
Chapter 16

"What is that?!" Peter exclaimed as Mary pounced at him like a cat.

She immediately brought back memories of that psycho of Cletus Kasady.

Peter could almost hear the screeching sound of the symbiote's tendrils as he lunged at him. He felt a shiver run down his spine as the boy remembered the intense battles he had fought against him.

The boy couldn't help but think about the immense strength and power that Carnage possessed, and how difficult it had been to stop him. He knew that if he had not been able to rely on Felicia and Eddie, he might not have been able to defeat it.

"Our future, my love!" Venom exclaimed triumphantly, retreating back to Peter and watching the woman with pride.

He barely had time to react before she landed on top of him and suddenly bit his neck. The boy let out a yelp of pain as he felt Mary's teeth sink into his flesh. He quickly tried to push her off and stood up, but with a sudden movement, she pinned him to the bed.

"You breed her ovule with your seed, I breed her body with mine," the alien said while Mary went for a kiss.

The kiss was aggressive, her fangs scraping against his lips as they devoured each other. He could feel her sharp teeth pressing against his body, but he didn't care, he was lost in the moment. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close as she ran her fingers through his hair. He felt her tongue darting into his mouth, exploring every inch of him. Peter knew that he should be scared, but all he could feel was an intense desire coursing through his body

"This way I can reproduce and take over each girl you breed and add it to our hive!" It seems that the aliens were really into this.

He felt uneasy and worried about both girls' behavior.

"Hurry up and tame her now! And she will be with us forever!"

"Face it, tiger, you won the jackpot!" Mary exclaimed the second she broke the kiss.

Peter had this murder machine on top of him, constantly trying to bite and scratch his skin. Fortunately, Venom had already covered him, giving Peter some protection.

He couldn't help but feel intrigued by her dangerous allure. She exuded a raw power that both frightened and captivated him. Her sharp features and piercing gaze seemed to cut through him, leaving him both wary and drawn to her. Despite the warning signs, he found himself unable to resist her pull.

The boy cursed himself, he had a boner for a female version of Carnage.

Peter was done playing around. He would fix this situation his way, not Venom or Mary's way. It was a risky move but he wasn't a tool to be used by an alien. The boy wasn't a glorified dildo, he was a man! a human! and he would put an end to this situation.

He just laid there, ignoring Mary completely. Peter didn't move and did not react to the woman biting, scratching, and kissing him. Even with his cock full mast and Mary riding him like no tomorrow she got . . . nothing, not even a grunt or a moan from him.

"My love, what are you doing?!" Venom asked inside Peter's mind, clearly disturbed.

"Taming her," he answered with a calm tone.

"Fuck! Come on! Do something!" Mary began to move her hips faster, her pussy squeezed around Peter's cock trying to make him squirm in pleasure.

She was aggressive and assertive. The crimson monster desired to make Peter scream and beg for more. He did not provide her with that pleasure.

It felt amazing, he had to admit that. Each time the woman bounced on his dick, a spike of pleasure made him shiver, up and down his cock as the master rider she was. However, Peter put on his best poker face.

"Tell me when you are done, I have things to do."

"Pay me attention! Fight back! Do something!" Mary snarled, clearly frustrated as her massive red breast bounced in the air. Her claws left a trail of damage in Peter's chest as the alien was doing all in her power to get a reaction.

"No," he said without hesitation. He maintained a steady gaze, giving no indication that he was open to negotiation or persuasion. The determination in his stance and tone made it clear that his decision was final.

The woman rode the man for what seemed like an hour, her hands tightly gripping her prey.

Mary leaned forward, her body in sync with the alien movements as they rode the man. The woman's face was determined, her eyes fixed on Peter like a hunter about to snap her prey's neck. But as the mating went on, the boy could feel Mary's energies beginning to wane.

After the sixth time he finished inside her, her hands slackened on the boy, her body swayed to the side. Her pussy was oozing cum like a fountain, permanently running that battered mattress.

"But . . . but . . but . . . I wanted a fuck/fight!"

The woman laid beside her boyfriend, her eyes wide and pleading. She tilted her head slightly to the side and let out a small pout, batting her eyelashes in an attempt to get him to cave to her request.

"Nope," he said again.

Peter looked like a stone but from the inside, he was drained. Fuck, Mary fucked his soul out of him. He was a horny teenager but that monster left him more dried than a desert. It was sad that he couldn't reciprocate the love now but when all was done, the boy would be eager to do this more often in a better way.

"That is not fair! I got all those cool powers and I wanted to make you my bitch!" She chewed Peter's arm but in a more playful way, like a cat biting her owner.

"Then do it." Peter patted his lap, asking the woman to keep riding him.

"Is not fun if you are not struggling! You are even ignoring me!" The woman looked with her arms crossed, her maw pressed into a pout. He could see the tension in her shoulders, the way she held herself stiffly.

Peter gave her the silent treatment ignoring the woman until she had enough. He folded his arms across his chest, avoiding eye contact and not saying a word. The boy refused to engage in any conversation or acknowledge her presence.

"Hmmmmm, you said something?" The boy asked with an indifferent tone.

"Uggggggggg!" Mary protested, at this point she seemed desperate to get something from him.

"Only good girls get attention." Time to strike.

She looked up at her owner with big, golden eyes, a tail made out of a red mass emerged and wagged it excitedly. Mary let out a little bark, begging for a treat as she sat politely, her claws crossed in front of her. She was a good girl, always eager to please and always happy to see her owner. Her head stood at attention, waiting for any reaction. She whined softly, unable to contain her excitement. Her owner couldn't help but smile at his cute pet,

He reached to her and patted her head, her tail wagging even faster now. It was clear that she was a good girl and her owner couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and love toward his companion.

"I will be a good girl!" said the girl, with a look of determination and submission in her eyes.

"That is, see? Don't need to destroy the whole room!"

"Fine, but you owe me a fight!"

"Sure," Peter said with a smile, glad he could resolve this without any more fighting. It seemed that "Make the love not the war" was a valid solution in this case.

"Also call me Massacre when I am in red." Mary winked at him

"We don't kill," the golden rule. When Spiderman was around, nobody died.

"Fine . . . but I will keep the name."

Massacre joins the hive!

Mary Jane

Attributes (1 = What a normal person has):

Strength: 30

Durability: 15

Agility: 30

Senses: 6

Intelligence: 1


Spider-sense: It warns the user of any direct danger and helps her evade attacks.

Wall-crawling: The user can cling to and crawl up walls and ceilings thanks to the special "sticky" pads on her hands and feet.

Web-slinging: The can shoot webs from special devices on her wrists, allowing her to swing through the city and capture his enemies.

Healing factor: The user's body has a natural healing ability that allows her to recover from injuries faster than a normal human. At least 10 times faster.

Stretching and deforming: Even while bonded to a host, the user symbiote can grow and expand to any size as long as it has the additional bodily mass to supplement its growth. The symbiote is also able to get inside of small areas such as electric wires and the insides of cars to completely disable them.

Constituent-Matter Generation: The user symbiote is capable of forming tendrils and tentacles of its amorphous red-and-black biomass, using this to strangle or impale opponents. The symbiote can also convert ingested organic materials such as flesh and blood into additional biomass.

Constituent-Matter Manipulation: The user symbiote possesses the ability to shapeshift its biomass into various shapes and forms. This is most-commonly utilized to create bladed armaments such as swords, spikes, bludgeons, knives, claws and axes; though the symbiote once morphed its host's arms into a pair of bat-like wings. The symbiote can also discharge its biomass as projectiles, though these projectiles only last for approximately 30 seconds before crumbling into dust.

"Well . . . that certainly worked . . ." Venom murmured with a defeated and disappointed tone.

"See? You don't always need to fight," Peter said, triumphant.

"Sure . . . I'm actually lost for words," she sounded calmer now, even thoughtful.

With that done, Peter was ready to give Mary a little more attention.

"Ok, so now I will give you a proper reward."

Peter wasn't a cruel man. Even with all the madness she had now, there was some charm in her. He actually loved having someone soo hook up with his attention. Probably some unsolved high school traumas where Gwen was the only one that even looked in his general direction.

"Wait, what do you have in mind?"

"In all four," he ordered and his pet obeyed.

With the path open and with a mighty hip movement the boy began to drill. This time he made full use of his cock to completely break the monster.

"Fuck . . .you never get tired?"

"For you? never."

Mary began to scream and moan as Peter's manhood took a bizarre alien shape. Growing short tentacles all over it, becoming ribbed as a sex toy and even vibrating to stimulate all her body with each thrust.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, that is unfair!"

"Just enjoy it and get ready for the big end."

Now that he didn't need to hold back for Mary, Peter went berserker. He gave the woman a demonstration of his true strength with each thrust.

Peter knew that he needed to do something that she would remember forever, something that she couldn't undo. Luckily, the boy had the tool for the job. It was time to use his spear to the fullest of his capacities.

The best part? This wasn't a trick, his actual cock was getting reshaped at his will. Meaning that he felt as much pleasure as the woman.

The boy's manhood head reshaped, from the rounded form that a normal human should have to something more aggressive. Long and thin as a proper spear, enough to perfectly pass across her cervix and directly fucking Mary's womb.

"Wait, you are in my womb!" Mary screamed as the realization of what was going to happen hit her like a bucket of cold water.

He let out a sadistic grin as the tip caressed the interior chamber of Mary, completely enjoying this alien sensation. Being 100% honest with himself, it was a charming feeling. He had taken the girl's cervix virginity.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck you are fucking my womb!"

Peter could see the woman's face contorting with a mixture of emotions. Her eyes were wide and sparkling with excitement, but also held a hint of fear, and her eyebrows were knitted together with anticipation.

Mary let out a loud, high-pitched shriek. The woman's respiration became louder as her body began to shake, clearly feeling the invasion. However, Peter could feel the fleshy walls strangling his cock even harder now. The gates of her chalice even began to tighten around the spear, massaging it and begging for his seed.

"Not done yet!"

The base of his manhood began to become more bulbous, quickly, it turned into a massive ball of tentacles that sealed shut the entrance of Mary's pussy.

"You fucking animal!"

"I am your alpha, bitch, you better remember that!"

She screamed as the sudden change of form stretched her slit far beyond her capacities. He could feel the woman trying to move, to pull that sphere of alien mass out of her private parts but was useless. Now she was locked with him.

"Relax, we will be locked like this for a while . . ." Peter rested on top of her, leaning for a kiss.

"You wanted my attention . . . you have it," he whispered in her ear as both lips crashed together. The boy didn't have any fear of those fangs.

"Thanks . . . tiger," she whimpered. Mary's face was still alight with excitement, but also held a hint of relief. Her eyes were sparkling with small tears, her cheeks were still rosy, and her lips were curved into a satisfied smile.

And then, only when Mary was completely motionless, totally exhausted, any fight left on her, he came. This wasn't about breeding her, or even the pleasure of bursting inside the woman, it was to mark her. He wanted to make clear that even with those new powers, she still was his pet, for now, and ever.

With one hand on her lower belly, he could feel each burst as it was growing bigger, filling the uterus with his strong spunk. Peter let out a loud groan as both laid paralyzed by the pleasure.

Then he heard someone entering the place while he was still locked inside Mary. Peter looked around, nervously fidgeting as he heard the key turn in the lock. He knew that Gwen was coming over, and he also knew that she was going to find out about this incident. As she entered the apartment, the boy saw the look of shock on her face as she saw the weird situation.

"Hey Peter, I brought some dark chocolate for Venom, strawberry candy for Mary, and some . . ." Gwen opened her eyes wide, leaving the bag she had brought fall to the ground.

"What the hell is going on here?" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with confusion.

"You are such a cutie, Gwen." Mary quickly shot a web to grab it and bring it to her.

"Chocolate?!" Venom tentacles quickly grabbed the dark chocolate from the bag and began to devour it.

"Ok, I can explain. First! I am not fucking Carnage, this is Mary!"

"Oh thank god," Gwen let out a sigh of relief as if the weight of the world was lifted from her shoulders.