
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · ファンタジー
49 Chs

30. Training prep pt 3

After making sure that Eris and Aria were secure and comfortable on his back, and with Adam in hand, Osiris took off into the skies.

Eris and Aria felt their vision blur and a great gust of wind gust at them with great power, but with their early first order strength they held onto Osiris's large scales with all their might.

Once they felt Osiris stopped ascending, they opened their eyes to see a breathtaking view.

High up above the clouds, which sparsely dotted the sky and did not block the view of the ground, Aria and Eris were lost in the wonder of nature which they had never before seen from this angle.

They could see everything, from the dazzling lakes that were scarcely distributed throughout the massive vibrant forest, to the towering green trees that looked like giant sentinels guarding the diverse life that inhabited the lands below them.

Looking around, they could even spot the large flat plain that their village only inhabited a miniscule corner of, and a gigantic mountain in the north that looked to never end.

They couldn't see the desert or ocean since they were way too far away for their limited eyesight to see, unlike Osiris who could see unimaginable distances.

"Hahaha, I can't believe I'm getting to see something so beautiful in my life".

"Thank you so much Osiris, i-if it weren't for you i would probably have died before ever getting to see something like this".

Suddenly Eris broke out into laughter, but turned to tears soon after.

Seeing her like this, Osiris couldn't help but become worried for his usually cute wife.

"What is wrong my love, why are you crying".

"I thought you would be happy".

He asked with a concerned tone.

"I am happy, my love, I was just overwhelmed by emotions all at once and couldn't help but think about what my life would have been if I never had met you".

"Just a normal village girl, never being able to do anything meaningful in my life".

Eris spoke while wiping the tears away with the back of her hand.

Aria, understanding her sister, silently held her hand, offering her support.

"Well my lovely wife, you have nothing to worry about".

"For I will drag you with me down the road of power, whether you like it or not, and make you one of the strongest".

"Aria included, so that you will stand by me when we concur all that is".

Osiris spoke with a joking and serious tone that made Eris smile and hug his back, even kissing him on his scales that sent a small shiver down his spine.

"Haha, you're right my love, we're stuck with each other whether anybody likes it or not".

"Thank you".

Eris said sweetly, while inside Osiris's heart, he pledged to make his wife a warrior of uncanny ability.

Flying in the air at Osiris's extreme speeds, they soon entered the third ring quickly and all dismounted when Osiris landed in a clearing.

Turning back into his human form, Osiris thought it wouldn't be a good experience if he fought in his dragon form as it would be redundant.

It's not like they were going to fight like a dragon anytime soon, and Osiris had been studying various forms of weapon combat, even including bare handed combat, in his spare time.

"Where are we?".

Adam spoke curiously, having never been anywhere besides the periphery of the forest.

"This is the third ring".

Said Osiris.

"Third ring? What's that?".

"I've never heard of the forest having rings?"

Adam responded with a curious look on his face, having never heard of any hunter or forager mention rings in dusk forest.

"I'm guessing it's because nobody strong has ever taken the time to explore dusk forest, but I've noticed that the forest is divided into rings".

"And each ring has a different strength, namely the first ring having first order and below beasts, the second ring having second order beasts and so on".

Listening to his explanation, Adam was intrigued by the information, knowing that the further he went, the stronger opponent he could face.

Eris suddenly chimed in, saying.

"And how many rings are there in total?".

To which Osiris said.

"I'm not exactly sure, but currently I can confirm there are at least four rings".

"Four? Then how come we don't go to the fourth one instead of the third".

She asked innocently, to which Osiris sighed and spoke.

"Well as much as i hate to admit it, with my current strength of peak second order, i'm simply too weak to challenge the fourth order".

Hearing what Osiris said, all three of the siblings stared at him in bewilderment as though he was a complete monster.

It had to be noted that to them, beings in the fourth order were just rumors, spoken of as though they were gods.

And here was Osiris talking like he was disappointed that his second order strength couldn't kill them.

But when they truly thought about all the surprising things he has done, they believed he could do it.

Eris broke the silence, saying.

"So if you can't defeat them now, when do you think you could?".

"Peak third order, i don't know how strong i will be by then but i feel like it's possible"

He responded seriously, to which all they could do was nod, believing that if it was him, he could probably do it.

"Alright let's start moving, we only have so many hours left before sundown".

"Make sure you three stay close to me so that I can make sure you stay safe, although I can easily kill any third order, if more than one swarm over it might get dangerous".

Osiris spoke, before walking away in a direction he felt a mid third order beast's aura flare a moment ago.

Adam, Eris and Aria all took his warning very seriously, not getting further than a couple feet away from him.

5 am and i got a birthday party to go to tmrow, my ass is NOT ready.

nothing much to talk about today ig.

drop some power stones and a comment if u got sum to say.

anyway, gn bbg i see ya tmrow.

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts