

Breanna Styles gave up hope of ever having a mate after her first mate rejected her, causing her to run away from her hometown. Only to come back years later and discover that the ruthless Lycan King who had taken over their town is her second chance mate. She is determined to give him hell but at the same time protect her family. Having lost the place he called home and almost everyone in it. Alexander Leeds,the King of Lycans only wanted one thing; an heir. When he finds his mate who is rebellious and calculating he's determined to give her everything she wants in return for an heir. Not knowing she will slowly melt his cold heart walls without his knowledge.

eneirariwayn · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Discarded and Forgotten

Breanna looked around, seeing the empty spot beside her. Her body felt ravaged and tired, the evidence of pleasure lingering between her legs.

Breanna felt a pinch of pain on her neck, making her panic at remembering how his teeth sunk into her neck, marking her without her permission.

She set her legs to the ground, supporting herself by the best post as she limped at the sharp pain between her legs. She looked at herself in the mirror, seeing the world mark that appeared enormous and conspicuous enough from a distance.

Breanna didn't know whether to be elated at the mark or mad that he did wait for her approval.

Within the next few hours everything seemed to be served to her. The maids didn't say a thing, as they did everything for her without questioning. Breanna felt a little lonely that her mate seemed to have gotten what he wanted and didn't want to see her anymore.

Two weeks passed with everyone pampering her in the mansion. The door abruptly opened breaking off her wandering thoughts.

The Lycan King walked in, not sparing her a look as he signalled the doctor who followed him to start his job.

"Examine her, by now she must be showing signs of pregnancy," he ordered as the doctor approached Breanna who was seated on the bed confused.

"What's all this, Alex?" Breanna asked, getting agitated at his reaction.

"Don't you ever address with that name, I forbid you! Remember your place!" He warned her, making her hope crush.

Breanna kept her mouth shut for the rest of the examination as the doctor withdrew blood from her body and took samples with him.

"Your Majesty, can we talk?" Breanna asked as he saw him turn to leave the room.

"You can go," he ordered, the doctor, turning to her.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked, showing no interest in whatever she was about to say.

Alexander knew he had to get hard on this woman. First she tricked him with the mate bond, then made a contact with him, and after he marked her, all he could think about was her delicious body and soft koans. He couldn't let himself feel vulnerable.

She was driving him crazy with the way her big brown eyes looked at him right there like they were begging him to kiss them shut.

He shook his head, pushing the thought back, he had to focus on having an heir, that was their agreement and that's all there had to get between them.

"Well, to start with, you marked me without my permission, and you have been ignoring me for weeks, did I do something wrong?" Breanna asked, feeling displeased at how he treated her.

"Look, I am the Lycan King, I can mark whoever I want whenever I want, and just because we slept together doesn't give you the right to feel you can question me around, are we understood?" Alexander asked as he watched her face turn dull from disappointed.

He couldn't give her what she wanted. He didn't do emotions, all he knew was war and power.

"Okay, I understand, but you won't allow you or anybody else to treat me like trash," Breanna said, not sure if this was the best time to reignite her Alpha mode.

Alexander looked at her as if she had lost her mind. No woman or man ever attempted to talk back at him, but it seemed his mate had the guts to do so.

"It's funny how you say it while you yourself signed the contract to be my breeding machine, so think twice before you say anything, you are nothing to me, I can destroy you in just a snap of my fingers," Alexander threatened surprised at how she stood her ground not shaken by his threat.

Breanna moved closer to him, intending to push his limits.

"I would like to see you destroy me, your Majesty," Breanna dared him, making a small playful now.

Alexander felt anger surge inside him. He demanded respect from everyone and this woman, mate or not, was not an exemption.

"Don't push me, Breanna Styles!" Alexander warned, his anger hanging on a thread.

"So you know my name?" Breanna asked, pushing her luck even further. He couldn't possibly punish her, after all, didn't he expect an heir from her?

"I'll not punish you for the sake of the baby you might be carrying right now, but don't play with me," Alexander warned, his face void of any emotions as he went out of the room.

Days passed with the usual norm of her boring life continuing. She decided to take a stroll in the mansion to kill her boredom.

"I hear you're the King's chosen lover now?" Camille asked from behind her.

Breanna could never understand what this woman wanted from her, always on her nerves.

"Yes but so what?" Breanna asked, attempting to cut off the conversation.

"You are quite shameless you know, just one night and we can't have peace in this mansion? Do you know how many more women Alexy has slept with since you?" Camille asked, her face full of scorn, making Breanna knit her eyebrows.

"I though so, so don't feel special, he's the king he can't stick to one woman sorry," Camille laughed in mockery, seeing the hurt expression on her face.

"You b**t*h! What are you implying?" Breanna didn't know where the aggressiveness came from as she grabbed Camille's hair, making her scream in pain. She only understood it when she felt on edge as her wolf raged in her head.

"Let her go and come to my office now!" The Lycan King ordered as his angry voice resounded behind them, addressing Breanna.

She slowly pushed the door to his office, curious at why he seemed so angry. She found him looking at her with so much disgust and hatred.

"Remove your clothes!" He ordered, his features hard as he emitted anger in his tone.

"What? Why?" Breanna asked, confused as she looked at him in disbelief.

Things will get a little intense in the next chapter, adult content , see you there

eneirariwayncreators' thoughts