
A Curses Guide To Living

(An Homage to both A Cursed Gamer and A Gamers Guide to Necromancy, Made by Master4thWall and Dark_Wolf_Shiro (4thWall is on WebNovel and Wattpad, Shiro is on Ao3, as far as I know) It was natural, being betrayed, it wasn't uncommon or required a soh story to happen. All it took was one person, and one mistake. Calling my life a 'sob story' would be fair, but a sob story truly only worked if the person was worth the damn. And with how quickly I was left half dead in an alley, I'd assume I wasn't worth much, not much more than the rotting corpse. [Reincarnation Initialized: You've been chosen by [The Librarian] for a System] [Reincarnation: Complete] Fuck, I'd rather go back to sleep then deal with it, nto like I have much choice. I suppose it can't be all bad if I was chosen, better than hell I guess.

DarkTheLibrarian · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Arc 1 - Chapter 3 - Re-Experience

Before this chapter starts I quickly want to stop any comments I might get about this, mainly becomes I'm petty since someone called Eros a Beta for following orders.... after being abused, assaulted, and raised to do so, and the fact that he hated he was doing so.

(Also not hate to the commenter, I'm just being a petty twat)

In this chapter you might notice a personality change, because I'm aware some people have some reading comprehension (I've seen things in my comment sections in other works that just generally made 0 sense), the MC was literally dying in the first chapter causing mental strife.

In the second chapter he was forced into a new life, and since i never said a huge passage of time happened, thay mental strife was still there, just simmered down and he was no longer in a body that was dying and loosing brain function, much less the Adrenaline.

Adding along his mental chaos from now being the Control Curse. Which he's now satisfied the inner desire of. He's gonna be acting different, the Control Curses innate desires and personality again affecting him.

I don't think I need to state this for many of you, but I've explained stuff to people and gave them reasons as to how, and they still refused comprehension, plus I'm still getting the whole 'dark MC' thing, I'm still a novice at this after all.

Hope you enjoy the chapter! Any correction, critiquing, or even ideas goes along way, really, I have a reader or two I actively, or used to actively, talked to that made this more enjoyable or have changed my entire thought process on chapters, credit will be given if I use your given idea.


A long slurping noise fills the room, Kaori looking across the table unamused. "You said you would do as you pleased. While this counts, is it really necessary? Curses don't require sustenance."

People passed by their table, only taking quick glances. He'd wanted to visit a fast food restraunt, it'd been a minute since he ate, and the taste was enjoyable. "Is there a problem with me enjoying food? Plus, you said I can be physical as I want, or is that purely for appearance reasons?"

"It's only in appearance. You're altering the wavelength your body is on, altering it to match the natural wavelength of light that humans can see. Food is useless to you, "but the taste isn't." Kaori nods her head.

Things like this didn't bother her, if anything, it reminded her of their first meet. Though their personalities differed, Controls love for humanly desires didn't. Though that was probably because he was-.

"So what exactly do you want me to do to Jin. Just compulse him a little?" His cup clacked against the table, resting his head in his left hand.

She nodded. "A perfect vessel." She let out a small smile. Taking care of the Six Eyes user would be a problem, but with a perfect vessel for Sukuna, it wouldn't be an issue.

With Sukuna's rebirth, many strong cursed spirits would awake, the world altering itself once again to the strength of the king. Though her plans slowly started to differ, if she rose her old friend to a suitable strength, she might be able to even control Sukuna.

"But, I suppose I can let you know a bit more than that. As different eras have passed, new sorcerers have been born, many of which were suitable for what I have planned. Each of them are currently contained in vessel based cursed objects." 

It wouldn't kill her to let him in on her plan. After all, he, too, was supposed to be a cursed object. Releasing those cursed objects would prove to be painful for the time being, but for now, she didn't need to worry about it. Time is the one thing they had.

"Incarnation." He'd only muttered it, but Kaori perked up slightly, her body almost bouncing. It was small, but he remembered something.

Their thought process differed, Eros' more focused on the cursed objects themselves. 'Could I steal them?No, that'd cause distrust. Then could I ask for one? Wait, woudn't it be useless because I'm a curse? My main goal should be strength right now, and eating them should grant their strnegth and cursed techniques. I think that's how it worked?'

Pondering for a moment, he'd questioned if he could make himself human, or at least partially human. As far as he was concerned, curses couldn't. But he was different. He could 'Control' things and had a system. Food for thought.

"I'll do it, but I want to add to our agreement." He leaned back in his seat.

"So soon? Though our deal wasn't sealed," she tilted her head. It wasn't unexpected. Their contract was verbal and made without much thought on his end. "What's your condition?"

"Nothing too harmful. First, information, it's been a minute since I've 'been around', it'd benefit us both if I knew more, or had access to more information. Second... I'm homeless." He kept himself casual, though he almost looked embarassed at that last part. To anyone watching from the outside the conversation was just two invidiuals talking.

Although though it was, it was also a discussion that could lead to the death of many here. Yet he remained Casual. It's why Kaori was always intrigued when she met Control, he knew he could get what he wanted, and yet he didn't always have what he wanted. By choice, or because of his more 'humanly' desires, it kept him disassociated from the rest of the curses and sorcerers. It made him different, intriguing. 

"Naturally, I'll gift you information. As for housing, once you can get stron

ger am I to expect that you will get a suitable place for yourself?" He nodded.

"Until then, you may stay with me. I have both proper housing and a base of operations, though it's still being prepared for the others."

Others, he couldn't recall many people of great importance being around at this time. What exactly 'was this time'. Who?"

"My children, Cursed Womb: Death Paintings, half-human half-curses." A couple of people gave them odd looks, Kaori naturally speaking in a louder tone, allowing them to hear her rather odd statement.

Right, he forgot they existed, Yuji was one, wasn't he? That's what made him so unique, that, and he's possibly the child of a Heavenly Restriction user. 

He found it a bit odd, someone so old didn't already have this base already set up, but it was probably a new one in the nearby area, probably had other ones scattered around.

"That's fine, though I'm still not done. Thirdly, resources, this one is tied to information, things like cursed spirits would be good to know the location of, or access to physically, stuff like in general. And my last thing, your perfect vessel, what if I can create one without Jin before you have his child or find a way to make the vessel without his assistance."

Her eyes seemed like they wanted to widen. It was a bit surprising, for a rebirthed curse who remembers little, yet seems to know a lot, to claim something like that. It intrigued her none the less.

For Eros, it was him wanting to do two things. First, his quest specified to assist in creating a perfect vessel. It never said a thing about it uniquely being Jin's, nust that she was tryiny to have it with Jin. This would build both better trust and hopefully get him a hidden reward. 

Secondly, his cursed technique also worked better on those more trusting. If need be, he might just have to use it, so why not build that connection now. Plus if he could get his curse technique to such a degree of power, maybe he could create himself a vessel? Or find a way to take a vessel through his 'Control', puppetering if you will.

Her eyes readjusted, her smile coming back, her face reminded him of a woman he once knew. She was the seductive but 'mothering type', she drew pleasure in pleasing others, to the point she'd abused what you found nice till you couldn't bear it, poking the right buttons over and over again.

"I'd gladly accept, but, judging from the 'requirements of a vessel'. You'd either have to make one to withstand Sukuna, or create a body that could produce the right offspring for it, would you be taking that body over if you did?" She had to force her smile from growing, was he remembering his time as-.

"Most likely, I've already got a couple of ideas in mind, though I need to further my understanding of my cursed technique first." She nodded at that.

"Oh. Right. I'll need a way to communicate with you since I'll be wandering a bit."

"I have spare old phones. Since it seems we're finished here, we can head back to my current residence, and I can give you one. From what you've asked and required of me, I'll accept your 'conditions'. Your third condition will be a bit more difficult, but it shouldn't be an issue, like the information I'll give you, it'll be conditional on what I can and can't give you."

He nodded. It wasn't like he didn't expect it. The only reason he asked for the resources was because it was a deal. This current deal was based on an old one his mother used to make.made. The resources added an equal weight to the scales. 

Condition one, information, was a natural thing to give, not much to say about it. Condition two, housing, was more weighted for him, but again, it was natural, you couldn't make deals with a homeless person, at least well. Condition four, the vessel, although beneficial to him, was heavily useful for Kaori, it would build a greater trust, and would be able to be controlled without issue if need be, hopefully.

Condition four, in general with deals, was meant to ease the requirement of condition three. Simple terms if you will, condition one and two, a general agreement, condition three, what you want. Condition four, giving them something you planned on doing regardless.

He 'contemplated' for a moment, he was going to accept regardless, but it was good to not seem 'over eager' infront of someone like Kaori. "I'll.... I can make do with that. " They both stand up, having finished their agreement, they head off towards Kaori's current residence.

|<<Page Break>>|

Collapsing on the bed, I dig myself into the covers, the cold air in the room wafting underneath it and drawing across my skin. The room was dimmly lit, the moonlight illuminating the room. I was given a room on the second floor of Kaori's current residence, not permanent, but I was going to make myself at home regardless/

It was an feeling, 'being at home', but it was comfy regardless. I took out my new phone, some spin off of an Android phone, it was called a Smangsmug or something like that. According to the phone it was about eleven o'clock, night time. It was also apparently February Second, Two-Thousand and One.

I wasn't some Jujutsu Kaisen lore freak, but from what I recall, it was about seventeen years before the mainline, Shibuya taking place on Octobor Thirty-First, Two-Thousand and Eighteen. At the end of this year, most second years should be born, and by Two-Thousand and Three, all first years should be born.

Gojo is about late twenties in mainline, so he should be about twelve right now, and the strongest invidiual in this current time would either be Kaori or Toji Fushiguro, not including Sukuna as he isn't incarnated.

Before I could continue my thoughts, the blue system screen once again appeared.


「Would you like to begin the tutorial?」



(This was a pain to get to look good, went through a couple drafts, hope this works. If people don't like it I'll just switch it to something more simplistic).

Right, I've been putting off looking at the system, didn't want to have my mind bombarded by focusing on things that can wait. Doing that would be idiotic, only overstress yourself if you're prepared for it. I send a quick mental command to confirm, assuming that it can listen to them.


「Welcome to The System, congrats on being chosen for Reincarnation. Due to interference from [The Librarian] you've already been given a preset Class, Race, and Name. Your current name was deemed a placeholder in case you didn't want to use your original. 」


The Librarian? Right, that prick, to forcefully reincarnate someone without asking them? Whatever, can't say I wasn't completely unhappy, it gave me an amazing opportunity. Who would really complain about being reincarnated? If they really wanted to stay dead then why didn't they just immediately kill themselves, then again, doing so required a lot more will than most had.


「The System will do it's best in assisting you, helping you grow stronger and meet all your worldy desires! Although it is limited in its own power, it comes with preset information, and can gain more as it gets stronger. Its ability to use [Administration Privilidge] will be determinded by strength, or completing unique quest to upgrade the system. The user starts with access to the [Status Screen], [Inventory Screen], [Skills & Abilities Screen], and [Equipment Screen].


'Just call yourself I, stop referring to yourself as 'it'.


「Affirmative, System Dialect Change [It -> I], I see no purpose in this, but if it eases your mind, it shall be done. 」

「As you use the system, you may find hidden features or exploits, while exploits are allowed, they can be patched if they become an issue, compensation being paid if it's required.」

「 Quests will be generated as they're required. Quest types will vary depending on circumstances. The main forms of quest are as follows.」

[Main Quests]

[Side Quests]

[Hidden Quests]

[World Quests]

「 World Quests themselves are quests that can and will affect the entire state of the world. World Quests are also deemed hidden quests, they're most commonly set on a timer, being similar to a World Event.」

「I've been notified to alert you that this world may differ from the world you once new, due to an event that shattered and brought together dimensions, fracturing them, and scattering many. You may find odities, refetences, people, or objects in both [Dungeons] and the real world」


Dungeons? So I've got access to those too, I'm assuming I've go the classic ID Create and Return. Although it's overused, it'll be useful. Kind of broken if I think about it, I've got seventeen years to train and prepare myself, guess the 'scattered' stuff might cause some issues in that though.

Suppose I should get started. First off, let's check my [Status].
