
A Falling Wings

credits of photo: Kelseydragon17(user on pintrest) A Falling wings needs change, and a huge makeover. It wont only be a long break, but a sad one to know my viewers will wait for a long period. Hopefully every viewer can be able to fly strong, until then, goodbye! Sadness and tragedy are too early for a teen, well that's not really the case with Violet, the fifteen-year-old who will always figure out a way to deal with grief whether it will be on earth or not. We are introduced to the main character in A Falling Wings, who is a fifteen-year-old girl from a dysfunctional family. Violet is forced to live a life that is entirely meaningless and without any explanation as to why she is living it in this way. Nevertheless, Violet is both awestruck and terrified when she discovers, at the age of fifteen, after she throws her fifteenth birthday party with her mother and two friends, that she has beautiful but terrifying wings. Her friends confront her with the question of who she is and as a result of their investigation, she comes to the conclusion that she is not human, but she is also not a spy either. This one event that started as a fun story turned into a very bizarre one. Violet is from a planet of peace, a sacred one, that had once been at full war with earth after a catastrophic crisis had occurred between the humans and the people of the unique planet "Kahilis" and all the rest remains history in the book known as "A Falling wings"

DoveyBunny · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 26 (“My name is Valerie”)

My blanket was covering my body, my body that inhabited scars, such as the one on my neck that explains my long voracious journeys. I concurred the mountains and hurt my victims without second thinking, I swam across the seas and hunted nature's magnificent animals for food. I laughed upon the death of who was defined as a winner, and I chuckled at the swamp at the blood that was on my bullets. And after all that I'm still breathing? After all the families I tore apart and the Kahilis I gave no emotional sympathy and yet I was still let go? Even after acting as the prey and the protector, the scavenger I still am living to see the trees losing their leaves and the animals slaughtered from their shelters. But never mind that, may it all get caught in flames, of wrath. I'll still do what I do best, and throw what I find the worst, I'll cut what I find useless, and heal what I find vital. Even though not many years have passed it still feels like it. I'm afraid, this world is changing as I see the flowers turning grey and the ground turning dirty brown, but no- humanity will and is thriving, even if it takes me nothing, I'll promise to bring meaning to that sentence. "BACK OFF! MOTHER! A- A KAHILI IS IN THE LIVING ROOM!" I quickly jumped out of bed like a fire alarm went off. Opened the door, and slammed it on the wall which almost caused it to lose its hinges. "Imp-IMPOSSIBLE!" I think openly, it had been nearly the thirteenth year of the cut links, why are we returning to this? Why are we back at the first step? "MOM!" I see Wendy holding a book on her, threatening to use it to scratch the kahili, I free the anxiety I had locked to not look puny and fearful.

"Step away Wendy, and give me the book." This wasn't a request or a given option, it's the requirement she must do, or the worst-case scenario I imagined will go down. "WHAT IF HE HURTS YOU?!" "WENDY GIVE ME THE IRRITATING BOOK AND GO TO YOUR ROOM!" I yelled with an angering tone that shook my own body. Where is he? He isn't anywhere that I can see. She gave me the book, taking her time reluctantly. A man walked right behind her, wearing his traditional clothes from the country and planet that he's been living in, I can tell who he is, his name, and his location of birth by a few looks, except who he was to me. He began to touch my daughter's fuzzy brown hair, her face is paler than usual. "Go upstairs," I tell her as a conclusive task, she doesn't refuse, but she makes her way to her room. I stay quiet until I can hear the locking of her door.

"Do you have streas here? Cause the trip to reach here was time-consuming" "Who do you think you are? who even are you?" I emphasized was exhausted from them, and I didn't want them anymore near me. "Oh right, you forgot my little sister as well?" He added to his words. I suddenly recalled him for the several things we had committed all around in that era. "He was the boy who tried to poison all my colleagues," I remember snatching his sister and teaching her the lesson I feel repentance for more than the age of my daughter . "You still managed to make it alive?" I asked roughly. He zoned for seven seconds, no answer at all "What would have I done if not?" That question left me silent "I have no idea" I replied with a silky tone, that dangled like the branches of a tree. "It really hurts, you understand that, right? You know how much it cut deep, don't you?" there was that dubious look on my face, what was he saying? I just don't apprehend. "What's wrong? Were the burning wings what got to you at this position? AFTER ALL THE WINGS, AND LIVES YOU TOOK, DID YOU DECIDE TO REGRET THEM NOW!? AND BY WHAT HAVING A CHLD AND 'Leaving for good?' How come you humans consider the lie that you top over your sins? You still figure out that you formed a light of home regardless of what you destroyed." I stopped for a moment, I thought of what he said, but no, I won't allow his words to intersect with mine. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO STEP INTO MY HOUSE, THREATEN MY CHILD, AND EXPECT ME TO SPEAK ACCEPTINGLY TO YOU!" "Oh shut your mouth, your teen is not a child. If she is a child then my sister was an adult. Where is the girl?" Who was he talking about? What girl I had been isolated, living with my daughter for almost 13 years. The last time I interacted with anyone was more than 13 years ago after I packed my bags and left for somewhere else, somewhere where I can rethink the choices I've done that I still regret sincerely. Is he speaking about her? The girl of misfortune, the girl of tangles, the girl who should've been known as the creature that couldn't have stepped foot onto our planet. I'm sure it's her, who else if not? "If we're going to bring up that girl once again, then don't waste your time and mine, you're welcomed to leave." "Where is she? I need her to come." This darn topic was said to be locked and I'm not shocked enough to throw him out "I don't have her, Charlotte does you can go visit her there." "You think that that wasn't my first stop, she wasn't there."

Did they take her back? My worst nightmare is getting granted to me on the spot, acting anxious is not a part I must do "She isn't here then?

Probably they took her back to Aquene." His expression turned from boldness to madnesses, I can feel the anger from even a distance apart. His chest is glistening a golden white, this isn't something pointing out that a spectacular event will only happen, it is happening, he will summon what could be beyond his ability, I remembered a technique that can save my life called 'Dapras rutiqe'

'Dapras rutiqe'

an ancient technique that keeps away the damage to the soul and body, the only way it's activated is by pressing cold hard on the chest, what this does is it gives the sensation of a broken or simply causes a broken blood vessel, this acts like a taser for a couple of seconds to Kahilis. In the field of medicine, this can also work for a human, but there is no power a human can summon or generate, so to humans it is useless.

I heard a loud choke coming from him, and his hand pounding hard enough on his chest, but this wasn't the first getting blowback he ever received, his regaining of his blood vessel is truly outstanding, I counted in focus, it took him less than two seconds. He coughed lustily and can hardly take a breath

"I'm finding her and once I do, i'll make sure to wreak havoc on your life but since your 'daughter' means a lot to you then fine. She will remain unharmed." His voice said was highly dry, I would've given him water if he wasn't an enemy. I clenched my hand in dismay, he doesn't seem to be speaking in that way to just scare me, he has a goal and I admire his strong belief that he could hurt me. "I'll make sure to wreck your life if you even think of hurting me, don't mess with who you uneducated kahili know off." I blinked only once and he wasn't there anymore, he disappeared. "A note?" There was only a note on the ground nothing else, I bent down slowly not afraid but taking a precaution. "If one can hurt you, how about 50?" I'm stunned to speak, I don't want to believe what I'm reading because it can't be happening

"You can't hurt me, and you can't hurt anyone" the memories splash inside my head "You have two other choices I saved. One: You die, or better, two: watch your sister die" I break it to him as soullessly as I can while he turns pale and yellow "GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER." "Your old enough to make up your answer. One or two?" "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US, IT'S NOT FAIR. *sniffles* I'm one and your 50 (number in kahili)" He breaks down on the ground, acceptance is not seen on his face, his face was covered with scars and slight burns "LEAVE ME YOU MORTAL." His little sister says craving freedom from my hands. She twisted my hand and kicked me in the stomach painfully "YOU LITTLE-" I screamed loud, my other colleagues just laughed as they witnessed the young girl running to her older brother barefoot. "It would be funnier if your head of section knew that his students aren't executing kahilis on the spot and are just watching instead" The mediocrity they all were spreading carelessly was humiliating for me to even take part in "You okay?" She asked, staring at his puffing wrist "It's broken and I can't do anything, I'm sorry." He said hopelessly, cleaning the burned flesh off his young sister's arm. She turned to me, facing me boldly "When do you humans stop?" I looked at her, moving my head as my silver earrings moved in that direction as well "Stop what?" She began to collect the rocks from the sand "Stop this crucial act. Remind me again who are you beings? Are you fairies? Or Immortals? Are you special? Or do you strive for it? You all are just buckets of bees, finding someone to sting-" "We're none of what you would like to fit, and- *takes out glamorous knife* I don't want to hurt you or your brother, but two species can't coexist on one plant- There could be only one specie existing on this universe, that's us, humans." "Delusional humans." She corrects me as if she has an idea of who we really are. The rocks that were held in her left hand, but had just emerged into boulders just from the squishing of her tiny hands onto them, she throws two of them towards my young colleagues like a bowling bowl powerfully, they flew away, I can tell that her wings were transmitting all their energy into her small hands, and I can tell they now were turning black. "RETREAT! RETREAT!" One of them spoke in fear of death "Give her a couple of minutes and she'll run out of energy." I said fearless of any consequence fate might send over for me in particular. Another person, and another, and there goes the other to the ground, everything fell apart. I stoof there in front of this little girl waiting for her to stop "Cindy, this is enough we have to leave before something occurs to any of us. Cindy?-"

She collapsed on the ground shivering insanely, her lips were now black and her wings had matched them perfectly "CINDY! No- this- this can't be happening- no- not to you." He stated speaking to her with stutters between his words and holding her small face, her wings. And there I shot her with my gun finishing her off from the misery she might later meet. All alone I was, I approached him with strength, in addition to my clicking boots that I was threatened to stop wearing. "If 1 can hurt then how about 50 others?" I told him while the wind brushed against my brown frizzy hair, crouching to reach his wings. Before bribing him into following me a random kahili flew in disrupting the plan holding nothing in her hands, she flapped her wings, and suddenly a bunch of spears flashed out, all aiming for my head, in total about 40 of them. I jumped backward continuously dodging triple the dozen of them but only four hit me, two in the neck and two others in the thigh "Go back to your planet, human." She cried loudly. Her eyes were cold and calm simultaneously, and her voice was enough of a trigger for the day, her hair- was indescribable, the layers of hair were immense. "I'm not here for the enjoyment, nor am I here for the resort. These vile children paused in our direction to battle." I responded furiously. She looked down to find the corpse of the little girl, around her a shield of steel had formed, I can only hear a sentence "You see this? It's an extraordinary lest gem. Place it in your pocket fast." She murmured into his ear. She stood up and moved her left hand, abolishing the shield. Covering the boy from my eyes, and pushing him to run far away.

I went upstairs after reminding myself of the harsh memory. The door was left creaked as I thought, he took my daughter. I searched the room upside down until my brain rang heavily, there was a note on the floor. "Wanna bring back chaos, Ms. Valerie."

Hey everyone! This time we have insight on one of our characters, Valerie!

I know it's new that a character is speaking for themselves but that's the wonderful thing about A Falling Wings, right? Everyone needs to state their story, and not the narrator.

Tell what what you guys think, should I continue this perspective with other characters?

DoveyBunnycreators' thoughts