
Chapter 09

|Mc pov|

'Shinso, thank you for earlier but there was no need.. i think i have an idea on the matter.' Thinking to myself, i sat back on a small wooden crate. My back leaning against the window, looking out of it, and then to what was in front of me. Rubbing my sword hilt a bit as I thought on a few things.

Fire flickered and cast shadows that moved across my face, dancing from the candles that were lit around the fair sized home, seeing the girl work diligently on zaraki. Her hands shaking as a light came from them slowly.

"Iyashi no Ryōgae.." the girl said, pressing on zaraki's body as my eyes opened a little. Seeing a cut starting to open on her back. Moving over to her i touched her arm.

"What are you.. uh, uh, doing." The girl stopped, feeling my touch as i stood behind her. Her eyes full of a strange look as i had a serious face.

"Nothing, do it again please.." i said, wanting to see something for myself as i gripped her shoulder. The light continued as i got my answer. Shaking my head as zaraki's wounds on his body disappeared.

Watching as he coughed but didn't wake up. Seeing his spiritual pressure return to normal as his breathing became steady. I stood there for a moment, seeing the girl take a towel like rag, dipping it in water as she placed it on his forehead. Looking back at the children in the corner who had fallen asleep while this was going on.

'Still not back yet, at least not in side.. seems like he puts a lot of trust in her, but that's to be expected..' I thought, remembering the man had said he was needed else where, he felt he was not needed here after the girl said she had it. Rubbing the girls back and talking in her ear as he whispered before leaving.

"He.. he will, wake up in a.. day or so." The girl said weakly, her body rocking back and forth. I moved forward as she dropped, holding on to her as she fell unconscious. Her eyes moving as she laid in my arms and the corners of them filling with tears.

"Mom, I'll save you.. I-I-I, I promise.." the girl spoke in her dreams as I walked her over to the mat away from everything, placing her down as I wiped her tears away.

'I can't understand the reasons for this coming to be, but it is a fate worse then dealing with the pain.' I thought, placing her down as I walked to the room in the back. Placing my sword at the front of it, I made a movement, something came apart in a burst of blue as i opened the door.

Standing in the center, I held my sword as the moon light shined off it. My face cast over as i looked at what was inside. My smile disappearing as i moved my hand, and walked back to the door. Closing it while I had my head low, walking past Zaraki and the girl as I opened the front door.

Outside the fresh stale air greeted me, seeing the man sit on a wooden box that was in front of the home. He leaned on his knees as he looked out to the town, his glasses shining as he looked over at me.

"I hope that everything is fine.. as for the girl, is she doing ok?" He spoke his eyes full of worry as he looked at me sit next to him. Seeing the look of worry on my face as well.

"He should be fine for now, he is breathing so it is a good sign. The girl is sleeping she really knows her stuff, thank you.." I said, looking up at the moon, seeing the clouds move over head.

"It is no thanks to me, I only showed her what I could.. trying to help her and the others since they had no one else.." the man spoke, his words distant as he leaned back and sighed.

"Still with out your help, I'm sure no one else would have taken them in as you did. Can i ask you something?" I said with a strange look as if I was worried and scared to ask.

"Anything, if I can answer it then I will." The man said, rubbing my back a little as he saw my face.

"What brought you here, your not like the others I've seen.. not this far out from the center rings." I asked, giving off a feeling of a lost child.

"Ah, yes.. I thought you might ask this. Well, you see.. I'm from the center districts. I spent my time not worrying about the world be on mine. Until a unfortunate event or should I say a fortunate event happened. I don't know how but a man from a low ranked district was found outside my home.. the man was wounded so I took him in, no matter how much I wished to report it.. I couldn't. I would go on to heal the man even at my wife's warnings but it worked out for a time. Until the man was seen in my home, the group ruling this place came in search of him and we tried to hide him, but they did not stop. They.. they.. they killed my wife and this made the man come out of his hiding as I was going to be cut down. He told me to run away, and like a coward.. I did. Wandering until I came here, with no one or nothing i stayed in this town until that girls mother, her and her siblings took me in. They showed me kindness and in return I healed who I could, until one day the girl asked me to teach her, and I've been here ever since." The man spoke, his words thick with emotion as he squeezed his fist and even had a tear come to his eye. Wiping them as I patted his shoulder and nodded my head in understanding.

"I'm sorry for that happening to you.. uh." I spoke, trying to find words.

"It's kain.. and it's fine. It feels like a life time ago now." the man spoke as he wiped his face and looked at my sad expression, putting my head down as i thought on it and started to shake.

"Can I ask you.. one more thing, uh, if you don't mind.. umm kain." I said, my words coming out strained as I tried to hold back tears. My face low as i put my hands between my legs and squeezed the box.

"It's ok.. take your time. You can ask me anything, looks like even with a sword. Children will still be children, I don't know your reason for carrying one and I won't ask, here it is ok to be just you." Kain said, rubbing my head as he smiled a small smile and reassured me.

"What.. what.. what happened to her mother." I started with broken speach, until my voice changed into a cold one, looking over to his smile that soon changed as he heard my voice.

His face going through different emotions as he leaned back, looking up to the sky he shook his head. Pushing up his glasses as if trying to find words to say. The air changed as I sat there, my smile returning to my face. Turning to him as the moon shined on my face, with the corner of his eyes he looked at me. Seeing the smile that could only be from someone who saw through another, his face started to change and he finally looked down at me.

"Well damn, I really slipped up huh.. and after all the work i put in to that story. And.. a damn brat, saw through it.." the man looked down, his eyes sharpe and glowing as his face distorted into a twisted smile.