
A Dollmaker & His Keychains

A young man gets randomly transported from the mundane Earth he’s spent his whole life on, to one of the worlds within the A Wizard's Keychain Choose Your Own Adventure with a curious creative mode build. Join him on his journey as he begins to explore the multiverse!

WritingAndWriting · 書籍·文学
15 Chs

Introduction & Context (Reading this first helps understand some elements of the story)

Hi friends! 

If you're here... allow me to say, welcome to the story. This dark story will take readers along a twisted road that will cross multiple fandoms and involve many different characters. This is certainly a jumpchain-adjacent story; it uses jumpchain terminology and features a character hopping from setting to setting in a jumpchain-like way. However, this character's chain would be considered an "Alt" or non-standard chain, and features multiple non-standard homebrewed rules such as the ability to acquire perks during a stint in a setting as opposed to at the start of one, and a lack of a time-limit regarding how long they are in a single setting. 

This story also uses essences from the essence meta cyoa. The initial essence is a solitary one, the "Essence of the Dollmaker" by Legion1771. I will be copying and pasting this essence at the end of the chapter. In addition to that, our protagonist has a gamer system built into their very soul, one which grants them a plethora of useful powers such as an inventory they can store things in, the ability to add people to a party, and the ability to acquire classes. 

Please keep in mind that this story is also posted on Questionable Questing and it has more space for me to easily explain meta-things over there. At the time of the story's start, the protagonist has abilities from and inspired by Germanic Norse Mythology Jump, Generic Harry Potter Fanfiction Jump, the Essential Body Modification Supplement, and the Generic Gamer Jump. That said, other than the Generic Gamer Jump, our lad only has at most a single origin's worth of perks and items (in the case of Germanic Norse Mythology Jump, with the trickster origin). The only jump they have truly frontloaded is the Generic Gamer Jump, where they have everything other than a few meta options (The walkthrough perk, the save state gamer feature and the new game + gamer feature, because I hate those options).

What follows this sentence is a copy and paste of the description of one of the central gimmicks of this story, the Essence of the Dollmaker. 

"Within you is a well of potential energy. By drawing out this energy, an entirely intuitive process, you may force it into another being and convert that being into a loyal Doll.

Dolls will have the broad strokes of their original appearance, but will be largely reconfigured into supernaturally beautiful figures that align with your preferences. They are female by default, but you can choose the end result of the process if you so choose.

Dolls can switch between their Doll selves and their original bodies at will.

Dolls are absolutely and completely loyal to you. This loyalty cannot be subverted by any means. They will do absolutely anything you ask without even the slightest hesitation.

Dolls possess all memories, skills and knowledge possessed by their original self.

Dolls are all unaging, immune to infirmity, disease, poison and require no needs such as sleeping, eating, drinking or breathing.

Dolls are generally improved over the original in every way. Normal humans will approach the peak of possibility for humanity and those greater than that will find similar results.

Any abilities possessed by a target may be made into purely internal versions, if their power relies on an outside source or influence.

With physical contact and focus on a Doll, you may gain an in-depth knowledge of their abilities, traits and weaknesses. By expending potential energy, you may enhance, alter or remove these traits.

You may spend potential energy to bestow abilities to your Dolls. If you have an example from another Doll or understand the ability to a great degree, via study or possessing it yourself, then the energy cost decreases significantly.

Dolls can be killed by violence or damage. You may expend a greater amount of energy than the amount spent on turning them to resurrect them.

By using the well of potential energy within you, it will grow deeper. To turn something into a doll, you must overpower them with this energy. Stronger or stranger existences require larger amounts of energy. If they are willingly accepting the change, then the energy requires drops massively.

You have enough energy to change a half dozen mundane people a day to begin with."