
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs

The Fang Clan

the battle with Giga Chad and the 5 other experts didn't last long, Giga Chad put up the act that he barely pulled off a win, pushing them backward while using a technique that boosted his strength just enough to kill them,

The Fang Clan enraged launched a more powerful attack, this time an elder of the Fang Clan moved, enraged that Giga Chad killed one of his kids, who was amongst one the 5 experts Giga Chad killed.

with a power level of 150 Moons, but it was even higher with the clan techniques, unlike his son who had a peak power level of 5 moons when going all out. So, the elder and Giga Chad clashed.

Giga Chad was forced to go all out because the peak power level of this elder was 6,500. The gap in power level was just large enough for Giga Chad to push himself to his limits and put his law to its limitations

What was Giga Chad law? The Law of Extreme Perfection. Perfection is almost impossible, but one can touch open perfection through failure. Giga Chad was not the type to foolish think he would never make mistakes, but he was the type to look forward towards mistakes, which would mean there was room for growth

So, Giga Chad whose power level was at most 2,500 Moons, could at most fight someone with a power level twice that was beaten up. but every time he was beaten, he grow better and better. His martial arts grew and improved, his cultivation began taking steps towards a breakthrough, a sight which caused Sora's eyebrow to shoot up

'did he take the law of rebirth into his law? through failure, he shall raise stronger. perfection meant being undefeated, and ever-improving. And Giga Chad was showing that his power level increased bit by bit until Giga Chad cultivation improved reaching level 2 Siant realm, level 2 Aduit Soul, and level 2 Diamond realm,

Giga Chad with the breakthrough turned the battle around, shocking the old man who quickly tried to retreat. Giga Chad's power level only reached 5,000 Moons, and with the improvement to his martial arts, he could fight those with a power level of 12,500 Moons

'I call a cheater.' Sora thought with a slight smile while looking at this scene, Giga Chad pretty much had an endless amount of growth, similar to him all he needed to do was not give up.

Sora watched for some time, and Giga Chad made more improvements to his martial arts. This whole time, Fang Mei and the others were dealing with the Fang Clan armies, of course, this clan power was suppressed under this world heaven and earth, unlike those Giga Chad was facing, as he faced them all at full power.

Of course, Fang Mei and the others made huge improvements. They shattered their laws and began to rebuild them, to be more powerful after finding out they were more capable thanks to Giga Chad, plus the fact they had devilishly laws to comprehend, they were super powerful now, yet their laws were lacking which held them back somewhat.

but their power level could now have power levels in trillions, allowing them to show power levels reaching 10 or even 100 moons when working together to form an avatar. so they were powerful and capable of handling the likes the enemy armies, whose power levels were suppressed.

Sora was not even needed, all he did was feel pressure from looking at Giga Chad. if one the same level, Giga Chad might be stronger than Sora, but this got Sora thinking about his law. what was it that his law only created and destroyed physical things?

Like how a physique is destroyed yet rebuilds its body stronger than ever, Sora wanted to be able to create anything and everything. even if he wanted to create a new law, he should be able to create it. if he wanted to create an ability, he should be able to create it.

If he found something like his talent was not good enough, he should be able to destroy it and recreate it. If he wants it, he should be able to create it or destroy it to reshake it to his liking.

Sora took a deep breath with these new thoughts in mind, he needed to rethink just what it meant to create anything and destroy anything.

What Sora wanted to do would be something those of higher compersion in the way of the path of creation would be able to do. to try and do something this early, would not only be countless times more difficult, but it would also greatly increase his strength to an unimaginable level.

Sora of course knew this, but he didn't fear hardship. So, after seeing he was not needed here, Sora left and went on to work on creating this new law. but he didn't just seat down and try and form it, he had a world where he was god, and he planned to use it

So, using his power as a god within this world, Sora got to work. the first thing he began working on was destruction. it was easier to destroy than it was to create. One can take years working on something, yet in a heartbeat, all of that can be destroyed. you can rebuild it, stronger than before and even faster. but in the end, it can still as easily be destroyed

So, Sora went on to begin working on his world as a god of destruction. he caused many natural destructions which destroyed countless things and took many lives, he destroyed the talent of many talented people and watched on as a cold God as his people suffered.

many new people had entered Sora's realm after he devoured many realms, so one could find all types of life forms. Sora didn't care for the races of those within the realms he devoured the former realm rulers managed everything on behalf of Sora who was too lazy to care for such things.

They of course did things to Sora's liking, if not they would might just lose their usefulness to Sora. they were all talented in their own right, Sora knew they held hope down to fight for freedom, but they dared not show such things, instead, they found their unique way to bypass the all-knowing knowledge of a realm ruler.

of course, Sora knew all of this. Sora's realm was now so simple, and it was strong enough for him to sense the mind of these guys. but he disdained them and didn't care. he had no one better to do this some, so they shall remain alive.

To those within the Sora realm, thousands of years passed. years filled with many miss fortunes brought to many by the heavens, and many took this chance to grow in strength.

Sora was no longer capable of making his world flow billions of times faster than the outside world, instead, he was capable of doing about a few million years faster, which was still faster although not as good as before.

But even so, Sora made great improvements in this small amount of time. he understood more about the way of destruction, now he was not only capable of destroying none physical things such as karma, space, and time, even concepts like Possibilities and Hope can be destroyed so long as Sora understand them.

And of course, he could reform what he destroys but far more refined. In such a short amount of time, Sora's law more than doubled in power, and using this law Sora's destroyed himself and reformed himself better than before

Now, Sora's power level reached 25,000 Moons, which was shocking in Sora's mind. One should know Sora still had yet to make a breakthrough, he was still in the same realm. But Sora didn't think it was good enough, simply because he didn't reach the point where he could create anything he could picture, this meant there was room to improve.

"I wonder if I can destroy my law and recreate it? thats not bad, but doing so would mean during its rebirth I would be lawless." Sora said lazily how looking at his realm, one might think Sora was curl or heartless for the way he treated those who were pretty much his people. but Sora was never a righteous person

unlike Giga Chad who avoid causing trouble and would treat everyone as if they were his equal, Sora would go out of his way to make you hate him so he could have a reason to fight you to the death. if you dare to get out of hand, then Sora would take the high road

Well, time passed. Sora still caused chaos within his realm, but it was not to the level as before. As for Giga Chad, he managed to kill the elder who came after him and forced the enemy away.

After killing the elder, Giga Chad set up a barrier to block away the Fang Clan, he needed time to devour his enemy. he didn't need much time, as within a few days Giga Chad broke through to level 6 Diamond rank, level 6 Aduit Soul, and level 6 Saint realm

With the improvement to himself and growing through power, his power level was equal with Sora standing at 25,000 Moons if he had his sword with him. but although Sora's power level stood at 25,000 Moons as well, one shouldn't forget that Sora can create things and could fight those 10 times stronger than himself

So, Sora's power level can be said to be over 500,000 Moons. But Giga Chad was improving, quickly catching up to Sora through the battles with the Fang Clan he was using to temper himself, and to great lengths.

due to this, Giga Chad's strength is 56,250 Moons, with the capability to reach over those 5 times stronger than himself. which allowed Giga Chad to force the Fang Clan to leave him alone while he devour more and more of their clansman to grow stronger, quickly reaching level 10 within all 3 systems, while his law more than doubled in strength, reaching the power of 100 billion laws

This gave Giga Chad a power level of 250,000 Moons adding his sword. and he was now capable of fighting those with a power level 7 times his own. meanwhile, Sora law only had the power of 2 billion laws, which made Sora laugh seeing just how fast Giga Chad caught up and even took a step above him.

Sora didn't let this dishearten him or anything like that, instead he put his attention on his law, trying to see if he can make it so that the law was pretty much like him. if he gets injured the law gets injured and would recover upon his recovery.

This was of course something risky to do because he was putting his law at risk of injuries. if he never heals, his law would remain forever broken, and incomplete. but if his law is broken and reformed, it would be stronger, allowing Sora to get a free pass on stuff like comprehending the laws.

So, the time of peace came. Sora and everyone for the next few days had nothing to worry about, well that was they had nothing they knew to worry about.

Within the Blue Star Galaxy realm, the Fang Clan leader... well, at least the branch leader who was within the 4 region realm was kneeling before a group of elders. her face was pale, and her cultivation had dropped, she was nothing more than a mortal. if one looked closely, one would see that she was a cripple, and her body was filled with brushes.

"that realm was special and unique, but you did not just hide and keep secrets from the main branch for so many years, you have the guts to run back here after making such a powerful enemy?" The Fang Clan head asked coldly, the old woman didn't dare to speak and could only shake in horror

"3 arms and 6 arm Diagram, you kept to yourself. the unique connection one gets with heaven and earth after staying there a long time, you kept from us. the strange space the immortal left behind, you also kept from us. but what you would not mind sharing is an enemy. how kind are you, you warm my soul." The Fang Clan head said coldly,

"you even lost to genius. on top of that, it was the 2 legendary physiques our clan has been waiting for billions of years to birth. what did you do? make them our enemy? everyone claps, to think I could ever have a granddaughter like this." The Fang Clan head said while clapping, but no one else clapped as they all threw glares at this old man.

"Isn't this the funniest joke in the world? She came running back here spitting health truth, and now look at us? we lost so many of our people and have to pay a huge price for the realm ruler to bring them back to life. you have a talent, I should have married you off to our enemy if I knew how talented you were." He said while calming himself down,

The Fang clan head was his old woman granddaughter, she was given the task to go to the 4 region realm a few hundred of thousand years ago to look at this as they thought something was off about it. the technique they used showed that that realm had a bit too many powerhouses for its grade, so she left and appeared in that realm in secret with a small group of Fang Clan soldiers.

but who would have expected after finding out this realm's secrets, she would not only report false news to them, but she worked along with the law ancestor to make sure those her grandfather sent with her wouldn't be telling him anything.

They only found out she was keeping secrets from them after realizing how freakish Giga Chad was, and realizing that Fang Mei was a member of their clan. So, they used a technique and they were able to gain a complete understanding of this realm,

"leave my sight, you're to suffer within the Burning Ice prison for the rest of your sorry life. make sure you give her the mind awakening pill, have her suffering be known to any fool who would dare to think of doing something as she did." the Fang Clan Head said coldly, making his granddaughter claps to the ground, her eyes lifeless upon hearing her punishment,

The Burning Ice Prison was the place where heat and cold fused, to form hell for all who were unless to feel their might. You would feel your body burning alive, while at the same time feeling yourself freezing to death.

adding the mind awakening pill which would cause her mind to be open to the fullest without any limiters, her brain shall process that hell to the fullest, a fate worse than death.

She didn't bother to try and fight back or anything, she knew it was pointless. the whole clan might want to eat her alive, they might celebrate when hearing her screams.

"..." The Fang clan head watched as she was dragged off before he looked at the other clan elders. this granddaughter's actions put his potion as clan head in an unstable position, it was already nearing the time for him to step down, but most likely the person he wanted to take his spot would not be able to do so thanks to his granddaughter's actions.

But this was not what he cared about most, what he cared about was the Fang Clan's fate. immortals unlike Mortals were able to see and to some degree affect and control fate. empires, Clans, and sects can connect the fate

the more people believe in them, the greater the fate they can have. with this, they can bring forth good fortune to their people, boost the power level of the clan heads or ancestors during important moments in battle, and so on.

But that was just one of the main reasons he was uneasy. the biggest reason was an event which was coming upon.

"The heavenly calamity is around the corner. we need to gather as much fate as we can if we wish to survive this... as for that realm, we have a dangerous enemy, we should lower our heads. we only saw one of the freaks, and we didn't even see Sora make a move. he only watched from afar. I will not underestimate him or Giga Chad, but I will say Sora is the most dangerous." He said while looking at everyone

"Unlike Giga Chad, Sora wishes for chaos. But, he doesn't go around causing trouble, he knows how to draw people into causing trouble with him. he would most like want us to remain enemies, he grows through battle, so during times of peace he would either remain as strong or stabilize his strength." He said while a few elders nodded in agreement, although others had their thoughts

"Giga Chad is not any less dangerous, but he is more reasonable. he wants peace to cultivate, but he doesn't mind a fight since he could also improve, although not as much as Sora. In a way, Giga Chad is more dangerous with his wide arrange of knowledge. Sora is the muscle head, he is the brain. I will go and personally try and explain everything, and see how to work things out. As for everyone else, you are all forbidden from stepping near that realm, or else I will not think twice." He said while releasing his aura, suppressing the whole room, and causing many to shake in here at the power level of a billion moons