
King of the Narrow Sea.

"It is said that without sacrifice there is no victory, but I would say history is wrong. War does not solve problems or help cease them in any way; if anything, it only empowers them. War is a dangerous thing—more dangerous than people ought to admit. Men would rather fight a battle than lose to a girl on Dragonback. I Rhaenyra Targaryen first of my name, know this to be true. I was once a girl known as the Dragon Queen," — Rhaenyra Targaryen.Rhaenyra touched the Valyrian Steel necklace that lay upon her throat, the chilled steel offering her little comfort against the constant ache in her heart or the pounding for her head. Storm's End was as suffocating as it was cold. She had been on a royal tour to please her father. But she had blatantly refused anyone who offered their hand.The line of potential suitors was as long as her eyes could see; with each one, she felt more suffocated by the minute. She did not wish to get married as it was a distance for women; her mother had proven that when she died on the birthing bed. Her father was so sure of himself that if she were able to find a man that she found suiting and had a family of her own, her fear would subside, but all she could see whenever she closed her eyes was her mother begging for help, screaming out in pain, blood running down the floor, and the room smelling of death.She couldn't remember the last time she flew on Syrax's back or felt the wind on her face as she raced across the clouds. Boremund Baratheon had been her host since she had a mind in Storm's End, and Criston Cole had accompanied her. As her sworn shield, he was not to leave her side but to protect her and fight for her honor.As the proceedings kept coming, soon it took a radical turn as two of her suitors started fighting in the middle of the throne room. Rhaenyra rose from the throne, ordering the ship to be ready for deparcher."Princess, we're due in Bitterbridge in three days' time." Criston reminded her."I would happily row myself back to King's Landing if it brought an end to this ridiculous pageant." Rhaenyra all but growls. Turning back, her eyes widened slightly and her lips parted as she took in the sight laid out before her. Willam Blackwood had struck his sword into Jerrel Bracken's belly, causing the man to groan, blood dripping from his wound, before he collapsed on the floor, unmoving.Ser Criston moved to block her view. "Don't look, Princess." Rhaenyra kept her eyes on the scene a moment longer before turning away. Lord Boremund's shouts for help echoed across the room as Rhaenyra made her way back to the ship.After telling Oswin to head for King's Landing, Rhaenyra walked the deck of the ship, coming to stare at the calm water below. She wondered how Lyra would react to her early return.After choosing to be her father's heir rather than the queen of Sunspear, Lyra quickly joined her. Explaining that Sunspear felt cold and dark after the loss of the babe and she wanted to see the wonders of King's Landing and offer solace to Rhaenyra.Rhaenyra had told her father that Lyra was close friends with Selena and was one of her closest companions. Her father soon agreed that Lima would be her personal servant, catering to whatever she needed to. Helping her get ready and offering her comfort when she found none. Viserys had also proposed the idea of Lyra becoming one of her ladies in waiting when she was married. Rhaenyra had agreed and spent most of her time with Lyra before going on the tour.Ser Criston joined her, his presence drawing her away from her thoughts. Over the years, Rhaenyra had taken to the company of her knight, and a close friendship formed between them. She often told Ser Criston about not wanting to be her father's heir and not wanting to feel the burden of wearing the crown. He had offered her advice where he could."We should make landfall inside the hour, Princess." He informed her."How do you think he will take it?" She asked, turning to look at him before refocusing her attention on King's Landing ahead."Do you speak of how you rejected every suitor His Grace put before you, or how you abruptly ended the tour with two months remaining?"The edges of her mouth worked up in a smile. Looking back across the sea, they settled into a quiet but comforting silence. She let the chatter of the boat and the quietness of the sea drown out her mind, but a loud shriek echoed through the air.Looking up, her mind is racing. As Criston walked around the boat, speaking with the captain, she lifted her gaze higher towards the sail of the boat. Another shriek sounded closer, and her heart pounded in her chest. Could it be? She held her breath, and soon she spotted a familiar red snake-like dragon barreling by at breakneck speed.The boat swayed at a sharp speed, knocking Rheanyra off her feet and having her head hit the edge of the boat. "Princess!" Ser Criston raced to cross the boat and grabbed a hold of her arm, helping her stand to her feet. "You all right? Are you?" As she held a hand to her head, a small smile graced her lips, and hope rose in her chest as she watched the red dragon she knew so well fly towards King's Landing. "Fetch the maester!""I'm fine." Rhaenyra yelled.After getting the boat back on course, she quickly ordered them to head to King's Landing as fast as possible. If Daemon was back... She would have fallen if Ser Criston hadn't been holding her up.Quickly making her way into the Red Keep, she walked to the throne room, locking eyes with her father. Rhaenyra turned away before disappearing behind the crowd. Women were whispering amongst themselves, but the room seemed to go quiet as Daemon made his way across the room.She followed him through the crowd and watched as he dropped a hammer to the floor with a loud bang. Rhaenyra noticed the crown of bones on his head. She had kept track of his bottle through the Stepstones thanks to Alistair, but seeing him face-to-face made her heart hammer against her rib cage, and she was afraid it was going to break and shatter into a million pieces.Daemon kneeled on the floor next to his brother, explaining that Corlys had returned to Driftmark and he was now the King of the Stepstones. Rheanyra nearly cried when her father embraced Daemon. She wanted to jump into his arms as she did when she was a child, but then she remembered that he had abandoned her and had left her without a word, pursuing war. It was like someone had just poured ice into her veins, but soon it was ignited by a fire.They eventually moved out to the gardens, where they hosted a feast in his honor. Rhaenyra had congratulated him on his victory and was currently exploring the gardens and indulging herself in lemon cake. She watched as her father and uncle acted like siblings for once, talking about fond memories of their mother, Princess Alyssa.Rhaenyra hadn't met her, as she had passed away before she was born. She had met her grandsire Baelon; she had vivid memories of him, but one thing she could remember was his constant, kind gaze. He passed away, leaving behind her great grandsire who had called for the Great Council of 101.Rhaenyra sat on a nearby bench, thoughts filling the void within her mind. She had changed freshly into a new gown, as Lyra had insisted she needed a good bath and a gown fit for a festivity that she would most likely enjoy. She had felt sorry for Alicent earlier, as her father had given into drinking more as of late and often neglected her. Guilt ate away at her, as they were once friends, but now they were nothing more. Perhaps her father was right; she was angry and alone. Alicent took a seat next to her and gently began the conversation about her tour. Annoyance built up in Rhaenyra's belly, and without thinking, she made a comment about how exhausting it must be to be trapped in a castle and have to produce heirs."Sorry..." Casting a long look at Alicent, her gaze shifted to where her father and Daemon stood, talking of their mother. "How angry is he?"Alicent sighed, turning to her. "The King went through great effort to arrange your tour." She paused. "He is... frustrated. But I am glad you are home." A smile graced her lips. "I find I have few friends lately. I like to believe I'm still the Lady Alicent, but... all anyone sees when they look at me now is "The Queen.""I've missed you, too." Gripping her hand, Rhaenyra returned her smile.After a while, the gardens cleared, leaving Rhaenyra alone with Daemon. He stood under the great tree, looking up above the leaves as if he were looking for something beyond what she couldn't see. Approaching cautiously, she clasped her hands behind her back. "Ao vestretan sīr content va Zaldrīzesdōron."(You seemed so content on Dragonstone.)Locking eyes, Rhaenyra took a step forward. "Skoro syt gōntan ao māzigon arlī?" She watched him closely. "Konīr iksis surely tolī naejot aōha return pār simply flaunting ñuha kepa."(Why did you come back? There is surely more to your return then simply flaunting my father."So... what do you want?"A smirk graced his lips as he made a step forward. Extending a gentle hand and grabbing the pendant that hung around her neck. "Only the comforts of home." Meeting his eyes, Rhaenyra saw an unspoken emotion lingering in his eyes, but as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared as he made his way to the banquet brought out in his honor. Following behind, Rhaenyra grabbed a lemon cake before turning back to him."I had not thought you particularly comfortable in this home." Rhaenyra took a bite of the sweet cake. "Though I do suppose you seem changed by your adventures.""More mature, perhaps." Daemon chuckled. "You've matured yourself these last four years, Princess. You'll get used to the attention.""The attention I can endure." She sighed, casting a glance at Daemon. "It's the rest I could do without. My father seems content to sell me off to whichever lord has the biggest castle.""There are worse things to be sold for." He told her truthfully.Rhaenyra knew he was correct. So many women were sold everywhere in Westeros and beyond. She had freed thousands of slaves, Lyra being one. And she was confident; her uncle's former whore also sold many."Dīnilūks iksis mērī iā political arrangement." Daemon said, drawing her from her thoughts and passing his goblet to her. "Istin iksā lōz, kostā gaomagon hae ao hae."(Marriage is only a political arrangement.Once you are wed, you can do as you like.)Rhaenyra scoffed, "Syt vali dīnilūks might sagon iā political arrangement, syt ābrar issa hae naejot sagon iā morghon sentence."(For men, marriage might be a political arrangement, for women it is like to be a death sentence.)"Would bona ziry sia. Nyke would emagon issare rid hen ñuha brāedāzma aspo ages ago." He smirked, taking back his wine and taking a sip.(Would that it were. I would have been rid of my Bronze Bitch ages ago.)"Aōha ābrazȳrys ēza issare fortunate. Ao haven't dīnagon iā riña isse zirȳla." She knew their marriage wasn't consummated, for they held no liking or love for one another.(Your wife has been fortunate. You haven't put a child in her.)"Nyke doubt iā riña could mazverdagon isse such hostile environs." The corners of his lips twitched into the making of a smirk.(I doubt a child could grow in such hostile environs.)"Ñuha muña iksin vēttan naejot produce heirs ēva ziry ossēntan zirȳla. Nyke won't subject nykēla naejot keskydoso vējes."(My mother was made to produce heirs until it killed her.I won't subject myself to the same fate."Skoros massitas naejot aōha muña iksin iā tragedy. Yn bisa iksis iā tragic vys. Ao daor glaesagon aōha isse zūgagon, iā kesā forsake se sȳrje parts hen ziry." Daemon looked at her, eyes locking.(What happened to your mother was a tragedy, but this is a tragic world. You cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it. )"Eman daor desire naejot glaesagon isse zūgagon. Mērī solitude." She told him, slightly offended, that he would think she would want to live her life in fear. She was a dragon, and they didn't fear anything.(I have no desire to live in fear. Only solitude.)He cocked his head to the side, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Rhaenyra scoffed. Had Daemon really changed in his four-year absence that much; he thought her opinion was just some laughing matter?"Such a lonely prospect.""As is everything in this life." She replied. Something flashed deep in Daemon's eyes as he stared at her for a second, but then it was gone, replaced by nothing else but a blank expression.Soon the bells sounded in the distance, offering one more tight smile as she made her way back into the room, eager to find Lyra. She had been present in the garden but had decided to keep her distance from the celebration. The following hours seemed to drag on as she went to council meetings, eventually getting ready to dine with the rest of the family.Alicent had given birth to Helaena, a shy and sweet little thing. Rhaenyra felt an odd connection to the girl. They were both born girls and thus looked upon the realm as weak or different. Aegon had grown rather spoiled, as he was now four years of age. Her stomach still felt queasy as she watched her father give him yet another cup of wine from across the table.She did not know what prompted her father to drink so much in the few years since naming her heir; perhaps it was the stress or the fact that she seemed to disobey any command given by him. They still had yet to talk about her tour ending early. Daemon, however, did not join them at the table, and Zara had told her that he had made his way into King's Landing, specifically the Streets of Silk.Annoyance itched at her skin as she made her way back to her chambers to get ready for bed. Ser Criston nodded as she approached, opening her door. "Good night, Ser Criston.""Sleep well, Princess.Placing her forehead against the door, she let out a deep sigh. The cold touch of the wood helped calm her pounding head as she turned ready to call Lyra for a bath when her eyes fell upon a piece of parchment and a set of clothes. Looking around, she hasn't really picked up the paper. It was from Daemon, explaining that he wanted her to explore the life that so many did that were not royalty and wanted her to have some fun.Rhaenyra put down the parchment, pressing on the stone wall beside her; it opened up to a shallow yet dimly lit tunnel. Awe and excitement sparked in her belly. She had heard rumors and stories that there were secret passageways hidden throughout the keep, but those were to be tall tales."Going somewhere, Princess?" Rhaenyra nearly screamed as she came face-to-face with Zara."What are you doing here?" Rhaenyra hissed, embarrassed that she did not pick up on her present sooner.Zara narrowed her eyes, her black hair glistening in the moonlight that shone through the window. Her green eyes were turning a shade darker, and she wore a simple yet form-fitting black leather uniform. Her hair was tethered into a loose braid. Letting off the energy of a warrior. "You can't really think I would let you sneak out of this castle alone."Rhaenyra narrowed her eyes. "Who said anything about sneaking?"Zara snorted, "Oh, please, we both know that you will take your uncle's invitation to explore King's Landing tonight.""And if I do?" Crossing her arms, Rhaenyra leaned into her space, an obvious challenge playing on her lips."Something is going to happen, something that neither you nor anyone else would approve of."This caused Rhaenyra to raise an eyebrow. "How do you know that?"Zara rolled her eyes, as it was obvious the point she was trying to convey. "Your uncle is trying to get you to go to King's Landing for something." She said, "Daemon has motives for things; don't you think this is a little weird? Him asking you to go enjoy the city the same night he returns?"In truth, Rhaenyra hadn't thought of anything else. Daemon was known for having alternative motives for things. Yes, but he had never used them on her.Gazing at Zara, her eyes conveyed a deep emotion of worry. "He has never used any of his tricks on me, nor will he ever.""Things are different now, Rhaenyra. Zara pressed. "You are now of age, and even though Daemon has never acted that way towards you, it might change now."Rhaenyra sighed.Zara looked at her for a moment before putting her hand on her arm. "I'm not stopping you, but I am requesting that I come with you just in case."Rhaenyra nodded.Together, they made their way through the passageway. Zara was ahead, scouting out the way to make sure nobody saw them as they left through the walls of the keep. They were both amazed to find out that there were many different passageways connecting throughout the keep; one led to the Small Council chamber, and others to bedrooms. This particular one led them to Balerion's skull. Rhaenyra gasped as she made her way outside. The wind whipped around them, but she didn't feel cold. Zara huffed, nudging her forward. Daemon stood wearing a thick black coat, a smirk playing on his lips."Where are we going?" She asked as Daemon intertwined their fingers, leading her down the path into the city.The prince gave no answer as they made their way through the crowded streets. Passing children, large crowds, and members of the gold cloaks. It took Rhaenyra a moment to realize a show was being performed tonight. She stopped to watch, and she could feel Damon's gaze burning into her skin.Rhaenyra offered a smile before dashing off. Daemon chuckled, grabbing ahold of her hand once more. Excitement filled her belly the longer she stayed in the city. It offered insight to those who lived beyond the Red Keep. Many had to fight for what they had; children lay on the streets begging for food.Zara, too, seemed unsettled by this. As the next child they passed, two gold coins appeared in their hands. Watching as the child looked at her wide-eyed, Rhaenyra brought a finger to her lips, and the child eagerly nodded.However, the darker it became, the more Rhaenyra came to see the city as it was. The Gold Cloaks passed; she bumped into one and looked up, expecting them to recognize her."Fuck off, boy." They swiftly moved away, disappearing in the distance.A proud smile lit her face; her disguise was working; she looked more like a commoner than she did a princess. She often wondered if this was how Daemon felt whenever he visited the city—the feeling of being free to go wherever he pleased and not having to be stuck in the keep. Perhaps that was why he left all the time; he craved freedom just like she did.Passing another group of people, she realized they were talking about her and her brother. Her anger rose in her blood as they left and declared Aegon their king. Was this really how the realm saw her—a weak little girl, not capable or fit to rule the Seven Kingdoms?Picking up her pace, she quickly signaled for Zara to follow her, not caring if Daemon was following behind her. She felt hot, as if she were sinking into a bath of scalding hot water. Syrax rumbled in her chest; her golden lady was more dissatisfied than she was. Rhaenyra turned to see if Zara was still behind her."Rhaenyra, watch out!"She bumped straight into someone she did not mean to see. This was the part of Flea Bottom that everyone warned her not to go to, and if she gazed at the Gold Cloaks she felt a sense of dread fill her body. No one was allowed in this area after Dark, as it was where the Gold Cloaks mostly did their 'work' as Daemon called it. Turning, she quickly made a dash, hearing them call out for her. Zara was hot on her heels, but as they entered a crowd of people, they became separated."Zara!" She screamed, unable to find the black and white she-wolf anywhere. Her face paled as the guards were still chasing after her. Although it was true that she had a lot of combat experience and could take on anyone who challenged her, she was unwilling to reveal herself and her skills to those at King's Landing.She would be called into question, and everything she had worked for for years would have to be revealed. Taking a breath, Rhaenyra shook her head, turning to go down a narrow alleyway. She could hear Daemon's voice in the distance, saying that he would get her. Zara would eventually find her, for she was a shadowhound; her abilities never failed her, and Rhaenyra knew they wouldn't start now.The knight gripped her chin tightly, forcing her to meet his eyes. "And who might you be running from, now?""Ser Harwin." She panted, trying to catch her breath."Princess." He looked at her in pure amazement and shock, letting go of her chin. Rhaenyra breathed a sigh of relief.Heavy footsteps sounded in the distance. Rhaenyra looked at the knight. If he alerted the others to her presence, surely nothing good would happen to her?"Don't." She whispered.Ser Harwin gazed at her and said, "You take care, boy." Before whispering, "Next time, you might not be so lucky."She nodded her thanks. She made her way over to where Daemon stood, a smirk playing on his lips. Rhaenyra still had yet to see Zara as Daemon led her to a tavern. She could tell there was something amiss. As they entered the tunnel, Rhaenyra could hear the sound of moans and chatter.He had brought her to a brothel. She had seen and been inside too many to count, thanks to Talon's unique spots to nurse his wounded pride. But she had mostly gone there to drink wine, join him in his sorrows, or have meetings where they discussed the matters of his kingdom rather than seek pleasure.Disgust and rage washed over her body like a tidal wave. Was Zara right? Did Daemon only see her as a game to be played with?She was brought out of her thoughts by Daemon, placing his forehead against hers. She hadn't uttered a word, and that seemed to have confused the prince, for he wore an expression of confusion, yet it was gone as soon as she held his gaze.A fire sparked beneath her skin as he spoke, but his words fell on deaf ears. His fingers felt like silk against her delicate skin as he gently tilted her face upward. Different emotions flashed in his eyes, but the one thing she was aware of was his desire.He looked at her as if he were a predator about to dive into his prey. And despite her mind screaming at her to push him away, it was like her body craved him in every way. As lilac met lavender, their lips collided.Rhaenyra felt her body catch fire, and before she knew it, she was being pressed against the stone wall beside them. Her rage was quickly forgotten as pleasure took its place. His hand covered hers, the coolness of his ring digging into her skin.But as quickly as they began, he stopped. Opening her eyes, she looked at him as he stood frozen for a minute, gazing at her for what seemed like an eternity, before he silently turned away and walked off, disappearing into the darkness.***She wasn't sure how long she stood there before she righted her clothing and made her way out of the pleasure house. As she turned the corner, however, she was met with Zara's piercing gaze."Rhaenyra, what were you thinking? I warned you that something was going to happen." The she-wolf all but screamed in her ear. By now,Zara had already used her magic to conceal them so that they could make their way back to the keep in peace without anyone seeing either of them.Taking in her appearance, Zara took a deep breath. "What did he do? Did he touch you?""He kissed me, nothing more." She muttered, quickening her pace. The pleasure that ran through her body seemed to have dissipated, leaving nothing but emptiness and rage behind. The ache in her head seemed to get worse by the minute, and as she thought over her uncle's betrayal, she turned to Zara, her eyes holding nothing but fire."You were right. He only wished to use me for his own gain."The rest of the night passed in a blur; however, all she remembered was Zara escorting her back to her room before she drank one cup of wine after another..***In the morning, however, Rhaenyra was awoken by Lyra screaming at her to get up."Get up! Get up now!" She screamed.Rhaenyra forced her eyes open, hissing at the pain in between her thighs. As Lyra pulled back the sheets, blood greeted her."By the gods, Rhaenyra, what did you do?" She breathed.Rhaenyra looked at her, trying to place the pieces back together. What the hell happened last night? As Lyra ushered her into the bath, memories flooded her of the night's activities. Going with Daemon into King's Landing and the Streets of Silk, Daemon leaving her by herself, drinking wine, and drunkenly asking Criston if he was betrothed.She gasped, remembering Criston's lips upon hers, them falling into her bed, and her cries as she came undone.She looked at Lyra before she began scanning her body for any evidence of her coupling.Lyra slowly nodded her head, confirming her worst fear. "By the time you got back into your room, you started drinking heavily. I guess by the expression on your face, you don't remember much of what happened.""Where is he?'"I don't know; he was gone before Zara came to check on you. That's why she came to get me when she smelled blood." Lyra said, gently cleaning her scalp."What do I do? If my father finds out, I'm going to be disinherited, and Otto gets what he wants."Lyra hummed in thought for a minute. "You must lie," she said. "You will tell your father and Alicent that nothing happened. Tell them Daemon never touched you; you have to swear it on your mother's grave."Rhaenyra swallowed thickly; she didn't like the idea of dishonoring her mother. "What about Ser Criston?""As far as the keep is concerned, only me and Zara know."Rhaenyra breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, Zara joined in, helping fix her chamber and getting rid of any evidence of the previous night. Zara also informed her that Daemon had returned to Mysaria quickly after leaving her in the brothel and was currently being tended to by her."Also, Mysaria sent one of her spies to watch you and Daemon. It appears it was his plan for you to get recognized." Zara told her as she brushed her hair. "The spy in turn reported to Otto Hightower, so it is most likely that your father and Alicent will confront you later today.""Great..."***As predicted, she was confronted later that day by Alicent herself. Remembering Lyra's words, she quickly told Alicent that nothing had happened and that Daemon had never touched her. She felt guilty, lying to Alicent; she had just begun to get her friend back, and now she had to lie to save herself.Damon had also been dragged directly through the streets by none other than the kingsguard to her father. Shouting and screaming for them to let him go. As for what happened in the throne room, she did not know because her father had yet to tell her; she only knew because Zara had heard him screaming all the way from the nursery.But if she was brought to her father that evening, she knew that something was up, and as she predicted, he blatantly told her that her great-grandsire Jaehaerys would have disinherited her without a second thought for her actions. As they argued, Viserys yelled that she would have to marry Laenor or risk losing the Iron Throne to Aegon and being disinherited.All she could do was agree, despite knowing his taste for partners. As it was said, he preferred men over women, something that she did not doubt while they were at court. She only wished for them to find an understanding and come to an agreement during their marriage, as that was the only way.