
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs

Godly Grade Energy Control and Merging Capability

While Fang Mei was with Nu Chad, Sora on the other hand was lazily getting ready to see who dared to lay a hand on his dog. there was a saying, something something something. Sora didn't remember the saying, but it pretty much said don't touch a man's dog or else you would awaken the John Wick within the owner.

The prince was Sora's little dog, the guy rolled over for Sora and did everything for him. Sora liked this dog of his, yet someone dared to turn his dog into a pig? they were not showing him any face. one eats pigs, do not take them in as a pet... unless you're saving them for later.

"This aura..." Sora who walked out of the mansion suddenly frown as he sensed something which made his eyes narrow instantly. the prince who was following behind Sora was confused and stopped while looking at Sora who was looking into the sky,

Sora ignored Fang Mei's aura and began trying to pinpoint this unique and special aura he had gotten used to.

"I will beat up the person who turned you into a pig later," Sora said before disappearing and quickly appearing on top of a roof of a huge mansion. although there was a barrier around the mansion, Sora moved so fast that he went through it like an arrow, he, of course, used the highest-grade movement technique this kingdom had to offer

Sora's eyes landed on a woman with long pale blue hair, she was currently watering some plants while humming to herself. She was beautiful, cham which was godly-like, and a face that was fitting for her voice. the singing had some unique power that caused the plants around her to dance along and even seemed to grow taller.

after she watered all the plants, she let out a deep sigh before looking at the sky. She went to sit under a tree, took out a strange instrument, and began working on a song she has been writing,

"I don't feel a single thing

Have the pills done too much

Haven't caught up with my friends in weeks

And now we're outta touch

I've been driving in L.A.

And the world it feels too big

Like a floating ball that's bound to break

Snap my psyche like a twig

And I just wanna see if you feel the same as me"

Her voice was heavy, it was like the heavenly angel was personally singing. yet the lyrics shocked Sora as he knew them, he knew the song from his past life, yet before his eyes someone was writing a song he had seen in his past. what were the chances? they even used L.A., although in this world it meant Lesser Areas, such as the Western region,

"now how do I feel..." She said softly as she looked at a paper, wanting to put her feelings into words, but that was hard to say. but at that moment she felt something, she looked up and saw someone sitting on a tree branch above her,

"Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die?" Sora asked with a smile, stunning her even more as that was indeed what she felt sometimes, her eyes brightened as slightly as this went well with the next line.

"It's weird, that song you're writing is one that I have heard before. hearing you singing it brought back memories of it, like a dream hidden behind a fog... Do you want me to sing it for you?" Sora asked with a smile, the woman looked at Sora her face chilling cold, but her eyes revealed her true emotions, filled with shock and disbelief.

Sora didn't care and went on to jump down and had the energy gather to form a piano, a strange instrument that made her frown slightly. but the fact Sora was planning to use his energy to play music was shocking to her, as the level of energy control needed would be at least perfection.

"Now, I'm not the singing type so go easy on me with a judging," Sora said as he played with the piano slightly, remembering how he used to play the thing in high school as he was given music classes.

"Do you ever get a little bit tired of life

Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die

Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive

'Cause you gotta survive

Like your body's in the room but you're not really there

Like you have empathy inside but you don't really care

Like you're fresh outta love but it's been in the air

Am I past repair"

Sora sang within his voice which he had deepened, this almost made the woman want to kill Sora was destroying the art she was hearing. but the song hit home for her, never did she hear something that she could relate too much to.

Sora listened to this song back in his past life, he was going through hard times and was not in the right state of mind. but when he began watching Dragon Ball, and seeing how the MC worked so hard, it caused Sora to change his mindset and start working on himself. to Sora, Dragon Ball changed his life for the better,

"With how things were going, you would have most likely written this song, I guess I speed things up," Sora said with a smile,

"... what are you doing here?" She asked with a frown,

"for the past month, I have been coming to listen to you sing. I notice you used some soul-based techniques with your voice, I have been trying to learn the technique you use to be able to control others' emotions." Sora said with a smile, stunning her slightly,

"an emotions-based technique, is the side effect a huge amount of depression? that seems to be it, now that I can see you and I can better read you." Sora said softly while looking deep into her eyes, making her quickly avoid eye contact

"I got more songs if you want to hear, music is good and all, it's even more so when you know you have others who know what you're going through. depression sucks when you're going through it all alone..." Sora said with a small smile, stunning her as Sora seemed to know what he was talking about. but thinking about Sora's past, she could understand, but Sora always had Fang Mei by his side, on the other hand she was all alone,

"This song is called People, seeing as you're are a princess and all, you should be able to understand this some," Sora said as he coughed slightly, depending on his voice, seeing this her face flinched and quickly stopped Sora,

"I can sing it," She said quickly, a deep voice was cool and all, but Sora didn't know how to make the voice go along with the song.

"There will always be people to hate perfection," Sora said with a shrug, making her have this uncontrollable feeling to beat him up. but that would be unladylike,

"I've been drinking more alcohol for the past five days..." She sang while Sora played the Played along with her, and as she did, she indeed felt that she could rate deeply with this song.

"It's hard to find real friends out there, I bet it's 10 times harder for someone like you," Sora said with a sigh, she nodded slightly before instantly regaining her cold and distant aura and giving Sora a cold glare.

"adding you are a princess and a technique which would make you depressed, I can't imagine what you go through," Sora said while playing the piano slowly,

"The fact you don't seek help should make things harder, again who can you trust within a world where everyone only seeks benefits? you're on an island in the middle of a city crowed by billions, all alone, yet not." Sora said softly while looking deeply at her, she was shaken by Sora's words, but she didn't want to show it.

"I have many songs if you want to still sing," Sora said with a smile, she hesitated for a moment but nodded in the end, but if one were to not look closely, they would not be able to catch such small movements.

So, for the next few hours, Sora played countless songs, with her singing along. but Sora soon got up to leave,

"Well, it was a nice meeting," Sora said as the piano slowly began to disappear, Sora got up to leave, but before he left he turned to look her

"never got your name," Sora said softly, she hesitated for a moment before she told Sora her name,

"Hong Ying..." She said softly, she nodded at her slightly, before leaving,

"It's nice meeting you, we should hang out some times. I feel like I would rate better with you than your brother." Sora said before disappearing, leaving Hong Ying sitting there, unable to say a thing for some time.

"Did I make a friend?" She said softly, but she shook her head, Sora most want something from her. but thinking carefully, what could Sora want from her? her technique, he could have forced it from her. Sora was not the type to choose the smart path, he was easy to read as he didn't try and hide himself.

but did Sora even want to be her friend? She didn't know, but she did want to hang out with Sora, she never related with anyone more than she did with Sora... but was Sora and Giga Chad not about to be enemies? who should she support?

meanwhile, Fang Mei stood against a middle-aged man who had a power level of 11 million, but the middle-aged man was not trying to kill her or anything. instead, he was lowering his head. did he dare to try and offend Fang Mei, the woman who was by Sora's side?

his son, the prodigy who was the hope of his kingdom died, yet he was not capable of doing anything about it, he only had himself to blame for raising such a son.

"let's go," Fang Mei said with a cold sneer, such a man disgusted her. She left with Nu Chad following next and didn't care to throw that man a second look.

"You are so strong, I have a long way to go to catch up to you or big brother." Nu Chad said with a deep sigh,

"You are more capable than me when I was your age. given time you would catch up to me... we have arrived, this is the shop where you can sell your goods." Fang Mei said with a mile, Nu Chad thanked her and they both entered.

Fang Mei's lips began twitching heavily when she saw Nu Chad pulling out the storage rings Sora ignored that day. She slowly began gritting her teeth, wishing Sora was in front of her so she could just kill him. but since the goods were now in Nu Chad's hands, she didn't mind,

Nu Chad goods were too valuable for this shop to afford, hearing this, Fang Mei had to hold her chest slightly, to help herself breathe. in the end, Nu Chad went on to get sell the list of valuable stuff on her, as for the rest she shall sell in the other regions.

"... these were your spoils, you can take them if you want." Nu Chad said seeing how Fang Mei looked as if she eat a fly. although she was unwilling, she didn't do much to earn these.

"No, they are yours. it wouldn't be right if I took them," Fang Mei said with a sigh, before changing the subject

"Now, let me take you back to your brother. I and Sora should be left towards the south region," she said softly, to which Fang Mei nodded slightly. but they soon felt the auras of Sora and Giga Chad cash, causing the heavens and earth to lose their colors.

few a minutes ago, Sora returned back to get the prince to go find the person who dared to hurt him. so with the prince, Sora set off, the prince had a few people to try and follow Giga Chad, and although they lost the guy a few times, Sora headed towards where he was last seen, which was near Fang Mei location so he came to see Fang Mei.

"Damn, that guy is as tall as me," Sora said in shock seeing someone as tall as himself, Sora was 6'9, but the guy he was looking at him seemed to be slightly taller than him, which was shocking. this would be the tallest person Sora saw.

"Who?" The prince asked as he turned to look towards the person Sora was looking at, but upon seeing the person, he froze. the person sensing their gaze also turned to look at them, and once he did Sora froze.

"Giga Chad?" Sora said in shock before his eyes was a walking meme formwork, but damn he couldn't help but be jealous upon seeing that jar line

"yes, his name is Giga Chad, it was him who attacked me." The prince said seeing as Sora knew this person, but he grew slightly nervous, were the two friends?

"... what?" Sora was speechless, the guy's name was Giga Chad. Sora had to fight a meme? instantly, Sora's battle spirit reached the heavens, he would not only fight this guy, but he would also get revenge on hit little pet, and break that jar line,

"You dare to hit my dog?" Sora asked coldly, making Giga Chad frown slightly, but he would not back down. he was not the type to fear anyone,

"keep your dog on a leash," Giga Chad said coldly, Sora was offended. who was he? Sora, who in the western region dared to breathe too loud before him? this guy even had to be nervous to say his dog was in the wrong? his dog was tamed and knew how to act. how dare him

"Haha, you must heaven ate the balls of god and Buddha to be arrogant before me," Sora said with narrowed eyes, everyone who heard his words went speechless. Sora was too arrogant to claim one needs the balls of both God and Buddha to have the guts to stand before him

Giga Chad was also at a loss for words, but his eyes were instantly filled with disdain,

"a little dog barking. don't tell me you're a dog with a pet dog, if you want to prove something, do it with your actions, and stop wasting my time." Giga Chad said with a sneer

"This is the first time I have been proved by a small level 10 Core Formations realm cultivator," Sora said as his aura slammed down upon Giga Chad, everything around Sora was sent flying along with the prince who had become a good dog and didn't dare to bark.

the world lost its color before Sora's aura, but Giga Chad snorted and unleashed his aura which shot out, clashing with Sora's aura. the sky was split open with their clash, the ground exploded from the clash, and the building around them was sent flying, yet the ground which they stepped on was not affected by the such impact.

"So you have some strength, but how long can a small ant-like yourself last?" Sora laughed as he increased the power of his might, GIga Chad just coldly looked at Sora, matching his energy, stunning Sora slightly. The power Sora was currently pushing down upon Giga Chad was only that of 50 million, yet he was shockingly able to withstand that.

one should know Giga Chad was only at level 10 within all 3 cultivation at the 3rd stage, meaning he was at level 10 core formations and level 10 infant soul, but his body was at level 5 gold rank to withstand Sora aura of 50 million fists would mean that Giga Chad was 100 times stronger than the normal level 5 gold rank. nothing compared to Sora, but Sora could tell he was not showing everything

Sora was only at level 4 Core F0rmaitons, level 4 young soul, and level 6 Silver rank. he was levels above Sora, but Sora was a freak of nature, at least that was what Sora thought before meeting GIga Chad. The guy had reached the Godly Stage in energy control and merging, although he was not showing the full capability of it yet, Sora could tell by how smoothly Giga Chad's energy was flowing,

Sora smiled slightly, he could see the battle intent within Giga Chad's eyes, both of them were seeking a good fight, and Sora would not disappoint.

"you're worthy of facing me... follow me so I can give you a beating for touching my dog," Sora said as he shot off, Giga Chad sneered and followed, moments after they left, Fang Mei and Nu Chad arrived and saw them leaving, they quickly followed after the two, not wanting them to fight.

"Next time on the Cutlivtion journey, Sora vs Giga Chad, who would win? would the two become friends? would the friendship formed by the two girls fall apart? come back next week to find out." the blonde-haired woman said with a smile while looking at the screen in front of her...