
A Dream of Crime

A bubbly small town girl, Jesseye Scarta, is an orphan with big dreams. She wants to be the owner of a five star restaurant, but she's young and inexperienced. She has no money, so she resorts to the only other skill she has besides cooking -- pick pocketing. After snatching the wrong item and landing herself a spot in jail, she realizes that she can't accomplish her goals alone. She needs a team. She already has her best friend, Jazzebella Dechant, but she needs a third member. Who will it be?

Gracieblack · 都市
28 Chs


How she grinned at those sweet, sweet words. "Yes." She cupped his face in her hands, brushing his fuzzy cheeks with her thumbs. "Of course. You're amazing, Shane." This was the most adorable way she'd ever been asked out.

He gazed into her eyes deeply. Neither of them knew what else to say. He had never felt this way about anyone before. A blush bloomed into her cheeks. Oh she had never thought this day would come. She meant… so much to him. They were so close and he couldn't help but admire her. He glanced down then shot his eyes back up to hers. Her luscious lips parted in response. "Can, can I kiss you?" He asked quietly, his nerves soaring.

Butterflies assaulted her stomache but she nodded, "If you want." She answered a bit scandalously, shrugging lightly. He smiled despite the twisting knots of his intestines. He slowly leaned in and connected his lips to hers. A grin stretched across her face. Heat trickled from his lips, down her tingling spine, through her arms to her fingertips feeling his scruff. She kissed him back slowly. It felt like a dream, his mouth so warm yet gentle. He moved his hand to her cheek, stroking it softly as their lips swayed together. He leaned back after a minute and smiled.

Laughter erupted from her lips. "I really, really like you," She couldn't believe this was reality. He leaned his forehead on hers as he pulled her closer. She grinned like a cat, her eyes so very bright. "I'm so happy, Shane." She told him cheerfully.

He felt like he was gonna throw up, but his heart soared. She glanced over at Jazza's scoff, "Ya finally confessed, hm?" The dark woman asked with a brow raised.

Shane laughed and smiled before picking Jessye over his shoulder. She squealed and kicked her legs while Jazza broke into a chuckle. "Tried ta tell ya, Jess!" She shouted with a smirk.

He laughed and carried her around the bar before putting her down and pecking her lips. "Thanks for the ride," She was simply beaming.

He smiled at her fondly and rubbed her shoulders. "I'm so happy." He said softly, ignoring his nerves.

Their black friend grinned at them both, "I'll have to tell Tony we're not the only couple now," she said with a shake of her head. Shane nodded and smiled as he looked to Jesseye. Jazz knew they'd get together from the very first day. He was far too kind to her for a gangster, and Jesseye just ate it up. It had been adorable to watch them squirm though when one of them got a little too close.

"Me too!" Jesseye giggled excitedly then glanced to her girl friend, "Oo we could go on double dates!" She mentioned cheerfully, grinning like a cat. "That'd be so much fun!"

Shane laughed as he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend. "Depends on what kind. They can be insanely awkward so I've heard." He said with a laugh.

She snickered and nodded,"Maybe we could go to the Fair?" She asked them both, putting her arm around his shoulder.

Jazza shrugged,"I'll talk to Tones, isn't there one comin a couple weeks in Riverside?"

Jesseye nodded as that was the one she was thinking,"You ever been to the Fair, Shane?" She asked with a little giggle, brushing his shoulder back and forth with her palm.

He shook his head. "Nope." He said with a nervous laugh. He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand and shook his head. "My dad was uh... strict. And that's in understatement." He said with a pessimistic laugh.

Jesseye frowned, despite not knowing what it was like to have a parent at all. "Sorry Shaney," she said softly, giving his cheek a peck just cuz she could.

He smiled softly at her and shook his head. "It's ok."

"But ya got us now!" She said with a squeeze of his shoulder. She couldn't believe he truly liked her back, much less that they were dating now. She grinned again simply thinking about it. She sighed happily as she leaned her head on his. She never wanted to let go of him.

He smiled at her and nodded. "Yes, I do." He turned so she was in front of him then reached down to her legs and pulled her up. She blushed but let him hold her. His height certainly didn't lessen his strength. She was over a hundred pounds and he picked her up like nothing.

"You're fam. Might fight, but ya can't get rid of us," Jazza said with a wink while pouring herself some coffee too. She looked back and shook her head at him. 'In the middle of the kitchen?'

Shane glanced to Jazz and smiled. "Thanks." He held his girlfriend close, rubbing her back to steady her as she sat on his hips with her legs around him.

"Course," Jazza gave a nod, swinging her coffee before starting on a project in the front that she began the day before.

"And I couldn't be more thankful." He said softly as he looked into Jesseye's eyes. She grinned and hung her arms on his neck. This position, this closeness, he loved it; but his stomach didn't.

So did hers. "Neither can I," she said slowly, her cheeks quite warm as she stared dreamily into his eyes. It made her heart beat like a freight train. She'd never had been this close to him. "You are.. everything to me," she told him in an awestruck whisper.

"You're the light of my life, Jesseye." He said softly.

Her heart melted and she couldn't help kissing him softly. It had been too long since anyone had held her, and it had never meant this much. "Thank you, for asking me." She exhaled her contentment as she laid her head on his shoulder. This was absolutely a dream come true.

He rubbed her back with his thumb and nodded. "You're welcome." He said softly.

"I'm so happy," she whispered with a wide grin. He simply held her into his arms. Resting his head on her shoulder, he closed his eyes and sighed deeply. He wished he could do more, but it'd probably take several weeks until he was back to 100%. But for her, this was enough, this was a start, this was the acceptance her heart had longed for. Her life felt complete with him in it.


Jazza sighed deeply as she cranked on a nut. How could she just forgive Shane so quickly? How could she accept him back into the fold this quickly? If Tony did something as detrimental as Shane had to *her* yesterday, ohh, she wouldn't have talked to him for months, much less run after the fool like that. But thankfully, Tony *wasn't* like that.

He sighed and glanced to the clock. Was it really so far away? Why did she have to pick a time so late? Tony couldn't close up shop until 6:30, and that hardly left enough time to get ready. 'Why'd I insist on taking Alejandro's shift?' Because he was kind, inside and out. He couldn't let the man forfeit his weekend with his son because of a stupid scheduling mishap. Sometimes Tony *wished* he had a cruel bone in his body.

Jazza didn't. She admired his generosity, his unwarranted compassion, his unfailing patience. All of it was a comfort to her. She knew she was more than safe with him. His quietness demonstrated not his apathy, but his willingness to let her lead when they *both* know he's more than capable of calling the shots– and she loved it!

"Hey Jeffery, could you wipe this table?" Tony asked with a small, hopefully smile.

The young man shrugged, "Sure." And walked around the bar with a slightly used towel.

"Thanks!" Tony pat his back and lifted his ticket into the air with his first two fingers, "I gotta ring them up."

The kid shook his head lightly. His boss chuckled lightly and let Jeffery's disrespect fly bye.

Honestly, though it was still early, she considered him for the position of, possibly, a partner for life. He'd already been with her through so much: Gramps' death, her useless previous boyfriends before that, Jesseye's lock up… he had much more credibility than any prior. She trusted him so much more.

How wished she had given him a chance first. She, like Jesseye, had caused herself so much pain by simply trying out the wrong men. Jazza had fought with the jealous ones, cried with the painful ones, and worked herself to the bone over the ones she'd wished she'd never given a chance.