
A D&D Wizard in DC

Alexzander is your not-so-average nobody. He wakes up, goes to work, comes home, and sleeps. Only the occasional superhero battle breaks his days of mediocracy. Then one day everything changes. Suddenly he gained the ability to cast magic and not just any magic. No, he gained the spells and abilities of a high-level magic caster from D&D. Not only that but he gained the ability to use powerful rituals. However, life won't be easy for Alexzander as old wounds from a past best-forgotten open. ...... This fanfic is a slow burn. So don't expect major plot points to happen quickly. Additionally, this is kind of my " Don't think too hard about it fic", so don't expect a masterpiece. Also, the Cover Pic isn't mine.

ForThe_Lolzs · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Planning (2)

"Fuck it."  I eventually said from my position on my bed.

It's been over an hour and I still hadn't come to a decision regarding whether or not I should use summon monster. 

'If I can't decide on this, how am I going to react to the actual big decisions?' I thought with an angry snarl directed at myself.

Steeling myself, I mentally aimed where I want the creature I'm going to create to appear. Then with a deep breath of air, I waved my left hand and cast { Summon Monster I}. I chose the first level of Summon monster as a test, if the thing I created was hostile a few Cantrips would be enough to take it down.

 Additionally, unlike with a normal {Summon Monster}, I could choose what was created from the spell regardless of alignment.

Thus as a magic circle flared into existence, mentally I choose a Celestial Dog to be summoned.

The circle glowed a soft yellow color for a moment before exploding in a blinding gradience causing me to over my eyes.

Feeling something off I quickly check my Energy pool and curse when I realize I used far too much mana in that spell.

' That was enough to cast a fourth-level spell! I could have sworn I didn't put that magic into it, what the hell?!'  I thought annoyed.

Pushing an overcharged { Ray of frost} cantrip into my left hand I was ready to deal with whatever I summoned in case it was hostile.

However such thoughts were washed away as I gazed upon the creature I had summoned.

Standing at 30inches in height ( or 2"6') was a German Shepard with star-like symbols across its body and a small Halo atop its head. However, its most notable feature was the rings of gold-colored runic writing moving across its body.

The Dog looked around the apartment momentarily before setting its star-shaped pupils on me. Its eyes held an intelligence much higher than the average pet.

After Quickly casting {Speak with Animals} and {Comprehend Languages} I opened my mouth to speak.

" Hi there big fella, I'm Ale-Whoa!"

Suddenly as I was speaking the Dog surged forward faster than my eyes could track and tackled me into the bed. A spike of fear rushed through me momentarily until I felt the slimy and wet tongue of the Celestial German Shepard. 

" Hi! I'm uh, I don't have a name yet master, but I'm willing and ready for service! " The Dog said cheerily in between its attempts to lick my face off.

Dazed, and honestly quite confused at the Dog's actions It took me a moment to get my thoughts in order.

When I did I quickly pushed the Dog off of me and wiped any slobber off in disgust. 

" Nice to meet you," I said sarcastically to the dog.

Unfortunately, the dog didn't pick up on that.

" Nice to meet you too Master!" It said with a big dopy dog smile as its tail wagged happily.

While shaking my head at its response I said" So you don't have a name?  Do you remember anything before being summoned?"

The Dog nodded at my first question and shook its head at the second.

" I see. What Gender are you? Actually, do you have one being considering you're a celestial being?"

The Celestial Dog stopped its tail wagging and tilted its head in confusion for a moment at the question.

I thought maybe it didn't understand the question and was going to rephrase when it did something unexpected. 

It checked itself. 

" It seems I'm a female master!" The now Female dog said excitedly.

I laughed.

 For the first time in a long time I let out a laugh, not a fake one to appease my company, but a real raw laugh.

The situation was just ridiculous. I expected some stern, majestic dog literally made from the heavens. Instead, I got a friendly Germanshepard that didn't know its own gender until a few seconds ago.

So I laughed.  All of today's events faded into the background as my chest felt lighter.

'I needed that.' I realize suddenly, my laughter coming to a halt as I regained control of myself.

Between having stressed over what to do with my magic, nearly having a panic attack, thinking about my time as a "stress medium", and dealing with my darker thoughts a lot of stress had built up. 

' I've had worse days, but it builds up. This, I needed this.' I thought as I looked towards the animal I had summoned.

Kneeling by it I gave the Dog a soft rub of the head as thanks.

"What was that for master? Did I do something Good?" The German Shepard asked questioningly.

" Yeah, you did. You did well…Lexi." I said with a soft smile.

The Dog suddenly vibrated with excitement as it heard her new name.

"Lexi? Is that my new name?"  The female dog said with hope.

Rubbing her head more I said,"  Yup, do you like it?"

Lexi's response was to jump me and pelt me with dog kisses.