
A devil better than god

A tale of a person who went against the gods even when he was so weak and insignificant against them. A person who changed his and humanity's fate against the farce, the cruelty and injustice of the world. share his adventure from a frail ant to the dread of the seemingly divine. the poster is not mine. I will take it down if the original owner wants.

ansh_pathak · ファンタジー
1 Chs


In a place where no light could enter.Its people were shocked to see a very alien sight.glossy blue lights were dancing over the rotten vegetation,spreading a thread like energy.wherever the lights entered,A drastic metamorphosis would take place.An almost dying floral plant would begin transforming into a vibrant devine specimen, as if it was the gift of the Heavenly Emperor to the world of laymen.the natives thought that finally the heavens had developed the feeling of empathy and the ability to sympathise.They begin to celebrate and dream about the benefits this alegged boon will provide.

But they had no idea this seeming blessing would grow to be the doom of their race, eventually wiping them from the face of this planet.The mystical energy was coming from a fetus.He wobbed his legs in the air,very cutely,but his face was unhealthily pale and his mouth,a complete silence.the members of the native tribes begin looking for the source of the energy.they begin moving agilly through the dim forest,their movement skills on full display.

Even after a while of searching, they still couldn't discover the reason behind this phenomenon.By now, the whole of the small island has invigorated by the mystical energy and then this bizzare energy disappeared altogether. The tribesmen were astonished and it was decided that they would explore the island to see the changes that had come about. They saw that all the plants looked fresh and full of life. One of them couldn't controll it and ate the random weed. As soon as it entered his mouth he felt as if he had broken some kind of shackle. All the fatigue from the previous ventures disappeared. He told the same to his tribesmen they too tried eating the plants and it had the same effect and this was just a random weed. What about the plants that had had potent effects before this.

The lights of the day had been consumed by the darkness of the night but there was a slight eerie glow projecting from all vital things. The tribesmen retuned to the comfort of their homes.

Early the next morning. The tribesmen awoke and gathered in one place. The crowd was facing an old but bulky man.He was the leader of the tribe manirut. Addressing everyone present he said,"dear fellow tribesmen of the alega tribe a most peculiar phenomenon occurred yesterday and we still do not know the reason behind it. Today it is our goal to fully explore the changes brought by this event. All adult will gather in groups of 10 headed by a member of the elder council and examine the fauna. Also try and find the reason for this strange occurrence. Now, all the women will stay within the territory of the tribe and collect samples of the flora and see what effects each have. I will be leading a 5 man group to help any person in danger".

As soon as he gave his instructions the people began to arrange themselves according to his words and set out to do their respective works.

A large group of women were searching forthe different types of plants and vegetation. The scene was very lively as they talked to each other about the recent events. Among them was the matriarch of the tribe saleny. She was guiding the women. Soon they found a mushroom looking plant, blue in colour and glowing . They went near it but suddenly they heard a noise awfully familiar to a child's . But the children were in the homes under the care of some of the women left behind. So whose voice was it. They followed the direction of the noise and saw a cute,about a month old child. They went to pick it up but as soon as the woman layed her hand on him a corrosive extremely dark energy started to spread through her entire body. In a matter of seconds her entire being shriveled into a cacass of bones. There was a strange energy that came out of her which was absorbed into the fetus' body. And suddenly as if he had gained the push he needed the child floated into the sky with his lips arched to an impossible angle looking more scary than the devil himself. As this was happening the women had expressions of horror and disbelief written on their faces. They were so scared that their mouth wouldn't open even if they wanted it to. The boy suddenly turned his head to them and opened his palm from which came a bright red aura that engulfed the body of the the tribes women. All of them were , within minutes turned into nothing but bones.

The boy then floated further up the sky and started chanting a mantra . The entire sky darkened as a beam of absolute chaos condensed . Each and every lifeform on the island of that tribe ceased to exist under the terror of that beam.

"Finally I have regained a bit of strength and can now travel through the dimensional gates. Just wait a bit more you dogshit gods you will soon pay for your actions",that little boy who could surprisingly speak in a voice that was terrific.

Who was this seemingly evil being what was the purpose of his inhumane actions and why was he against the gods whom everyone worshipped.

A/N: this scene is in the midst of the story. We will continue onwards from it when it's reached.