
A demon and human friendship

Abbie_Taylor · その他
1 Chs

The deal

Kaito had still held onto the hope her mother was alive. It was an autumn day when her mother didn't come home. She asked her farther where she was but he just shrugged and said he didn't know. Now Kaito was old enough to know something was off. Maybe it was the way his face twisted when she asked. Maybe it was the nonchalant way he carried himself as if his wife hadn't gone missing. Or was it the way he would enter the basement late at night when he thought Kaito was asleep.

Now Kaito had watched many horror movies in her sixteen years on earth. She knew going into the basement was a bad idea but when she asked her dad about what was down there he started shouting at her telling her it was none of her business and to keep her nose out of where it didn't belong. That was why she decided to go down to basement. She needed to know what was down there to quell her curiosity and anxiety. She didn't want to believe her dad was a bad person but she had to know the truth. She had to know what was worth protecting down there.

Late at night Kaito crept down the stairs to the first floor, tip toes through the kitchen and slowly opened the basement door. Kaito opened the door slowly as to not let it creek. Once the door was open enough she crept down the stairs sticking close to the wall hoping that they wouldn't make a sound that could wake her dad.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs Kaito stepped into the dark room. Letting her eyes adjust to the darkness the basement held she looked around for a light switch. On the wall to her left was a switch. She flicked the switch and a light bulb in the middle alluminated the rest of the basement. Kaito wished she could forget what she saw. In the corner, slumped over was the deceased remains of her mother. As she went to approach her mother a hand landed on her shoulder.

In that moment to world seemed to hold its breath. No wind could be heard. No rain pattered above. Not even the walls dare to whisper.

Kaito turned around to face the person behind her. Her dad stood on the bottom step, face devoid of emotion, with a large hunting knife. The blade was silver dusted with a light red hue, no doubt the trace her mother left behind, and the handle a polished brown. Her father stared at Kaito for awhile before grabbing her wrist and dragging her to the opposite corner of the basement to her mother. He pushed her into the corner and tightened his grip on the hunting knife. Kaito looked at the knife and was frightened.

She knew going into the basement was a bad idea.

She knew her father would be angry.

But she didn't anticipate he would kill her.

That he would KILL his own daughter for going into the basement.

Her dad raised the knife, pointing it towards her abdomen, before bring it down. It tore through the flesh and dug itself deep. The pain was unbearable and Kaito screamed. She screamed like a banshee in pain but also betrayal. Her dad had betrayed her trust. Her dad had betrayed her mothers trust. Kaito remembers her screams dying out and when she opened her eyes again her dad was gone but weirdly the light was still on. Although Kaito wanted to get up she couldn't, she was loosing blood and staying conscious was a struggle. Eventually she succumbed to the begging of release and fell unconscious.

Her mind was dark. She wanted to live. She didn't want to die! She still had lots to do! Lots to see! She wanted to own a cafe in a nice town. She wanted to meet new people and make new friends! She was only sixteen! It wasn't right!

As she pleaded in her mind for someone to help. For anyone to help. A weird voice echoed through the darkness.

ᚺᛖᛚᛚᛟ ᛚᛁᛏᛏᛚᛖ ᛒᛁᚱᛞ"

Kaito looked around but couldn't see anyone, "Hello.?"


Kaito looked around frantically for the source of the voice. "I can't understand you."

I said hello little bird"

Kaito jumped as the voice came from behind her. She turned around and standing not that far way was a tall being. Atleast 7 feet tall with pointed ears, sharp canines and red glowing eyes. Kaito looked at the mysterious creature, slightly intimidated by its appearance.

Do not be afraid I mean you no harm, I came to help actually."

Kaito was partly relieved that they could understand the creature but also was confused about what it meant, "what?..."

The creatures hummed as if considering something

It seems I have yet to introduce myself, I am...."

There was a brief pause where the creature tilted its head in a dog like manner. Kaito thought that it was sort of funny but didn't have enough energy to laugh right now.

The demon suddenly spoke once more,

I am a demon from ᚲᚺᛖᛋᛏᚨᚡᛖᚾᛋᛁᚨ or you may know it as Chestavensia."

Of course Kaito knew what Chestavensia was. It was the main city in the demonic realm. Every person no matter if they were old or young, rich or poor were told about the place. Told to stay away and if they were ever to encounter a being from such place to run as far as possible and never look back.

Little bird?"

Kaiito snapped their head back up to the creature demon.

Are you okay? Your little heart is beating so fast. Are you sure you aren't a humming bird hybrid?"

Kaito mentally stalled. A hybrid? They must be joking. She was the most human, human she had ever met.

"What do you mean?" Kaito decided to ask.

Well your wings clearly show you are a falcon hybrid but your heart is beating fast like a humming bird."

Kaito looked behind her self and resting there was a pair of brown wings with golden feathers dotted throughout. She couldn't remember having wings. Surely she would have noticed a pair of speckled blonde, large wings attached to her. Surely....

Kaito turned back around to the demon. It's head still tilted like it was before. She looked the creature up and down.

"What are doing here?" she asked the demon not actually knowing where 'here' is.

I am here to make an offer to you."

"An offer?" Kaito asked.

Indeed, you are dying. Whilst dying your soul reached out for help, against your knowledge it seems, and I have responded to your call."

"So what is it you want?" Kaito looked over the shoulder of the demon, their eyes being to intimidating to look into.

I can stop you from dying."

Kaito's eyes widened, 'I could live. I can do everything I ever wanted!'

Of course I would ask for something in return...

Kaito nodded on the inside, "What is it you want?"

I want to be part of your soul."

Kaito paused. What did that entail, what was she giving up.

You seem confused little bird. Me being a part of your soul is a good thing. I can help you when you are in danger, you will have a forever companion."

Kaito could see the logic behind that plus she really didn't want to die.

"What do I need to do to make it happen?" Kaito took a steady breath.

It's simple really. Hold my hand and let me do the rest."

The demon held out a shadowed, dark hand and Kaito took it. If she could survive then it was worth everything.

Whisps of red and gold entangled around their hands and slowly spread up their arms. Kaito watched as the glowing, vine like magic weaved around her wrist. Slowly the glow faded and so did her sight. Every second the whisps got dimmer the blurier her vision got. She was once again forced back into the depths of her conscience.