
A Cowards Regression

Come One! Come All!!! Your favourite Narrator has redefined your favourite Tale!!! We must entertain both sides of the coin! From the View of the Valiant to that Of The Cowardly!! Step into the world of strange and tragic events and follow the titular Coward in his Trials, Travails and Tribulations as he tries to right his wrongs and Survive the gradual end of existence as he knows it!! All while losing more and more of his sanity in the process!! Come One! Come All!! Your Favourite Narrator Has gone Crazy once again... And watch as this world is about to be set ablaze from the inside out! [This Message Is funded by the Recarim Council of Readers! Great Concepts for the Greatest of Readers!] -- The First chapter is an extension of this Synopsis. -- This is my WSA entry, so please show some love I'd love to write this book all the way to the end. -- The Cover is not mine, if you are the artist, comment on the latest chapter and tell me if you want it taken down. Thank you.

Mxna_ · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Prologue- END (1)

"Like in all stories, something must come to an end before another begins."

Whether you would agree with this statement or choose to try to contradict it hardly matters at all.

You may probably be wondering why…

"Does anything matter when everything has already come to an end?"

The Story here has already ended.

Continuing in the way all things must be done, another Story must begin.

A glorious and magnificent being rose to the sky, the subtle winds were gently blowing against his perfect black hair, his probably perfect face was obscured completely by a bothersome blur that prevented unauthorised individuals from beholding him.

This perfect being could be no one else but me; The Narrator of the #6987th Story and Director of this World.

Do not fret, I am not the Protagonist of this 'Story', Neither am I going to be some useless or forced Villain or Antagonist.

The Narrator of the #6987th Story raised his right palm into the sky as though he wanted to feel the clouds above.

He was so high up but was illogically not affected by the thin air, he was far from being considered human in any way and what he was about to do is only going to further prove this notion.

The Narrator of the #6987th Story cleared his throat and began a rather strange address.

[Is this thing reaching all of you?] The Narrator asked in a voice which resounded throughout the globe without much of a problem.

Every single organism, with or without an intelligent brain or organs of hearing, were able to hear this strange address and it was like the constantly bustling world came to an abrupt halt.

Every being and organism, of every tribe, language, race and species could hear the mighty Narrator's words in whatever way they could understand it.

[I guess everyone can hear me then.] The Narrator said, trying to confirm once more.

As the Narrator of this Story, he had an array of Skills that allowed him to see and hear everything that could possibly be happening right now. With this ability he was trying to swiftly skim through all of the globe to see if someone or something couldn't hear his address.

He had been told once before that a failed Epilogue Narrator Address could lead to the Permanent End of a Story if one is not careful.

Not one Narrator ever prays for their story to End Permanently.

He was finally sure everyone could hear him and understand him and then he properly began his Epilogue Address.

[My Dear Characters! The End is no longer near but is here before you. Because of how much compassion I have in my heart for all of you, I have made sure to temper and prepare you all for this scenario ahead of time. The Technology, your development, the Supernatural, the |Unholy|. Everything from the mere famines and plagues to the atrocious Beasts you must Subjugate now have been created and introduced all to brace you for this moment. The moment where I must put an end to an old Story.]

The Narrator was using a Skill of his and this was something that recreated a scenario similar to the halting of time.

Every living being, Beasts included, was completely stopped in their tracks. Their thoughts were completely vacated, all petty instincts lost to nothingness. It was like they were made just to listen and understand, nothing more.

This was the Power of a Narrator.

There was no free will in times like this. The Narrator could do anything now.

Prologues and Epilogues; These were the only times that a Narrator can really be at their peak, when the Story could be whatever they wanted.

[In a few minutes, you will most definitely forget this Address, you won't even believe I can muster words, I'll just be another |Unholy Beast| to you all. I'm not here to give you a speech to take away your hope. That would be useless now, the number of people to survive may have already been determined but it doesn't mean that I should be cliché with a "It's hopeless" speech. Almost like all of you, I have dreams and ambitions; ambitions to be different and better than my peers.] The Narrator went on to say, his voice had no cracks and maintained a simple and almost perfect tone.

[I will not be doing any cliché things that my peers might have done. There is no hope for the Unworthy, it's that simple but you shouldn't think of that now. I would hate for my Story to blatantly come to an End here, but if I play my cards right, I could make something beautiful. I tempered and prepared you just so in these final hours you may not perish in hopelessness. Because of how much compassion I have for my Characters, you all shall not die without this petty thing called hope. It wouldn't be fun if you all just waited to die wouldn't it?]

[No, it wouldn't. Do what you do best; Run to your own demise while my Beasts ravage you mercilessly. Continuously hope for life and slowly lose yourself in the travails of the Apocalypse.]

[This Address was proudly sponsored by the Recarim Council of Readers. The greatest Readers love the Greatest Stories.]

The last statement was something that the Narrator was forced to say, which he involuntarily murmured.

Narrators were merely one of the methods of entertainment for complex eldritch beings called the Aristocrats.

The Narrators somehow became the most common and most popular entertainment provider who cater to a seriously large group of Aristocrats called Readers and the most influential and powerful Readers come together to form a Council of Readers that support a Story they like and enjoy in a radical way.

The Recarim Council is one of the greatest and having readership and support from them makes a Narrator's Story likely to be regarded as a good one on the Media and this pulls in more Readers.

They support it because they want it to never end and an Ended Story can never retain a Council nor can it retain many independent Readers.

The Narrator hated the concept of Readers and their Councils and only wanted to Narrate for the fun of it but the fact he had to cater to the fat and lazy Readers made his hobby arduous.

In less than a second of his Epilogue Address coming to an end, the Media was Bursting with Readers.

The Narrator was startled and rather scared, he'd heard of a huge turn out of Readers to see a Transition between Stories but he didn't expect this much.

He raised his other palm and stared into it, there was a small blue screen that constantly made a beeping sound and glowed, this was his way of seeing the number of people currently reading and seeing all the live comments and support from all the Readers.

〘What's all this talk about hope, where is the Action!?〙

〘Is this Story really that good? I heard from a friend it has strange Characters and a weird plot.〙

〘That Epilogue Address is very unique, I wonder what |Purple| means by what he said.〙

〘Yeah, this Story is a rather good one if you read carefully and immerse yourself properly. And yes, the Characters are strange as hell, the plot is even stranger.〙

〘Artistic way to address the End.〙

〘NGL, I didn't really like any character from the last story. I hope you can do better in the next.〙

〘Why the hell are you still reading, bitch!?〙

〘It's like the hater NPC's just randomly spawn and say some shit. WTH!!? Zachary was an amazing MC in this book and the side characters were just perfect〙

〘Your Transition better be smooth and the succeeding Story better be an equal or greater W or I withdraw my Support, Sir |Purple|.〙

〘|Turquoise_Spider| has donated a Golden Blade of Void Worth 90,000 Gems.〙

〘TheRecarimCouncil has donated Fifty Golden Blades of Void worth 90,000 Gems each and a Black Star Slayer worth 300,000 Gems.〙

〘You Gained A New Reader.〙

〘You Gained A New Reader. 〙

〘You Gained 600 New Readers.〙

〘You Gained 900 New Readers.〙

〘You Gained 999+ New Readers.〙

〘|Purple| is really popping off with the creativity, better not ruin this trying to be unique bro.〙

〘Yeah, you definitely shouldn't, we will be okay with anything as long as it's good, really.〙

〘Get on with the End already!〙

〘What you waiting for…〙


〘999+ Notifications〙

The Narrator stared in awe at all the Notifications he was being flooded with, he was getting subscriptions, sponsors, gifts and new readers.

Many more Sponsors from huge Reader Councils arrived and even his device couldn't keep up with the page reloads.

[What the hell is this!?] The startled Narrator yelled in disbelief.

The Readers who hoped to not waste their precious Gems on a Catchup Allowance must have been waiting for the start of a new Story so they could enjoy it without any misunderstandings.

As much as the Narrator would love to indulge in his new found wealth, welcome all the new and unexpected readers and thank all of them for their support, he had a Story to End and another to begin.

He lifted the effects of his Narrator Skill on all the Characters and after a brief moment of silence the world continued like nothing ever happened.

All that was to be understood from the Narrator Address was completely integrated into the psyches and the very genome of the Characters.

"Hope without cause. Hope even though it is hopeless. Run into Demise. Die." It was these commands that replaced the basic feeling that compels them to survive.

This was the most essential plot device needed for a perfect End.

〘Damn! the name of the Story finally changed!〙 A Reader commented.

〘It seems it might be a Regression story. I love those.〙

〘Fucking Hell! A Regression story!? Does Zachary actually become a Regressor!!?〙

〘It's saddening to say, but read the Damned synopsis, goddamnit! This story could be focusing on a different character.〙

〘Lower your harem flag completely, |Purple|! And you mudafaka's in the comments better not attack me. I never said there shouldn't be fuck scenes. 〙

〘Harem_Hater has donated a Dull Blade of Ether worth 70,000 Gems〙

Without paying attention to the conversation that the change of name caused he raised his palm into the sky, this time the human Characters saw the Narrator suspended in the sky and were put on high alert.

The Narrator grabbed onto the sky like it was some kind of soft linen cloth and then pulled it down forcefully, ripping it apart.

Tearing straight into a dark abyss that existed beyond and between the planes of Stories where Mistakes existed; where the Beasts resided.

The world was put into panic as a strange and loud growl resounded all around the globe and without even a second of hesitation, a myriad of Beasts rushed forth and made sure to carefully avoid the Narrator.

Beasts with horns and razor-sharp teeth, abnormal muscles, devilish wings, demonic eyes and a thirst for blood and destruction.

〘A coward! A Story about a coward!!? Have you gone mad or have you just gotten too creative, my boy?〙A Reader from the Recarim asked rhetorically in utmost delight.

〘This isn't that unique tho, I've seen a coward Story before, I hope you aren't just an overrated noob〙

〘|Pilot_Armour| has donated a Shadow Spear worth 100,000 Gems.〙

〘|LordYeath| has donated a Well-toned Shadow Spear worth 110,000 Gems.〙

〘Why are you always trying to upstage me Yeath!?


The Narrator wore a rather gleeful look on his face.

He was finally ending an old story that was beginning to wear him out, this alone lifted a whole lot of stress from his shoulders.

He was also getting this unprecedented and unexpected support from new and old fans; his Media Interaction Device knew no relent in its beeping and notifications.

The Beasts flooded down on the world without mercy. As quickly as they had been released, they began their relentless assault on humanity.

… And as expected, the humans who had achieved the power to subjugate Beasts were as valiant as they were expected to be.

The Narrator isn't a focal point in this story, focusing on him would be meaningless.

"This is it, boys! The big one." A large muscular man with hair dyed blue, said with a grin on his face.

From this person's location, he could see the Beasts from the dark abyss flooding down relentlessly and causing destruction and death in their wake.

This muscular man was part of the now common existence; which is now referred to as, The Subjugators.

Subjugators are simply the result of the first introduction of the Supernatural and |Unholy| to this Story. Once the Beasts were introduced, humanity learnt how to battle and protect themselves from the dangerous new predators.

Eventually these Supernatural Humans knew and understood their purpose, whether they liked it or not, they were tasked with Subjugating Beasts and protecting humanity in whatever ways possible.

This Muscular man was the commander of a large rag-tag team of experienced and inexperienced Subjugators.

All of these Subjugators were all drafted from their individual Organisations to join the Government's Military and form this Consortium of humanity defenders.

[It's funny how the humans who would naturally be at their throats have come together so swiftly to tackle this common threat. How interesting.] The Narrator commented on the gathering of Subjugators planning a confrontation and counter.

The large muscular man proceeded to laugh out loudly and face a slightly lanky looking male in a grey three-piece suit.

"Law, When you said 'horde', did you mean a myriad or was I just not clear on that?" The commander asked in a rather calm voice that still indicated his rage.

"I literally said it was going to be the |Apocalypse| What did you think it would be? A small Orc Tribe or something!?" The lanky man, referred to as Law, would sharply be provoked by the commander's statement and he yelled immediately.

The End of the World was no joke but the number of Enemies made it hard for the Subjugators in the Consortium to maintain their morale and the high rankers were stressed from all the days of countless preparation.

"I'll deal with that later, just tell me what you see now…" The commander requested.

The lanky looking man bowed his head to the ground and a circle with multiple other shapes within it appeared over his head.

〖The Thousand Eyes Lv. 19〗

This circle emanated a bright yellow light and for a split second, hundreds of eye-like shapes appeared above and around the head of the lanky man, the circle later immediately went from bright yellow to a dark shadowy colour before fading away.

"I do not see anything good, Chief. We better start moving now for better chances of survival." The lanky man replied.

The commander knew what this meant but he forced himself to not feel sober at all.

He turned to his men and ran his dull grey eyes over them all before raising his palm.

Everything was decided before all this started so the Subjugators in the rag-tag Consortium could understand the signals.

A raised hand means; "Let the War for Life begin!"

The Subjugators in the Consortium were easily around a few hundred thousand, but this wouldn't even be remotely sufficient to just hold the Beasts back.

… But they struggled anyway.

"Class-S Subjugator; Zachary! Move us all to the forefront!!!" The Commander yelled out a command to a particularly excited Subjugator in the middle of the crowd gathered.

He knelt on one knee and a strange black aura emanated from around him, he placed his palm on the ground and four square like shapes would interlock at the centre of his palm and rapidly grow bigger underneath all of the Subjugators.

〖Negation: Zeros Gate Lv. 17〗

Once the Skill was activated white matter seeped out of the shapes underneath the Subjugators and in a few seconds, they were gone in a cloud of dust.

"Don't dart away this time, Koshinuke." The Class-S Support Subjugator; Zachary briefly teased one of his peers as they vanished out of sight.

After a brief moment of silence, the anticipated battle for life began.

"Do not pull any punches!! This is not a test or a simulation! You could die her-" The commander was giving an address to his soldiers as they seemingly appeared right out of the sky and fell.

The commander was briefly interrupted by what seemed to be a dangerously lethal ice shard to the head.

For a brief moment it looked like the Commander was blacked out with a wide hole punched into his head, but no one seemed to care.

A rather interesting young boy shivered uncontrollably with tears falling from his eyes as someone was killed before him.

He is the boy referred to as Koshinuke who was just teased for his tendencies to retreat in battle.

He was so close to screaming out in anguish but he was too terrified to do so. All he hoped for at this moment was that the impact he would make with the floor would be enough to end his misery.

〖Fighting Spirit! Lv. 89〗

There was a swift second that passed and the commander became active again, he grabbed the lethal projectile and pulled it out at breakneck speeds which drew out a bit of his blood.

There was a huge open hole on his forehead, but this was the amazing SS Grade Skill -Fighting Spirit-; No matter the kind of wound, no matter how lethal it is, as long as he has Mana circulating through his body, he will not lose his life in battle.

'Why are they doing this? There is literally no chance to win. What is wrong with these people?' Koshinuke would question the sanity of his peers in the Consortium as he fell to his already accepted demise.

Then the battle for Humanity began.

The civilians were being evacuated carefully despite the panic and the Subjugators were holding out rather well.

〖Flame Kin: Smoke Mites Lv. 21〗

〖Simple Detonation! Lv. 18〗

〖Support Invocation: Ally AP Buff Lv. 7〗

〖Support Invocation: Ally Fortification Lv. 16〗

They were fighting in some unprecedented synchronization, while still in the sky; it was almost impossible for them to be in this kind of sync without ever training together before.

"Protect the Support Team!! Make sure they are on standby and let them do their jobs!!" The blue haired commander yelled.

As soon as he said that, a Subjugator sighed and grabbed Koshinuke and safely delivered him to the ground.

Koshinuke yelled out in dismay and shoved the person holding him but the Subjugator was not having it and dropped him to the floor roughly.

Koshinuke and a few other Support Subjugators were protected by multiple layers of the Defense while the other Subjugators battled and got Healed and Buffed by the precious Supports.

Seeing that the Subjugators were holding out better than expected and that the destruction was being reduced to the barest minimum, the Narrator had to do the unthinkable.

The Narrator turned around and looked into the dark abyss he ripped into the sky and feigned the use of a Battle Skill.

The atmosphere changed in an instant.

The sun went black and there was darkness for a brief moment until the skies began emanating a blood red glow and the clouds actually started to spill and leak blood…

[Now this is how an apocalypse should be.] The Narrator said proudly to himself as even the various species of Beasts that were on the loose came to an abrupt halt.

A few of them began to whimper, some fell over, some of the Beasts even took their own lives.

"Chief, this doesn't look good." The lanky Subjugator; Law, in the grey suit said just after using 〖The Thousand Eyes〗 Clairvoyance Skill once more.

The Clairvoyant Subjugator knew exactly what the Narrator did.

He summoned the |Demonic God Class|.

They were drawn to this world by the great Mana proficiency that was exhibited by the Narrator. The |Demonic God Class| Beasts couldn't resist it.

Everything changed in that very moment. Everything!