
A Human's Choice

Yu Ling listened carefully to more clearly locate where the fighting was coming from, then started to run in the opposite direction.

However, she soon found that making her way through an unclaimed forest was easier said than done. Not only did she have to keep on listening to figure out where the noise was coming from so that she could go in the opposite direction, but making her way through the thick shrubbery was a struggle. She also had to keep a constant watch on where she was walking since the forest ground was uneven with gnarled roots and loose leaves.

In theory, the ones behind her should have had the same problem, but they were steadily coming closer. Even when she tried to veer and change directions, they seemed to change direction with her. It was almost as if they were following her. At this rate, there was no way she could outrun them.

Since they were steadily going in one direction, perhaps she could hide until they passed by?

She looked around for a hiding place, but unfortunately all she could see was trees. Left with no choice, she chose one that seemed relatively easy to climb and started to make her way up. To her surprise, it was easier than she had thought it would be, and she barely had to exert any effort before she reached the top. As an obsessed researcher who had hardly ever exercised, this surprised her. It seemed like this body was at least several times stronger than she was as a human.

As she lay flat on the branch, she quieted her breathing as they approached. And then she saw an unbelievable sight.

A woman who seemed to be human was fighting off three monsters.

She had resplendent blond hair and golden eyes, and even from afar Yu Ling could tell that she was beautiful. Yet in contrast to her beautiful features, she wore white plated armor that was splattered with blood, and her face was pale with exertion as she fought the monsters with a blade made of light. For some reason, Yu Ling saw what seemed to be a cyclone of energy gathered at her chest, and if she focused, she could see a network of fine webs branched throughout her body from this core.

The monsters the woman was facing seemed to be some sort of mutant beasts. There was a giant black wolf the size of a horse, a white bear with black scaled armor, and a crimson, winged panther. Yu Ling could also see some sort of vague light from them, but it was vague and misty, not concentrated like it was for the woman.

Although it was three against one, the woman was not easy prey. Although she was heavily injured, she used the trees and environment to hinder the other beasts when she was facing one, and the sword she wielded was no simple sword. Its length would extend like a spear and shrink, allowing her to fight from both long and close range. When the black wolf lunged at her from behind, the blade suddenly extended, piercing through its belly before disappearing and reappearing in her hands to fend off the claws of the panther, which she then kicked away. As the wolf demon fell to the ground, she rolled to the side to hide behind a tree as the bear roared and swiped its paws at her. The heavy paws smashed into the tree trunk and collapsed it, causing it to topple over.

Seeing this, Yu Ling broke out in a cold sweat. She was definitely dead if she was hit by that, and if her tree was hit as well there really was nothing she could do. It was too late for her to run now, but maybe she could move to another tree farther away?

Before she could decide, however, the battle already came to her. And as they approached, Yu Ling couldn't help but feel that something about the woman was familiar...

As she got closer, the woman started to yell something that was probably words. At first, Yu Ling couldn't understand anything at all, but after a while the meanings seem to come to her, as if she was remembering something from a long time ago.

"Arianna!" the woman yelled, jumping to avoid the bear's charge. "Where are you? Answer me!"

Yu Ling kept quiet. She didn't know who this Arianna was, but there was no way she was talking to her. However, she didn't sense anyone else in the area apart from them. Why was the woman yelling?


The crimson panther took the opening from her yelling to lunge at her, and its bite crumpled the metal armor of her left arm. The woman screamed in pain, but the blade of light shrunk and sunk itself into the panther's side, causing it to jump back with a roar before it could tear her arm off. However, the damage had been done.

She was going to die at this rate.

Yu Ling bit her lip. Was she just going to watch her die like this? She was a stranger, but if she had to choose between her and the demonic beasts, she would definitely choose to help the woman. But...what could she do? The idea of fighting against those monsters terrified her. There was nothing she could do...

No, that was just an excuse. She knew that if she didn't at least try at all she was going to regret it.

She'd always been the type to take things too seriously. Making excuses was never her style, and if there was one thing she hated more than anything else it was hypocrisy. She would not deceive herself. If she didn't at least try and just gave up because it was the easy way out, she would be nothing more than a coward.

However, she knew that there was no point in helping when there was no way to change the situation. But if there was a way, she decided to give it a try. This was her choice as a human. She might now be in a monster's body, but her humanity hasn't changed. Wasn't it the characteristic of a human to be able to help others?

Not to mention, it was probably better for her that the human rather than the demonic beasts survived. Although she was now a monster too, but at least, humans should be more willing to listen and be grateful to her right?


Yu Ling was somewhat uncertain, especially considering that even among humans there were plenty of selfish and bigoted ones as well. However, she concluded that...she would have to put this concern aside for now. What was of more immediate importance was to help turn around the currently disadvantageous situation. She exhaled and breathed in slowly, calmly analyzing the situation and the resources at her disposal.

The woman could still fight. Although her left arm now hung limp at her side, her right arm still held on to the blade of light tightly, holding off the two demonic beasts. However, it was all she could do to defend herself. If she attacked one of them, the other would pounce at the opening, so they were now stuck in a stalemate. If there were some way to distract one of the beasts and make an opening, given how fast her blade could mutate, there was a high chance that she could take out the other one.

What were the resources at her disposal though? She was located on a tree branch above the clearing where the battle was now taking place. Her advantage was that no one has noticed her yet, but if she makes a move that advantage was quickly gone. She did, however, have the advantage of being at a higher vantage point, and gravity would make her fall faster as well as add extra momentum to her attacks. She also now had claws that could probably rip flesh and a scaled tale, and it seemed like her strength and dexterity had made a large increase. She wasn't sure about her speed, but earlier when she ran it was easier to go faster than before. She could probably safely say that she was at least now faster than she had been as a human...although honestly that wasn't saying much.

The monster bear seemed to have large strength and defense, but it was slow and seemed somewhat stupid. It's weak spots were probably its eyes and unarmored parts. Meanwhile, the crimson panther was fast and cunning, but its attacks were blockable. The trouble, however, mostly came from the panther, which seemed constantly ready to take advantage at the sign of any weakness.

There were not that many options, but...maybe... Yu Ling took a deep breath and watched the situation below, waiting for her chance.

And then she lunged down below with her fangs and claws bared.