
A Fairy’s Journey

What does it mean to be free? Is it the right to do as you please? To live as you want? To not mind other’s opinions? Is it to live without regrets? Watch as a soul who tirelessly worked for others use his new life to understand and find his own freedom. *** [Note: I don’t own anything other than the OC’s] [Note: Cover is not mine]

SaintlyPervert · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

What is Freedom?

-Chapter 1: What is Freedom?-




"It's…just like twenty years ago!!!"

"The Demon Clan is invading again!!"

"No!!! The forest will be destroyed again!!"

A tree that was unmatched in height stood in the centre of a forest. The tree was lovely, with pink leaves that reminded one of Japan's famous Sakura trees. However, one wouldn't have the time to admire such beauty. This was because a gigantic creature that was the size of a mountain and matched the height of a tree swung its long arms and split the top half of a mountain.

The creature was thin and gangly, and an otaku from Earth would immediately recognise it as a golem. Many small humanoid figures with insect wings that could easily be recognised as fairies were also running away in fear.

The golem ignored the running fairies and swung its long arm towards the Sacred Tree, aiming to destroy it. However, its attempt was stopped by a blast to the face from a young boy with short brown hair and brownish-orange eyes.

Seconds after getting attacked, the golem stabilised and fired an energy beam from its mouth, blowing away the brown-haired boy.

"Harlequin!!!" The fairies shouted in shock as they saw their king getting blown away.

The brown-haired fairy king got up again to face the golem.

He repeatedly attacked the golem with his Sacred Treasure, but it seemed hopeless. The golem's body was hard and it would constantly counter with energy beams.

King once again was falling and the golem again used this chance and was successfully able to cut the Sacred Tree.

The fairies along with King watched in horror as the Great Tree that birthed them once again got destroyed.

While he was still in shock, King was grabbed and was moving further away from the golem.

He looked to see who it was and was surprised "Stop! Gerhade, let me go!!!"

Gerheade adviser to the second Fairy King Dahlia and younger sister of Gloxinia, the first Fairy King ignored Harlequins order and continued flying.

"Looooord Harlequin!!! Escape from here!"

"Your still our King!!"

"So…please don't die!!!"

King helplessly watched as the fairies, his people, flew toward the golem fearlessly while he escaped.

He listened as Gerhade and his best friend Helbram told him that it was fine to escape. However, mid flight he got control of his body and stopped Gerhade in her track.

"Lord Fairy King!!!"


""What are you doing!!!""

King ignored their shout and muttered, "I only need this to work once…please."

<<Sacred Treasure Release>>

"I know, I'm a selfish king…but even so, I want to protect everything!…The forest, my people, Diane and even…him(Ban). So…take this!!!"

<<True Spirit Spear Chastiefol>>

The previous long, broad spear changed forms taking on the appearance of a great spear that dwarfs King in size.

The golem alerted, pulled back its gangly arms for an attack, but before it could swing, Chastiefol reached its chest, creating an enormous, cross-shaped explosion upon contact and blowing it away.


[Several Minutes before King defeated the golem]

Dozens of miles away from the battlefield happening at the Sacred Tree, a hollow log covered in moss could be seen. Within it lay a unmoving green human sized cocoon. Suddenly, the cocoon started to shake before cracking noises resounded.


As the cracking finished, shuffling noises could be heard coming from within the dark and hollow log. The shuffling noise slowly got closer towards the exit of log, as it got closer a bewitching effeminate voice rang out.

"The light is so annoying~ Why can't I just sleep again? Oh yeah, it's all because of Luna. Spouting nonsense like I was sleeping for a thousand years ."

Just as the voice finished speaking a figure crawled out of the log. The appearance of the person was otherworldly, and could be called a divine beauty. They had lustrous emerald-green hair that reached up-to their bottom and dark jade green eyes. The most prominent feature was the pointed elf like ears. It is hard to tell if the person is a man or woman, as their face was androgynous with rosy red lips and long eyelashes.

[Image] (A/N: By androgynous, I mean he's similar to Rimuru, they both look girly but at the same time like a man. It's confusing I know.)

Their lustrous skin and soft features are reminiscent of a woman, but their loose white hooded tunic further obscures their sex by hiding their physique, making it impossible to see their chest and hips.

They are a paradoxical being that possesses the impurity characteristic of mankind and the immaculate perfection inherent to nature.


"Hah~ I needed that one. Who would of that fairies have bones." The androgynous youth chuckled as they done a few stretches, relaxing their bones.

[Are you perhaps an idiot Zephyr? Why wouldn't they have bones?] A young girls voice rang in the youths head.

"Oh Luna, you're still here? I thought you were celebrating in the corner of my soul somewhere. After all you always wanted me to go outside". Zephyr said in a curious tone, ignoring her question as he looked around the forest.

[Bah! Celebrating by doing what? Rewatching all those animes for another hundred times? Never! Hurry and start moving! To infinity…and beyond!] Luna said in a excited tone.

Zephyr chuckled at her excitement and looked at the words floating in front of him.

[Ding! Complete your first quest]

[Quest: After-battle Recovery]

[Objective: Heal King from his injuries after he defeats the Albion]

[Reward: Starter Pack]

[Bonus Reward 1: Random Herb x1]

[Bonus Reward 2: Random Weapon x1]

[Note: Because this is your first quest, rewards have been increased. The only time this will be possible is with higher difficulty quests or special circumstances]

[Time Limit: 1 hour]

[Failure: System can give user any punishment as long as it doesn't endanger hosts life]

Zephyr shook his head and said "Luna, you really are a devil. How can you give me such a punishment? Are you not meant to be the Chaotic Path System? A system that prioritises freedom from the restrictions of order."

[I am a system that gives its host freedom! But you! You took 'Freedom' to a different level! Who sleeps for a thousand years just because they want freedom? Did you know that even Gods, Devils, and other beings would fight for this system? So-]

"Just get to the point and tell me how you were able to give a penalty. " Zephyr interjected.

[Hmph! Fine! It's a sort of last resort that a system can use if the host is not making proper use of the system. Normally, the penalties for other systems can even be death, but that is not the case with this system, and you should be able to figure out why.]

Zephyr nodded in understanding, " It's because it's a system prioritising my freedom, meaning I am uncontrollable. But that still doesn't make sense. How were you able to use the so-called last resort? Since the system prioritises my freedom, shouldn't me sleeping be my freedom?"

(A/N: Don't know if this makes sense, so don't worry if you can't wrap your head around it.)

Luna was silent for a few seconds, and instead of answering him, she questioned, [Are you sure that sleeping is really the type of freedom you desire? Tell me, Zephyr, what does freedom really mean to you?]

Zephyr stopped walking as he heard Luna's question. 'What does freedom mean to you? That's right, what does freedom mean to me? Isn't it just doing what I want without worrying about what others say? Or living life without regrets. There are too many answers. So which of them is freedom to me?'

Zephyr looked at the clear blue sky as he looked back on his previous life memories. His last life was a hard one. He worked multiple part-time jobs every single day just to get money. From lawn-mowing people's gardens, babysitting, working as a waiter and cleaning.

His parents were poor and couldn't afford to feed an extra mouth, so they abandoned him at an orphanage when he was three years old. Naturally, he saw many kids who were the same as him, either abandoned or abused by their parents. This was also the reason he worked so many jobs.

He was lucky that he was only abandoned and not abused, so he wanted to help them out. It was his main driving force. That's why he always thought that if his hard work and small sacrifice could help and give these children hope and a brighter future, then it was worth it.

One day, he finished one of his part-time jobs and was going to his next one, but he saw a kid run into the road for his ball. The scene couldn't be more cliché, as there was also a truck coming. Luckily, there was enough time to grab the kid and move out of the way.

However, how could it be so easy to escape from Truck-Kun? As he was about to move out of the way, his legs gave in again.

His legs have been giving in frequently, and the doctors said it was due to stress and overwork, and it couldn't have been a worse time for it to occur. So he did the only thing possible. He pushed the kid towards his mother and fearlessly watched as Truck-Kun moved to harvest his life.

"It was simple, how could I have not even thought of it. " Zephyr said to himself after coming out of his reminiscing. "Luna, I have found my answer".

[Oh? So what is it] Luna asked with curiosity clear in her voice.

"I don't know". Zephyr said shrugging his shoulders.

[E-Eh? You don't know?]

"That's right. However, somebody once told me: 'Life without Freedom is like a body without a soul, and Freedom without Thought is like a confused spirit. . . . Life, Freedom and Thought are three-in-one, and are everlasting and shall never pass away.' As such I have all the time to find out what freedom truly is, especially now that I'm a fairy."

A silence descended for a few seconds before a burst of laughter broke it.

[Hahahahaha! Good! Because from today onwards you will: Break The Rules! Find Your Freedom! And Live Your Life!] Luna exclaimed with anticipation, enthusiasm and appreciation. She was proud. Proud and happy that Zephyr didn't rush and giver her a lousy answer, and instead decided to find out on his own.

"No". Zephyr said bluntly.

[Eh? What do you mean by no?]

With a gentle smile on his androgynous face Zephyr replied, " Our life. We will be living our lives from now on. After all you are family, right Luna?"

After a brief silence Luna answered, [If you want me to be your family then I can only reluctantly agree, since you need to someone to look after you]

Zephyr just chuckled at her so called reluctance, as he could clearly hear the happiness oozing from her voice.

[Why are you laughing?!]

"Haha~ I was just thinking how cute my Imouto is~" Zephyr replied grinning.

[Who's your Imouto?!]

"Oh? Then what are you? My Onee-chan~?" Zephyr asked in a innocent tone, which was clearly super effective from the following reaction.

[Ugh. If you really want I can only-]

"Nah it's fine. I prefer you being my little sister". Zephyr interrupted.

[Fine! Do as you wish! And check this while your at it.]

[Ding! Hidden Quest completed]

[Hidden Quest: What is freedom?]

[Objective: Your honest answer]

[Time Limit: No Limit]

[Reward: Fairy Wings Awakening]

[Bonus Reward: Random Skill Ticket]

With surprise clear on his face, Zephyr asked,"Oh? There was a hidden quest? Why didn't you tell- Actually never mind it was a hidden quest so of course you couldn't tell me. But Fairy wings awakening and skill ticket?]

[This hidden quest is one that comes with the system, not one I created. Even I forgot about it because of a certain person lazing around for so long.] Luna commented in a matter of fact tone.

"My bad~ Anyways, what do I do do with this? Tear it?" Zephyr asked as he looked at the Galaxy coloured ticket.


And so he tore it.


[You have acquired the skill: Mystic Eyes Petrification]

[Mystic Eyes of Petrification]

[Grade: SS+]

[Type: Passive/Active]

[These Eyes are capable of petrifying others and are something that nobody, human or not, possesses. It affects all targets within the owner's field of vision, regardless of whether said targets are looking at the Eyes physically, or if they have their eyes closed but continue to view her with their mind's eye.]


Zephyr whistled as he read and saw the grade/description of the skill. He had a feeling he heard it somewhere but couldn't really remember.

[Do you want to awaken it?]

"Sure, and do the fairy wings too". Zephyr said with anticipation.

[Alright. But it's going to hurt a little, so make sure to endure] Luna warned.


[Initializing Fairy Wings Awakening…]

[Initializing Mystic Eyes of Petrification Awakening…]





[Possible Mutation between Fairy Wings and Mystic Eyes of Petrification detected!]

[Accepting will grant host Mystic Wings of Cybele]

[Mystic Wings of Cybele(Unique)]

[Type: Passive/Active]

[Description: A unique mutation that has become possible due to a simultaneous awakening. Your wings can passively and actively release fairy dust that have properties of petrification. It can enter any of the pores on a person's body causing them to become petrified.]

[Note: Recommended for Host to retract his wings as host does not possess immunity or magic resistance to petrification property of his wings]

[Does Host Zephyr Accept?]


"Accept" Zephyr said with no hesitation.

Just as Zephyr said those words a loud tearing sound came from his back, and the next second a massive shadow covered him. Zephyr turned his head and was gobsmacked by what he saw.

"Are these really fairy wings?" He said to himself as he stared at his wings that was reminiscent of the universe.

[Image of Wings]


[Image of Zephyr]