Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
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Percy rolled his eyes, "relax Michael, you can sleep whenever you want. I tried to wake them up, but they insisted on remaining in bed. So I spent some time out flying around on my board and then went exploring around the castle. You guys missed out by the way, people loved flying on my board."
"Yes we heard about that," Kristien snickered, "apparently you are very popular with the younger kids now Percy. They were all talking about you and your board, be careful though some of these brats might become attached."
Percy chuckled as they began to talk about different things, mostly homework and classes. After lunch Percy went back to the common room with the others and quickly packed up all the things he would need while using the Forest as his work room. He packed in various texts and even his potion equipments.
The other Hufflepuff decided to stay inside and finish off their homework, Percy gave his own to them to copy off of and excused himself saying that he wanted to explore the castle more.
Percy flew to the fifth floor corridor and made sure that no one saw him enter the Forest door. He quickly unpacked all the stuff he was carrying and began to write up two patent request. One for the quick quill and one for his hover board. Might as well get both of his inventions registered and make some money of off them.
By dinner Percy was done with the patent files and even got an owl order form for more potion ingredients from the apothecary in Diagon alley from Gordon, apparently the guy has tons of these shoved away into his trunk, he's somewhat of a hoarder.
Percy walked to the owlery and was surprised to find Harry already there. "Harry!" Percy called out.
Harry flinched as he quickly turned around with a look of surprise and fear on his face. The moment he noticed it was Percy though he sighed in relief, "oh it's just you Percy."
"Yeah, duh. Why? Were you expecting someone else?"
"No….I was just," Harry squirmed looking everywhere but Percy's eye's. Percy looked round and saw a letter in Harry's hands. He couldn't see the receiver's name clearly, but it clearly started with the letter 'S'.
"Sending a letter?" Percy asked.
Harry looked up, "ah, yes. Yes I am."
"I see…to Susan? Because she is in the same castle you know," Percy teased knowing full well it wasn't to Susan.
"What? Susan? Why...oh, right. Well I just….I just thought a letter would be less awkward."
Percy almost snorted, that lie was so bad, "right….you know she is in my house. If you want I can talk to her, tell her you like her and want to take her out."
Harry blushed red as he shook his head, "no! No! Please don't!"
"Why not? You like this girl right? She sent you a letter on your birthday, obviously she cares about you," Percy teased.
"I-I know," Harry rubbed his head blushing red, "it's just that...I don't feel comfortable with it Percy. Please don't ask her."
Percy chuckled, "ah, young love. Fine Harry, I won't ask Susan Bones to ask you out, but only if you do it yourself!"
"What?!" Harry yelled.
"Yeah. You have to own up to your feelings Harry, you can't just hide behind letters any more. So here's what's going to happen. I'll give you one month's time. In the time you better ask Susan Bones out to Hogsmeade or I'll do it for you. And what's more I'll be loud, annoying and embarrass the shit out off you. Got it?"
Harry's face was red by now, "that's not fair Percy!"
"Love's not fair Harry," Percy gave him a thumbs up, "I'll be rooting for you!"
Harry groaned, "by Magic….fine. I'll do it."
"Haha! There's that Gryffindor courage I heard so much about!" Percy cheered as he looked around and spotted Hoothoot scrutinising him, "get down here Hoothoot, I have a job for you."
"Hoot!" the elf owl hooted as he glided down and landed in front of Percy.
"Is that your owl?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. Harry meet Hoothoot, Hoothoot meet Harry," Percy introduced them.
"Hoothoot?" Harry blinked, "you named your owl Hoot Hoot? Seriously? That's the best name you could come up with?"
Percy shrugged, "hey don't give me that look. Hecate named him," he then shrunk his folders and put them inside an envelop. He looked over to Harry, "aren't you going to send your letter Harry?"
Harry blinked, "what? Oh, right," Harry turned around and quickly looked across the owls and finally whistled one down.
A beautiful snowy white owl flew down gracefully and landed next to Hoot Hoot, "hoot," she gave a gentle hoot as she looked at Percy bowing.
"She's beautiful Harry," Percy smiled, "I'm guessing that's Hedwig?"
Harry nodded, "yeah. Hedwig this is Percy." The owl nodded in acknowledgment giving off a soft hoot in hello.
"Wow, she doesn't hate me," Percy said in surprise.
"Why do you sound so surprised?"
"Well when I got Hoothoot the stupid thing hated me instantly. Hecate said something about all owls hating my dad, so I figured the curse must have passed on or something. But seeing as Hedwig isn't currently shiting on me I'm guess Hoothoot hates me not because of some curse but because he's an asshole."
"Hoot!" Hoot Hoot hooted as it flapped it's wings threateningly at Percy.
"Hoot!" Hedwig said as she smacked her wing across Hoot Hoot's head. The Elf owl turned around furious and threw open its wings threateningly. Hedwig however was unfazed as she simply glared at him until the elf owl drew into himself looking very very scared.
"Hoot," Hoothoot squeaked as it bowed its head at Hedwig in shame.
"Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!" Hedwig hooted pointing a wing at Percy.
Hoothoot turned toward Percy and bowed again, "hoot. Hoot."
Percy blinked as he turned to Harry, "did...did you owl just scold my owl into apologizing to me?"
Harry nodded dumbly, "I think so."
~Extra Chapter on 1000 POWER STONES~
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