

Rachel woke up from a coma After four years...she was happy that she finally meet with her mother and her boyfriend Raymond. but things did not go the same way she remembered... her best friend is engaged to her boyfriend.... Rachel feels heart broken as she decide to go into a contract marriage with her arrogant boss. Did Rachel make a right decision??? will she succeed in her new relationship... will her relationship work with Nelson...the business tycoon .....

Deborah_Gabriel_8307 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

chapter three

   After God mother left, I concentrated in eating my porridge.

   To be sincere it was really a great dish.

   " Already having breakfast"

" Oh yeah mom your back "

" Sorry I left without informing you, it was an emergency and I did not want to disturb your sleep"

" It not a big deal mom....come sit and have breakfast with me " I told her as I patted the stool for her to sit.

" Ok dear ....it actually look delicious and it been long I sat down to eat with you".

    " Yeah ....you can say that again, it is indeed really delicious, cause it came from the hands of God mother".

   " God mother....and who is that, I don't think I have heard about her before".


" Yes of course, you haven't heard of my wonderful God mother.

     It because I just met her here in the hospital.

    " In the hospital?"

  " Yes mom she is the cook ....and she is a very nice woman, I promise you will love her."

    " If you say so Rachel, "

Mom joined me and we ate in silence... until I came up with a question, that am sure mom did not like.


    " Mom ....."

   " Yes sweetheart ....how can I help you"

    " mom why is Raymond not here yet....

   Is he not aware that am out of coma".

   " Rachel ..... sweetheart focus on your recovery.

  Then you can talk about Raymond....ok "

   " But mom why....am just worried about him.


   " Rachel think about your health first .... please listen to your mother this time."

   " Ok ....mom" I answered her with a low and hurtful voice.

    Mom notice my reaction and she decided to comfort me in the way I understand.

   " Rachel it an advice from the doctor not to allow anyone see you right now.

  But I promise you that if you recover faster.

    Raymond will be the first person you see when we get back."

" Thank you mom ....." .

" Excuse me ....the  doctor want to  speak to you "

  " I will be there in a sec " mom answered as she tidy the place and went out to see the doctor.

     Another wonderful silence moment for me .

   I really need to get the hell out of this prison the call hospital.

   I want to explore the world after spending four years in the dark.




   " I can see your really excited to go back home "

  "  Off course am excited but now I don't think I am.

     I will really miss you God mother"

I told her.

  It been a week now after I woke up from coma .

   And today is the day I have been waiting for since my eyes open, and I could breath fresh air.

God mother is helping me pack my luggage and this moment is really emotional to me cause am really gonna miss her.

   " I will miss you so much my daughter".


" Me too God mother" .

   " I really don't want to let you go, but you are no longer a patient in this hospital anymore.

    You have your own life to explore ..

Am I right." She said as she wink at me.

  " God mom ....you can tease me right now .

   Yes you are well aware of Raymond ...we discussed about him anything you bring my food.

   She I love him, and I badly want to be in his arm again.

   I can't bear it not seeing him,

I can't even what he went through this four years seeing his girlfriend in the hospital, not having any hope to wake.

  " Rachel ...you talk about this Raymond so highly....

  How long have you guys dated.


  " We dated since high school ...."

   " How sure are you about your relationship with him, does he love you the way you do."

    Rachel there  is one thing about loving someone.

   You can't love them and become foolish and you can't get your head to think straight.

   It will hurt really bad the day you find out the person isn't the one for you".

   " God mother ....to be sincere with you .....

   I really love Raymond and I can't promise that will ever change.

  And Raymond loves me too. We promise to be there for each other .

     Raymond can never think of hurting me ....

    He is the one that keeps me away from getting hurt.

  So God mother I hope you understand my feelings for Raymond, it comes with a strong bond and none of us will break it .


  Am sure about that. Distance and time can't separate us.

   " I understand where your coming from, but you may be an adult.

    But you still see things as a college teenager.


Am way more older than you my naive child.

   Just be careful, don't let anyone get your heart broken.

Cause that is the most difficult stage to past on.

Being heart broken is painful Rachel, it can make you think that everyone is the same.

Take this word and let it have a part in your heart I won't be there with you.

   But let my word live with you my little angel" . God mother said as she patted my shoulder and left.

  Without saying any other thing.

That was weird ....why was she so serious about relationship and break up.

  Raymond can't break up with me ....he loves me way to much.

Get this thoughts out of your head Rachel....your breaking your promises of never conceiving negative thought in your head .

"  If you think negativity ..... negative things will always come to you.

    So think positive and act positive " I quoted the line mom thought me when I was a kid.

I was done with my luggage ....while my mom was sighing my discharge slip.

" I need to take some rest...." I told myself as I walk to the bench outside and sat down.

  " Excuse me miss ....can I take a picture of you....

   You look like an angel ". A little kid said.

   " How old are you exactly " I asked the boy.


   "  Am nine ...."

" Your nine and you one my pics"

" Yes I do.....

" Ok why not we take it together". I told the little child.

   " Ok miss here take the phone...."

He said as he gave me the phone.

I told the picture and handed the phone back to him.

  " Bye__bye miss " he said and ran away.

  " Are you set the driver is here "

" Yes mom ....."

" Then let go...."

" Home .....sweet home " I said as i joined her.


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Chapter four : Rachel returns back home from the hospital with her mom.

Is Raymond really waiting for her .

Is there truth about Raymond and Helen be relieve before Rachel.