
A Crazy New World

An unsuspecting young boy gets pulled into a situation that changes his life forever.

Ethanquiv · ファンタジー
1 Chs

New World

As I gaze across the sparkling ocean, looking into the beautiful orange of the rising sun, waves of water slowly form and crash into the white sand—the sound of seagulls flying too and from their nest to feed their young. The smell of a salty breeze whistle's by me as I continue to look into the horizon. While sitting on a tall cliff at the end of the beach, I spot a black car driving on the white sand,

What are these people thinking? It is nearly 5 am! I tell myself as I take my gaze away from the mesmerizing sunrise and place my attention on the people below me.

The vehicle comes to a halt, and two figures dressed in black suits step out of the car. One reaches for the passenger door while the other reaches for the door behind the drivers. Two more figures pop their way out of the vehicle, one larger overweight man, stereotypical looking bad guy, though I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. He's wearing a black suit the same as the others, probably not here for a swim...

Another person is dragged out of the driver's side door, which looks to be a young girl. She has pitch black hair, though she's not in a suit, which completely messes with everyone's synergy. Instead, she's wearing a blue dress, probably drops down to around her knees. I can't really get a good look from up here to catch any more details.

Once she's out of the car, the larger suited man makes his way over towards the black-haired girl, circling the car. Probably twoish feet from her now, he reaches out with his right hand and grabs the girl's neck. While another holds her arms in pla.... Holy crap, what are they doing?

I stand up in a jolt of energy, finally realizing what the heck is going on. They are really just stereotypical bad guys! I need to get down there fast, but what if they have guns? crap, I need something I can use as a weapon!

I look to my right and find a long piece of driftwood I've used as a walking stick for hiking my way up the mountain. Quickly I pick it up and look back at the suited men. Now I feel like 2% better with a stick. Great. The large overweight man has transitioned to his other hand to continue the choking as if he was getting tired using his right hand. That's just real sad. As I ponder my life choices and ask myself if I'm ready to die trying to rescue a stranger, I jerk my body towards the trail used to climb the cliff and sprint, sprint as fast as I possibly could.

Holy crap, I need to save her! She's in danger! I continue down the steep slope, trying to dodge the roots and rocks placed all over the weathered trail. As I reach the end, I flop on my butt and slide down the steepest part of the hike, crashing into the sand, with a large BANG. The two 'bodyguards' fling their heads as fast as possible to identify the new threat. One springs into action and cautiously makes his way towards me as I have somehow wedged my body into the sand.

Well, this is great! I tell myself as I wiggle and struggle to break myself free. I spring up on my bare feet, trying to scrape together my non-existent dignity. Holding my stick in my right hand in front of myself, I scream and charge at the scary-looking dude who looked way smaller when I was on the cliff. Now I'm charging at him with a stick. I finally get a good long look at him, and holy cow, I'm scared... The man's hands seemed like they could crush a watermelon individually while his legs look as if he casually squats thousands of pounds at his gym. Not to mention he's like seven feet tall and grinning as if he was the devil's grandpa.

As the man casually approaches, I swing my stick as hard as I could possibly muster, and It connected! kind of... Well, it hit his hand, which is now somehow gripping tightly onto it. Maybe I didn't hit him? Well, I'm screwed. The suited giant devil man tears the puny stick out of my hand and gives me a very good taste of his knuckle. It definitely wasn't a sandwich; it felt more like mashed potatoes mixed with rocks. As the giant connected, I flew back onto the sand, blood dripping out of my nose, bodily fluids spraying from every possible crevice, and probably a few other places that I'm scared to check.

I lay on the ground, moaning in pain as I lift my head barely off the ground and stare right into the devil's eyes.

"I hope you die from your steroid addiction," I spurt out as I flip my body on my belly and slowly place one leg under the other as I stand up. The giant devil man of death glared at my comment and pulled out a gun under his jacket. Crap, I'm so dead... The man points the gun at my puny body, grins a horrific grin, and responds,

"Die in a hole" Then fires. BANG, the bullet sprang from the chamber, headed straight for my head. I had a good life, I say to myself, preparing for my impending doom handed to me by the devil's grandpa. I close my eyes. Though a second passes, and I'm not dead. Two more seconds, what in the world... I open my eyes and see the devil dude person holding my stick stare blankly at his gun. He quickly points it at me again and fires two more times, and misses?

"Ha, stupid stormtrooper!" I yell at the equally confused man. I turn on my smallness's power (Don't really have power, I'm just smaller than them) and slip past the man only to then be shot in the leg by the next taller bulkier devil man who was holding the girl's hands behind her back with one massive fist. I straight forward just flop to the ground as I give the sand a good long taste trying to hold down the pain of getting shot by a flipping gun.

After a solid moment of high-pitched screaming, which probably came from the overweight dude, I get picked up by the stormtrooper. He brings his face inches from mine, probably trying to intimidate me. Definitely working cause more bodily fluids are now being released from my shaking frame. As he starts to speak to me about how he's going to kill me, I have a quick flashback remembering what my mom said to me about strangers back when I was a wee toddler!

'If they are trying to hurt, you kick them in the balls and poke them in the eyes!' Yes, I love you, mom. From there, I grin widely, preparing for my arch enemy to be sterilized as I wined up my good leg and give him the hardest kick an average person can. The man quickly takes a step back as he places both his hands on his family jewels staring down and peeking at them to see if they are okay. Somehow I doubt it would work though, cause his pants are still on, but that's beside the point. As he's distracted, I leap forward and let him closely examine my fingers as I stab him straight in the eyes bringing the stormtrooper to his knees.

Quickly after examining my work, I stand behind him, using the now crying grown man as cover from his other equally scary acquaintance.

"Let her go!" I weakly demand as I pick up my stick and point it at the grown man kneeling in an ever-growing puddle. The other two laugh as the overweight gent lets go of the girl, who is now collapsing and gasping for air. The stormtroopers boss glares at me,

"Bob, go and kill the kid. Make it fast."

The devil man responds with a heavy grunt again, pointing his overly scary gun at me, and shoots at his acquaintance, who is now apparently filled with holes... I quickly dive for the gun in front of me while the goon reloads his gun after emptying his mag in his 'friend.' I point the gun somewhat at where I'm supposed to aim, close my eyes, and rapidly pull the trigger.


After a loud noise and a couple of seconds go by, I open my eyes. Scanning to see the damage I've done. The boss man falls to the ground, similar to what I had when I was shot in the leg. After a few seconds of spasming and some dangerously weird noises, the body goes limp. The devil man turns his head to find that his boss is dead, smiles at me, and fires his gun. The bullet soars through the air connects with my chest, then everything goes black as I fall to the soft white sand.

Wow, is this how it feels to be unconscious? or am I dead... I really hope I'm not dead. Crap, I was doing so good too! I surprisingly survived for a long while. I got to say if I wasn't releasing so much body fluid, that could have been somewhat cool! Wait... I killed someone, holy crap. Am I gonna go to hell? No! please, No, It was self-defense! I'm sorry, God, please forgive me. I can see the light. I should try and touch it. Wait a second, why does this feel like a face?

As my eyes slowly come back to their senses, I find myself in a rather odd predicament. My hand is touching the black-haired girl's face. I jerk my hand back as fast as humanly possible as she smiles at me and says, "Are you feeling okay? You just got shot!"

Without actually understanding her question, I rather anxiously respond, "Holy crap, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I thought you were the light and I was trying to reach for it then somehow your face and my hand decided to have a nice long kiss, and I'm sorry!" I weep for a little before I look around and see the other devil giant knocked on the ground.

"How did you knock him out?" I ask, rather impressed

"Oh, well, I saw your display and decided to copy it with a little less blood and urine," As she responds with a smirk and leans back on her hands, taking in a long sigh.

"Well, are you okay?" she asks, looking at my bloody chest

"Yeah, somehow I don't feel any pain actually. Maybe he missed and I got super luc.. I mean, I meant for this to happen," I said rather unconvincingly. The girl smirks at me as she shook her head and somewhat reluctantly said

"You definitely got shot. You were just lucky I'm not normal."

"Normal? You look it to me."

The girl takes a look at our surroundings then stares back at me "I don't know why you saved me. You even did it without knowing who I am. That's very selfless of you." she takes a long pause and stares at the ground "The truth is I'm not 'human', I come from a different world which those men wanted me to open up the path to so they could take advantage of it."

First ever chapter. I have no clue if it's good or not, please let me know if you have any advice! Hope you enjoy

Ethanquivcreators' thoughts