
A Different School Life

"It's my first day of school. My only motive is to make as many friends as I can!!! Hope that no one finds about my little secret, that I tranfer my personalities with Jaleff>" "Let's gooo!!!"

1 Chs

CH 1: The very first day Pt.1

[A normal rainy day]

" Mom! I am going to school!"

(As a boy came out from his house and screamed slightly)

{' Today is my first day at school. I have to make a lot of friends. Let's go, you can do it, Kusakabe Shinji.)

[At school Gate]

"This school sure is big. Really, I have never thought that a school looks like this.- " (A student running bumped his shoulder by mistake and he ended up falling)

'Hey!! Kamamura!! Wait for me!!'

"ugh… You should see forward while running…. Who could have thought that my entry in my first ever school would ever be like this."

'You need a hand?' (A girl approaches him to help)

"Oh! Thanks!!" {' oh man.. damn.. just who this girl is? She is so beautiful!...}

[Ding~ Dong~]

"Oh shiitt!! See ya later!!"

'See, that's Kokomi san. You know about her? Right?'

'Hell yeah, Just who don't know. She had rejected every boy who have ever confessed to her but still knowing the she will reject you, people still confess to her..'

[Other peoples in the ground silently talking about the girl]

'Aniki!! Aniki!! You can do it, Aniki!'

"ugh.!! Don't make a fuss. I know she can't reject me, the son of the boss of eagle group."

'Yeah! We know that!'

[ A delinquent big guy comes as his subordinates cheer up for him]

[He walks towards Kokomi and stands in her way]

" Hi, I am the son of the boss of this area's mafia gang, Eagle gang. My name is Kenjiro and from now on you are my girlfriend."

'Yay! Aniki make her fall for him that she can't even say anything anymore.!!'

'You know what? Just fuc* the rejection. You don't even deserve to be near around me. You worthless shit of garbage.' *slaps him*

" You know what are you doing!! Right?!! You know Who my father is?!"

' Fuc* that shit… I know… Kenjiro, son of Benzo… leader of eagle gang… 45 murders, 14 ra*e cases, 68 attempt to murder and 21 gang fights. Right?'

"How do you…. Know… who told her that!!" [Kenjiro said losing his confidence]

'Now, let me tell you who my father is…. CEO of Takashihara corp. , hope you have heard that name before, The Japan's no.1 and world's no. 3rd business corp.'

"wha..?.." 'Let's go Shiori..' ''yes.. Mam.. ''

"You'll had to pay for humiliating me…" ''Mam. Please give me orders to execute ''

"eeekk!!" 'No, let the dogs bark…'

[Shinji's classroom]

"Wow… I have never thought that a classroom will be this big… there are so many people here…

OMG!!! It's Her!!" (Shinji said while looking at Kokomi)

[Teacher enters] ' Everyone please get to your sits. I am your homeroom teacher, Yoko sensei. I welcome you all to this prestigious academy and high school. From now on, you will be living in school dormitory and all facilities are available under school campus, so you guys don't have to worry and you can't come in contact of outer world. All you will be given coins each month which will same as currency in school. You can say that one coin is worth of 10,000 yens and all of you had been given a total of 1000 coins. You better use them carefully. For I'll be taking introductions. First is… Shinji Kusakabe..'

"Yes! My name is Kinji Shusasabe! And I am look forward to be everyone's friend!"

'Hahahahaha' *class laughs*

' I guess he was trying to say his name but seems like he is too excited' teacher said.

'Don't worry… next…' 'yes mam!......'

[After School is over]

' Hey there! Kinji Shusasabe!... Haha' (Some students laughed at him)

"Hey! Kinji! Fetch me something to eat from cafeteria.'' (Kenjiro pushed shinji and said to him)

'Don't listen to him. He's just trying to bully you.' (Kokomi came up and said)

"Isn't he is just trying to be friend?" – Shinji 'You called it being friendly?! Just where did you study befor' – Kokomi "Nowhere." – Shinji

"Hey Hey miss, I let you go this morning. But now you're getting on my last nerve. Shoo away, Bi*ch…" – Kenjiro '' JUST WHAT DID YOU CALL HER RIGHT NOW!!!! YOU MOTHERF**KER!!! '' (Shiori screamed in rage while running towards Kenjiro to attack him)

'Shiori, Wait….' – Kokomi '' I will not let him go again mam!! '' – Shiori

'Neither I… haaa' (Kokomi kicks Kenjiro in his balls and he falls over)

"Oww!! It would have hurt really bad but don't worry… you can live as a women as well…" – Shinji

'Let's go shiori..' ''Yes mam '' 'And you kid, you should run as well or he will ruin your entire school life'

"Ok miss beauty, See you later" ( Shinji said to Kokomi with a pleasant smile and run towards the window and jumped off)

'Whaattt!?! We are on 5 th floor!!' (Kokomi runs towards the window and look outside and see no one.) 'Strange, Very Strange. Let's go shiori'

[11:00 pm, School grounds; student's park]

'Why had Shiori sent me a letter to meet such late at night? She can simply come to my room… Just where is she…'

(Someone suddenly came out of bushes and dashed to her, pushed her down. Some other guys came too and then come Kenjiro)

" This girl rejects me, disobey me and the humiliate me. Now I will humiliate you but in other ways… haha… guys, I guess all of you wants to have some fun… rip her clothes off!!"

(They ripped her skirt and shirt.) ' Aaahh!!' (Kenjiro points a knife to her neck) "Don't you dare to scream or I will cut your tongue. Now let's start…."

(Kenjiro pointing his knife to Kokomi's neck, moving his hand towards her breasts. Kokomi lose all her hope and accepts the fact that no one will came to help her, have tears in her eyes. What will happen next? Just where our protagonist is? See in next Chapter.)

[{( TO Be CoNtInUeD)}]