax a bit, and the grip on his sword was loosened albeit not fully.

"...What do you want?"

"Well, anything that can help me survive? Just few weeks ago our school was attacked and it was scary"

i faked my fear while trembling to make it more reliable, while trying to divert eyes from the person front of me, and it looks like it's a success as i noticed a pitiful expression on his face.

"Okay, let me call someone for a bit"

i watched byakuya as he took out a cell phone. wait, they had Cellphone on soul society??? i never watched all of bleach but i remembered the technology there wasn't that good.

"hello, yes well the situation is....."

"so come and bring those..Toys of yours..... i will give you a favor...." *Snap*

he tucked away the phone and look back to me.

"i called one of my... Acquaintance to come here and bring stuff that you might want"

"Oh okay"



'Well this is awkward'

i guess he wasn't really a talker now. ugh i should try and talk about something or this pressure is going to kill me.

"What are you wishing for?"

Byakuya looked back and sighed.

"Not your business kid"


i guess it's pretty rude but what else can i do to break the ice?? well, since he doesn't want to talk i guess i will just pass the time Playing my phone.


"Class 1-2 is riiight here"

i heard someone outside our class entering. i looked up and saw an old man with white stripped green hat(or is it a green stripped white hat?) waving at Byakuya, Byakuya in response just Huffed not trying to even say hello.

"Did you bring them?"

"Of course of course, and you must be the one needing it correct?" he turns to ask to me, i nodded and he started to bring out stuff.

"Now them, pick your poison" he said while smirking.


"I guess This is enough"

After going through all of the things that Urahara offered. i got up and went to my seat. pretending of grabbing something from my bag i took out the Crystal ball from the inventory. After giving it to Byakuya i was preparing to leave until....

"Now, with all of them with me i-"


i screamed while holding his hands.

"I'm okay with you using it and summoning but don't do indoors especially on my class, it would be bad"

i said as i lie through my teeth, the truth is that i don't want them to see me transform right in front of them.

"And here i thought that all students wants their schiil gone because they hate it"Byakuya says nonchalantly

Well, that might be true but still....

"Anyway, i am going to leave this classroom and you guys should too, don't want to show up in tomorrows headlines now"

i picked up my Stuff and went outside, the moment i was out of sight i immediately ran as fastas i could , since he would be summoned in His true from.


contrary to what he thought, they didn't immediately leave, instead, Urahara hold byakuya for a small talk.


"You know that this could be a scam right?"

Urahara said as he eyed the crystal balls in byakuya's hands suspiciously, he knows that such things as wish-granting objects were nothing but a fairy tale. He who has seen the soul king with Aizen knows what is actually the truth.

"....At first i also thought that this is also not real" Byakuya told Urahara while averting his gaze to the sky " But i tried, no, WE tried, all of the Gotei 13 tried to break this ball to see what is on the inside, we studied what it was made from but it all turned out.." he slowly lifted the ball in his hands "Blank".

this indeed shocked Urahara since he knows that if The Gotei 13 couldn't;t do it, then neither will the rest of soul society.

"So now i am putting my chances at this"

Urahara can only stare at the man in front of him, determined to get what he wants. it makes him wonder, What could be his wish to be this desperate?

Thus the two left for the rooftop, to call upon....



hearing the voice, all the students who were still around the school this time looked at its source,they saw a man wearing a haori in the rooftop while holding something shining.

the shining light slowly ascends upon the sky, and once it was out of sight, the sky Changed, slowly turning Purple-ish as Billions of thin tentacles wave through the air. it went from person to person, through the depths of hell, and soared all over the skies.

Aurelius, who had descended, looked upon the one that had summoned him, with a voice that sounds like the deep abyss, It Asked.

"What do you wish for, human?"


"Sorry for the short chapter.