

"I want you, and I know that you want me too."She said leaning closer to him. "Woman, you are playing with fire."He said stopping her hand from going down any further. "Playing with fire is what I do best."She said, looking deep into his deep blue eyes that spelled nothing but danger, but she didn't care, she liked taking risks. That's what she had been doing ever since that one unfortunate night that ruined her life. ------------------------------------------------ Flora Brown was a 23 year old woman, a single mother who lived with her father and spoilt sister. She was raped when she was 20 by an anonymous person and since then both her father abd sister treated her like a nobody. One day she went out looking for a job and she met a rich, powerful and dangerous man. He hired her to be his brother's fiancé so that she could take everything from him and destroy him. But things don't go as planed when she finds herself falling in love with both brothers when she was not supposed to. She struggles to figure out who to choose or what to do, because she knew that she couldn't choose both men. Things become a lot harder when she learns the truth behind both brothers' hatred towards each other, and the identity of the man that tainted her.

Daoist3zARtt · ファンタジー
10 Chs

chapter 1

"Hey ,how long are you planning on sleeping!? I am hungry get the hell up and make breakfast for us!"Flora's sister Emily shouted barging inside Flora's bedroom and kicking her bed. "Hey didn't you hear what I just said, get the hell up I am starving!"She shouted kicking the bed again, but this time she kicked it so hard that she ended up hurting her toes.

She started screaming in pain. "Daddy, look.at what she did. She hurt my foot!"She shouted. Flora sat up from her bed quickly watching her older sister holding her foot abd crying dramatically. Flora shook her head, this is just hoe her sister has always been, for some reason she seemed to hate Flora. If she didn't pretend that she hurt her then she would just steal her stuff, she would do absolutely anything to get Flora into trouble.

Their father Marcus came barging into the room. He rushed towards Emily and he kneeled down next to her checking her foot. "OH sweetheart where does it hurt?"He asked.

"Right here father, that idiot kicked me abd she went back to her bed quickly so that you wouldn't notice it, oh it hurts so much daddy!"She continued crying like the spoilt little brat that she was.

"How dare you, hurt my baby girl! Is this how you treat her when I am not looking?"He asked walking towards Flora with an angry look.on hus face. Flora could already predict what he was going to do next, and that's hitting her, he always did that.

"What? She was the one that came into my room and start kicking my bed, how is it my fault. You can scold my bed if you want to scold something or someone."Flora said rolling her eyes. Even though defending herself was pointless because he would never believe her anyway, she just did it.

"You insolent child! She is your older sister, what is she going to gain from lying yo me?"He asked.

"I don't know you can ask her."Flora said.

"Flora she is older than you, show her some respect."He said. He wanted to continue talking but his phone rang, he took it out of his pocket and he left the room leaving the two women alone.

"You know you shouldn't let your talent go to waste, why don't you go and audition next week on CTU tomorrow for the role of the supporting actress. who knows they might like you and end up making you the female lead."Fora said jumping off her bed abd stretching her body.

"Are you trying to make fun of me?"Emily asked.

"What, me? No, I am admiring your acting skills, seriously you should audition."Flora said.

"Just you wait Flora, I will make regret this."Emmily said getting up.from the floor and she stomped out of the room. Flora sighed shaking her head.

"What an annoying mosquito."She said making her way into the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking a bath she made her way downstairs into the kitchen and she found Emily and her father seating there and waiting for her to make them breakfast. 'What a perfect duo.'She thought to herself. "Are you guys really waiting for me to make breakfast for you?"She asked.

"What do you think, hurry up we are hungry."Emily said. Flora was in no mood to argue with her so she just decided to make scrambled eggs, bacon and toast for them.

After she was done she put the food on the table. "Aren't you going to dish us up?"Emily asked. Flora didn't understand why she had to be spoilt so much, if only her mother was alive then maybe her life would have been a lot better abd Emily wouldn't act like a spoilt little brat from a wealthy family. It's not like they were rich or something, their father was a secretary to some business man Flora didn't know what he looked like(No body new what he looked like).

The only thing special about their father is that this business man favored their father a lot so that was what made Emily act like the whole world belonged to her. She thought that just because her father worked fir a multimillion company and that he was the boss's favorite he was some kind of special being.

"Did you lose your hands, or are they paralyzed. I can cook for you but not dish you up. So after dishing you up are you going to tell me to feed you as well, dream.on baby doll. I was not born to be your maid."Flora said walking out of the kitchen, she could hear Emily cursing her in every possible way, but she didn't care.

Flora made her way back to her room and she took her purse and phone and she made her way out of the house, she was going to ODE RESTURANT, it was new restaurant that was only twenty minutes from her home. Her friend Layla, who is the owner of the restaurant had promised her a job there as a waitress, bit she had not yet given her the job. She promised to give her the job before the restaurant opened and she told her that she would hire her as soon as it opened but there has been no call from her for weeks.

Flora just told herself that she had forgotten because she was too busy so she decided it was best if she went there, maybe she would be lucky enough to find her and talk to her.

After twenty minutes Flora reached the restaurant, it was not yet opened since it was only 8:39am and the restaurant opens at 9am sharp. She spotted a woman who was moping the floor and and two men who were arranging the tables and chairs in their correct order. She knocked on the door abd the woman moping the floor raised her head, she smiled at Flora and she pointed at the board that was in the window that had opening and closing times of everyday.

"I know, but I need to talk to your boss, is she here yet?"She asked. She spoke as loudly as she can so that the woman could hear her. The woman shook her head which meant that Layla was yet to arrive or maybe she was not even coming. Flora nodded her head in response, she saw a bench that was under a tree near the restaurant and she went and sat there waiting for Layla to arrive.

After a while she checked her watch and she noticed that she had been been seating there for almost two hours bit Layla was yet to arrive, the restaurant had opened and customers were coming in abd so early were leaving. Layla's restaurant had a lot of customers, she might be earning a lot more money that Flora thought she did. That gave her more reasons to want to work here. Who knows she might earn enough to help her move out of that place.

Flora continued seating there until it was 10am, she got tired abd hungry. She got up.from the bench and she made her way into the resturant, just as she entered her eyes landed on a man who was seating on ghe seat that was near the window. He was wearing black suit with a white shirt and black tie, and my oh my, he sure was handsome. He had a porcelain skin, a perfectly square jar, cherry lips, thick eyebrows, icy blue eyes and black long and thick hair. In Flora's eyes he was the most handsome thing that God had ever created, his caramel skin just made him look even more out of this world.

She saw him lifting his head up slowly abd his eyes landed on Flora's green eyes, he smiled at her and he motioned for her to go to him. Flora looked around and she then made her way towards him. 'If beauty was a crime then, this guy would be guilty without a doubt.'She thought to herself.

"She's not coming."He said as soon as Flora sat on the chair right across from him. She raised her eyebrow at him, what did he mean?

"What do you mean?"She asked.

"I mean your friend won't come today because you are here abd she knows exactly why you are here."He said. Flora looked at him in disbelief, she didn't understand how he knew why she was here and that she was friends with Layla. Who is this man anyway.

"Who are you, and how do you know what j am here for, and how do you know that she us my friend?"She asked.

"Why are you asking so many questions at ghe same time? I am just telling you what you need yo know, I am sure that this is not what you want to hear but hey, the truth isn't always nice."He said. Flora was confused, she didn't know him but yet he knew this. Maybe he is just messing with her or something, well at least that was what she hoped was the case.