
A cunning politician

A cunnig politics

Daoistol8uWz · 東方
1 Chs

Chapter 1

May 3rd, 2021

In a certain stadium in Beijing, China, a large crowd roared with excitement, their cheers echoing throughout the venue. All eyes were fixed on a charismatic middle-aged man dressed in a sharp black suit. Despite being over 50 years old, Tang Jian exuded a magnetic charm that captivated the masses.

"Tang Jian!" The crowd's chants filled the air. He was a name known to every citizen of China, for he was not only a famous politician but also one of the most influential figures in the country.

With a wave of his hand, Tang Jian acknowledged the adoration from the crowd and concluded his long and arduous political speech. He left the stage, feeling both accomplished and exhausted. Most people only saw him as a prominent politician, but few knew the truth—Tang Jian was the puppet master, controlling China from behind the scenes. Even the President of China was a mere pawn under his guidance.

Born into a political family, Tang Jian had been groomed for the political world since birth. Fascinated by tales of past rulers and the legendary treasures they possessed, Tang Jian aspired to become a supreme ruler himself, with the power to unlock the mythical wonders of his childhood dreams.

However, fate had a different plan in store for him. In this era, strict rules and laws constrained his ambitions. To avoid drawing unnecessary attention from other countries, he chose to place a puppet president in power while he orchestrated the nation's affairs from the shadows. This allowed him more freedom of action and provided a convenient scapegoat should anything go wrong.

Tang Jian held the reins of power, controlling not only the media, politicians, and military but also the hearts and minds of the Chinese people themselves. However, he couldn't expand his influence beyond China's borders, thanks to formidable obstacles like nuclear weapons and the presence of powerful nations such as the United States and India.

Nevertheless, these challenges did not deter Tang Jian. He planted spies in neighboring countries, slowly extending his influence into their political landscapes. While progress was painstakingly slow, he aimed to gradually exert control over their economies and information networks.

Returning to the present, Tang Jian settled into the comfort of his luxury car, releasing an exasperated sigh. His devoted secretary, Yang Min, handed him a black file and reminded him of the upcoming funeral of the former prime minister of Pakistan.

"Sir, how many years have I been working for you?" Yang Min asked, her face filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I believe it has been over seven years, Yang Min. But why do you ask?" Tang Jian replied, a tinge of nostalgia in his voice.

"I ask because you're still in your prime, Father. Women across China are still infatuated with you. You remain handsome and youthful, despite your 53 years. You haven't even achieved your dream of becoming a supreme ruler yet," Yang Min chuckled, her affection for Tang Jian evident in her voice.

Yang Min had been adopted by Tang Jian after losing her family in a tragic flood. As an adult, she had become his loyal assistant, supporting him in his pursuit of his dreams.

Tang Jian smiled warmly at Yang Min's response. "I know, and I have dedicated myself to these dreams since I was 13 years old. But all my planning and efforts seem futile. Nowadays, people around the world desire nothing more than peace and material wealth. They lack ambition and dreams. What good would it do to rule over a populace like that? In the end, I fear I would become just like them," Tang Jian admitted, weariness etched on his face.

Disappointment flashed across Yang Min's eyes as she lowered her head in silent understanding. She had hoped for a different outcome, for she believed in Tang Jian's vision and his ability to bring change.

As they arrived at the airport, Tang Jian prepared to board his private jet, leaving Yang Min behind to manage his affairs during his absence. Seeking solace in the serenity of the cabin, Tang Jian succumbed to exhaustion and quickly fell into a deep slumber.


An explosion jolted Tang Jian awake, his senses heightened with adrenaline. Before him lay a scene of chaos—a gaping hole in the jet's wall, evidence of a recent attack by an unidentified flying vessel. Amidst the chaos, a persistent beeping sound pierced through the air, signaling imminent danger.

In that moment, Tang Jian knew the identity of his assailant. It was none other than Yang Min, his own adopted daughter. Yang Min's unwavering dedication to his dream had led her to take control of his subordinates behind his back.

Aware of his immense power and influence, Yang Min recognized that capturing his empire would not be easy. Forced into a corner, she made the audacious decision to assassinate Tang Jian. By doing so, she would claim his fortune and authority as her own.