
A Deathly Life

Dragons and Phoenixes wandering the skies Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes ruling the lands Angels and Demons locked in their eternal war Beasts and other minor races roaming the earth All living in alleged harmony, living their lives vying for dominance under the rule of their gods. Gods who gave them life, gave them powers. Gods who control them, manipulate them but also protect them. But the gods do not care about the last of the races, Humans. Not created but Born Left unprotected, Shunned and without a shred of magic, humanity was easily enslaved by all races. And under the iron and bloody fists of their masters they served for thousands of years. This is the journey of Ango, a slave boy doing his best to survive and grow stronger, unraveling the mysteries of the world. **Warning: the story contains sex, gore and torture in large amounts but they are not the focusof tye story. Don’t read if you can’t handle it. ** If you are looking for the happy go lucky people saving type of hero then this story isn’t for you. **Please understand that Anti-hero doesn't equal villain and it will take a bit of time for the Mc's personality to develop. *DISCLAIMER: the picture doesn’t belong to me, if you want me to take it down message me

Rushakh · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Chapter 22 - The Chat

"So you're saying that I can now use magic and my body became stronger to adjust to the magic inside me?"

"yeah lad, something like that, though there are some things about you that are different, the most important one being, you absorbed pure magic" he paused for a moment and then continued

"I don't know anyone else that can do that, you might be the one in the vision Solomon saw, or there could be others like you and that one of many will achieve that, so don't let it get to your head"

Ango nodded, he understood that he couldn't be reckless just because he could be the one in the vision; there might be others like him that had survived and could use magic. He also thought of something else

'I know this because of what Talia said, that fate can be changed. Solomon failed that time but next time he might not'

"Another thing is that, your mana is not static, it moves around your body" Mckenzie spoke

"Mana? What's mana" Ango asked, he had heard Talia mention 'mana' before but he wasn't sure what It meant. Then he asked something else "And what do you mean by it moving around? Can you explain"

"Sure lad, think of it like this, we call the magic, which you can now perceive, that exists outside of the body simply Magic, and the magic that exists inside the body mana. The amount of magic people can hold inside their bodies is limited and it can run out but it usually refills itself after some time. It can recharge faster by being close to the same elemental energy that you use. Usually all the elemental energies are around us, though in varying concentrations but there are places where only one or two elemental energies exist and if your elemental energy is different, you won't be able to refill your mana"

'oh I see'

"Now the other thing, you see mana doesn't move inside the body, it's scattered and only moves when we want to cast magic, on the other hand, your mana is different, even now I can feel it pulse"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"It's different but I'm not sure if it's good or bad, maybe you'll find out in the future, but there is a con, anyone can notice you easily if you are nearby, I don't know if you 'll be able to control it and make it static but keep it in mind"

Ango nodded and thought 'It will be disastrous if everyone can sense my magic by itself but If they also find out I'm human then …'

Mckenzie stopped at this point but Ango spoke after a few moments of thinking

"Sir Mckenzie, there are two things I need to say, first let me apologize for what I did, although I didn't do it on purpose, I used one of your precious crystals, please forgive me" and then he lowered his head toward the gnome which surprised the master-servant duo. Ango didn't want them to think less of him, specially since they had helped him so much already, he wanted to be sincere, or at least appear so.

"Second, Hawkwood told me that he needs your permission to teach me how to fight, will you allow him?"

Mckenzie was sitting on a tree trunk with his two small legs dangling in the air, he began to stroke his red beard as he said

"Don't sweat about the crystal lad, I got to see someone absorb pure magic and then undergo such an extensive body adjustment, I'm probably the first one to witness something like that thanks to you" a grin appeared on his face which was hard to notice due to his beard then he added

"About Hawkwood teaching you, there is no problem, he can teach you but I've got a proposition for you lad, care to hear it?"

Ango was surprised 'What can he want from me? He said he was a researcher, does he want to use me as a test subject?' his thoughts caused his face to go dark but he nodded nonetheless, first he needed to hear what he had to say.

"I will teach everything I know about magic, I will also teach you science, some alchemy and I will teach you most of the things I know, how much you can learn is up to you of course, but"

He then paused, and interrupted himself "Don't take this the wrong way, but the catch is you tell me anything you discover about your body and magic and you will let me inspect your body and do some tests"

He also hurriedly added "Nothing too harmful of course, I won't forgive myself if I ruin someone who can use pure magic and I'm sure Hawkwood will break up with me too"

'So he wants me to become a test subject hm… but the thing is I don't have any alternatives. I know next to nothing about magic and he is willing to teach me everything just so he can study me.'

Ango was thinking about his offer, the truth was that he really didn't have much of a choice, if he was ever found out or wanted to leave here, his greatest weapon and insurance would be magic and there wasn't much he could learn on his own without having a basic understanding of magic first. In the middle of his thoughts he suddenly noticed something that Piere had said

'Wait did he just say Hawkwood would break up with him? That makes things a bit safer, the chances of Hawkwood not wanting me to to die or get crippled is high'

Then with a curious voice Ango asked "Are you two together?"

Hawkwood and Piere nodded and then the gnome asked "Are you one of those guys that have problems with interracial relationships?"

Ango was surprised and asked "Huh? Why would I have a problem with that? Are there people who do?"

Mckenzie suddenly laughed, his legs moving in the air while he did.

"Hahahahahahah, you ask if people have a problem with it? hahahahaha"

Hawkwood also chuckled at his question and said "Most people have a problem with it, actually many get exiled from their homes if such a thing is found out about them or directly executed if it's with a race they have a problem with it"

'I can kinda understand the second point but what's the problem with the first kind? Why do thy exile them???'

Gradually Piere's laughter died down, then he looked at Ango and said "You look confused lad, hehe, don't worry about it, most of it is prejudice against half-bloods that's directed at us"


"Oh you don't know about them?" Ango shook his head "well let's say the offspring of a couple from two different races is called a half-blood. They tend to have odd appearances and have access to both races' magic and sometimes unique forms of magic, so they are not trusted much but feared and shunned"

He then jumped off the tree trunk and continued while stretching his back "Kingdoms usually won't send them to protect the borders and won't let them achieve too much inside their systems either, so most of them leave for the free cities. The free cities together can be considered the biggest kingdom and are powerful in their own right so they are relatively safe there"

Ango was glad for the new information but the mystery still remained "I see but what does that have to do with you? It's not like you can have offspring"

"I told you, it's mostly about prejudice"

Ango nodded and didn't continue. Piere then said "Well, I'll get back to my research and leave you too alone"

Ango nodded again and Mckenzie left, Hawkwood then stood up and asked him "Do you have anything you want to bring here from your place?"

"Hm.. nothing special, just my bed and some odds and ends"

"Well let's go get them now, It's a good chance to check your speed and stamina"

Ango looked enthusiastic, he wanted to know how strong he had become. He nudged Little Snow, but she didn't show any reaction, so he asked "Hey, wanna run with us to the cave?"

Her ears instantly stood erect and she sprang up to her feet with an excited expression


Ango chuckled and nodded to Hawkwood "Let's go"

I'm thinking of setting up something of a reward system based on power stones.

For each of the milestones, I'll post a bonus chapter.

50 ps






Let me know if you want it to happen in the comments :)

Rushakhcreators' thoughts