
A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Waking up as Brandon Breyer, a man from our world finds himself thrust into the body of a boy with extraordinary powers. Navigating the newfound abilities of super strength, speed, and flight is challenging enough, but his world is far from simple. Set in the brutal and chaotic universe of "Invincible," he must contend with powerful heroes and villains, all while hiding his true identity. As he unravels the mystery of his origins. Patreon: Unknown_to_all Discord: https://discord.gg/BhteYYud9s [Cover Image is not my art just something I found on google. If the original artist doesn’t like it being here then I’ll take it down.]

Unknown_To_All · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Chapter 18 A Solution

Double Chapter!

That night had to have been one of Brandon's most restless since he had arrived in this world. Sleeping was the last thing on his mind with what he knew was coming, so he chose not to sleep at all. Anyway, it's not like he needed to sleep; he only did it out of habit. However, it seemed like he wouldn't be able to follow through with sleeping, at least not tonight.

Tired of just sitting still, Brandon left his house once he knew his parents were asleep and went straight for his ship. If there was someone he could rely on to make a good plan for this, then it was his father, General Zod.

Reaching the secluded area where his ship was hidden, he landed softly and approached the entrance. The ship responded to his presence, opening up and allowing him to enter.

"Lor-Zod," Zod's voice greeted him as the ship's interior lit up. "You seem troubled."

"Is it that easy to tell?" Brandon asked, slightly surprised at how fast his father noticed.

"No, but you don't show up here at night, making this the first time that you do. Meaning something has happened." Zod explained.

Hearing that explanation resolved Brandon even more on his decision to come here. Yeah, it might be a simple deduction that anyone could have made but Zod wasn't anyone. Especially now as an AI with higher processing power.

"Father…" He said with a pause while trying to figure out how to explain this. Omni man never left clues that he would do something like betrayal so bringing that up out of nowhere would be suspicious and though Zod was his father he still didn't trust anyone with the information of him being from another word. In fact, this was probably a secret he was going to take to the grave.

But at the same time withholding information about Omni man might hinder Zod's planning skills so it seemed like he was going to have to use a bit of half-truths here. "I came upon some information recently when I destroyed that slaver ship. At first, I didn't believe it and wrote it off but it's been bugging me and I thought I should share it with you." A suitable excuse since he did fight some alien slavers during the month.

After saying this Brandon proceeded to share what he knew about Viltrumites which wasn't much considering he only watched the first season. But it was enough to get some of the more crucial information across. Such as the true nature of the Viltrum empire and not the lies Omni man had spread to make them appear more favorable.

"This is concerning and I see why you came to me." Zod said understanding the threat Omni man and other viltrumites had at the moment.

"Father, you know my strength best, in a one-on-one fight what are my chances?"

"If the fight happened today? It would be slim, you've progressed much in your training and your sun baths have drastically increased all your abilities but my scans still show that man as a high threat."

'That's the thing I don't have a month' Brandon thought with a frown. If he had another month things would be completely different but it looks like he's not going to get that.

"But there is a way to give you an edge in battle. The ship you arrived in," Zod explained. "Certain sections of it are constructed from a metal known as Kryptium. This metal is incredibly dense and possesses unique properties. It is not only capable of piercing a Kryptonian's skin but can also penetrate the enhanced durability of a Kryptonian exposed to a yellow sun."

Brandon's eyes widened as he processed the information. He remembered him mentioning it when they first spoke and hadn't considered it till now. "So, if Kryptium can pierce a Kryptonian, it should have no problem cutting through a Viltrumite."

"Precisely," Zod confirmed. "With this metal, we can create weapons to give you the advantage you need.

"Let's start working on this right away."

"Only one slight issue. This ship doesn't have a forge capable of melting Kryptium. So you'll need to use your heat vision for the entire process"

Brandon gave a nod at this; he didn't mind using his heat vision for that. In fact, it actually kind of interested him. It's one application of his ability he hadn't thought about and might be useful to use later on.

"Alright, Father let's get to it" With a plan in place Brandon and Zod went to the ship and began taking what they needed. They both agree that Brandon didn't have to take too much metal and only needed enough to make a dagger that he could conceal.

While at it Brandon also thought about ways to intervene in the battle between the guardians and Omni man. He had spent most of his time thinking of how to fight but hadn't thought of how he was going to get there in the first place. Brandon wasn't exactly privy to the location of the guardian's HQ so that did complicate things but he had an idea.

Superman on multiple occasions has gifted his loved ones small devices that release a certain frequency only he can hear. This frequency is also unique in the way that normally it wouldn't be heard anywhere in the world except for when that loved one is in danger. While simple the device's purpose is convenient and would be his way into the base. Making something like that would take him an hour at most so that was easy enough.

Now all he needed was to get this device with one of the guardians. Pulling out his phone Brandon scrolled through his contacts and reached War Woman. She had given him her contact information a while back for sparring but they hadn't set up a day for that yet. Now seemed like a good time.

Typing out a quick message Brandon sent her the request and put away his phone. It was still pretty late at night so she'll probably see it in the morning which was perfect since it gave him ample time to make that device and dagger.

"Well let's get to work"




In a high-end apartment in Boston, a beautiful woman with bronze-tinted skin lay leisurely on her bed as she read a message with a smile.

"So he finally wants to spar… I can't wait" she said with a glint in her eye as she envisioned a grand duel.

It had been so long since she fought someone who could give her the thrill she was looking for. This was surprising considering that she was friends with the Immortal and Omni man but even they only agreed so many times and eventually stopped accepting her demands.

Now she only gets her thrill when fighting against strong opponents but even they are at most times so so. But this time should be different, especially since it seemed like Ultra-man had been holding out on them and actually had some pretty interesting abilities that he didn't use in their battle.

"And I'll be sure to make him use them all" This was why she had left the god realms so long ago. This was what she lived for! Self-improvement through combat, meeting new foes, and adventure. It seemed like those needs would be satisfied soon.

Turning off her phone she tried to go back to sleep but couldn't due to her excitement and eventually gave up trying. Instead, she left her bed and began polishing her divine armor and war mace preparing them for a worthy opponent.

Back From Camp! Hope you all enjoy the double Chapter

Unknown_To_Allcreators' thoughts