
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

I have Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs


"5 beats per minute," Sora said calmly after measuring his heartbeat, Sora has reached the first level of the Dragon Heart, which meant that the limiter on his heart has been removed. but after his heart adapted to this new state, Sora was caught off guard by the fact that his heart rate was so low.

this wasn't a bad thing, as the power of his heartbeat and its ability has improved, this made up for the fact that his heartbeat was pretty much 10 times slower than before. Of course, if his heartbeat suddenly increased, reaching 100 beats per minute, that would be like a 20-times boost to Sora's strength.

It's pretty much, the more fired up one gets, the stronger one shall get with his heart. As for the limits, 250 heartbeats would be the limit for Sora. above that, and his heart is doing more harm than good.

Itachi and a few others had yet to remove their seals, Sora wanted to do it first to see if he made a mistake or something with this. but by the looks of things, this technique would kill the normal human, it would increase the rate of heart attack, and increase the amount of food they need to eat until the heart calms down.

Sora returned back to Earth since he had to remove Itachi Seal, he left Earth and went into an empty part of space to do all of this, before going to an empty planet after returning Itachi Seal.

Before Itachi and the others could use the 8 Dragon Gates, and become Dragons in the flesh of humans, they needed to train their breathing and learn to have some level of control of their hearts first. Zabuza and Haku although had something similar to the 8 Dragon Gates, it was not the same and was only a temporary thing until Sora give them to true Dragon Gates

So, he called Itachi, Sakumo, Hashirama, Tobirama, Minato, the 3rd Hokage, Shisui, Madara, Izuna, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Zabuza, Haku, Obito, Neji, Gaara, kimimaro, The Sound 4, kushina, Mei, and so on. the list was long, but pretty much every Kage that ever existed, and those who were at their level of power, or had the talent to reach their level of power within the past gathered here.

"This is the first time I gathered you all like this... well, you are all the future and hope of this world, so it's best I start to make sure I maximize all of your powers," Sora said calmly, although during the 3 years, he trained many of them, there were those who were brought back to life after all of that.

"I will also be looking for the most talented people amongst you all to become stand on equal ground with Itachi. As many of you might have noticed, Itachi has hints of my power. thats because he is sealing away the power which I can't control, through that link, his body shall go through many transformations, along with his abilities." Sora said calmly, making everyone look towards Itachi who was standing behind Sora in shock, and some with some envy.

one should know these people were too powerful for the formations to absorb the chaos within them, so they remained the same. although they were enjoying this new world of their,

"the person I pick has to have a high growth rate, if not then forming a seal with me would send a backlash on you, and might just kill you. so I will train you all and see who is best suited for this." Sora said calmly,

"Lastly, this would be an era where we have met from time to time and would be the only time I can hear any thoughts or trouble you have. if by chance Itachi is avoiding fixing things or hiding things from me, this is the place. any questions?" Sora asked calmly, making a few people look around speechlessly, they were sitting outside surrounded by trees, with Sora being the only one on a chair.

"Good. The first thing I will teach you all is the 8 Dragon Gates. this is pretty much the 8 Gates but thousands of times betters..." Sora went on to calmly explain everything to them, moving them all. but before they could get their hands on such a thing, he had them all sit-down and work on taking control of their hearts.

To help them, Sora created a waterfall of cold water, and other things which would force them to focus on their heart rate.

while some of the strongest beings were training, in the hidden leaf village, Sasuke held his head, tears running down his face. Ever since the clone disappeared and he got the clone knowledge, he has been feeling as if things were not right.

Sora's words made him confuse, why was he putting so much trust in Naruto? He knew something was not right, he could feel it, but it was as if something or something covered that with a fog of mist, making it so he couldn't gain the knowledge he wanted.

Ever since Naruto lost his arms, things have been super quiet in the hidden leaf, Naruto has been the pillar that gathered everyone together. it was like Naruto was the medicine that will end the cancer known as Sora. this is what everyone thought, it was a gut feeling which was hard to shake off.

But with Naruto's fall, and many found out that Naruto was only alive because Sora allowed him to live, they were in a similar state as Sasuke, although not as bad as Sasuke. As they questioned themselves and Naruto, they found themselves being confused and getting a bad case of head aces.

"... everyone is happy," Sasuke said while laying on his back, Sora's words ringing through his head. why was it he rejected Sora's feelings? Something about the way he did something wasn't right, but the more he went over it, the he felt more foolish by the second. everyone was happy, everyone was united, and Sora was even turning his attention toward the true enemy. so why was he hindering this?

Sasuke slowly sat up, feeling his head ace slowly dying down. but upon looking up, he saw Naruto standing in front of him, with his face pointed straight toward the ground.

"you want to join him?" Naruto asked softly, stunning Sasuke who didn't understand how Naruto guessed, but he nodded slowly. he felt like his mind was clearing up,

"maybe..." Before his words could fall, Naruto gathered the 9 tails chakra, and with a flash, he shot towards Sasuke. Sasuke quickly jumped backward, but something was pulled out of his right eye, leading him to scream in pain.

"I gave you these eyes... we are friends, yet you would betray me and join the person who took my hands? the man who forced me to fight my parents? the man who forced you to fight your own brother?" Naruto roared angrily, his chakra hands dripping his blood.

Sasuke stood there, looking at Naruto in shock. but he couldn't help but be moved by Naruto's words, indeed... wait? What was he thinking? Naruto just ripped out his eye and now he was being moved by them?

'you make no sense, the family you always wanted is here. Your brother is happy, everyone is happy, and a peace that could last forever is before you. Yet you hold on to one reason, put faith in someone walking in the dark that wants to destroy something that brought the whole world together.' Sora's words ranged within his head, making Sasuke take a step backward

'you want to control your Fate? But so far you only live because of Itachi, you want to bring forth peace, yet you're only spreading trouble. You hide, yet ignore the fact I'm not even looking for you. With those rinnegans, why are you so blind to reality?' Sasuke stumbles backward, even more, Sora's words hitting him harder and harder.

Sasuke looked around, only to find himself surrounded, Sakura, Kakashi, and many others surrounded him, looking at him with disappointment and shame, as if he was the one in the wrong.

'What power does Naruto hold?' Sasuke thought in shock, everything seemed to click for him at this moment. Naruto's speech was what moved him to follow, Sora said that he wanted to study Naruto, and now he realized what that was. Naruto's words held the power to move something, some unique Jutsu... talk no Jutsu.

Sasuke shot forward, summoning his Susanoo which grew wings and flew off. He needed to report this to Sora, but would Naruto allow him to escape? already replaced one of his eyes with Sasuke rinnegan, Naruto felt the power following through him.

chains shot from Naruto's palm, wanting to wrap around the Susnaoo, but a powerful force that sent everything flying away from Sasuke shoot out, knocking the chain back and allowing Sasuke to shoot off.

Naruto shot into the sky and with great speed shot after Sasuke, unable to outrun Naurto who was now far stronger than him, Sasuke forced all his attention on nearing the city. Naruto appeared above him and moved to attack the Susanoo, only for Sasuke to disappear, replaced with a tree branch.

Naruto looked at the ground, knowing that Sasuke used his rinnegan ability to switch places with a tree. even so, there was a range limit to how far a target must be, so he destroyed the whole forest, wanting to force Sasuke out, but Sasuke was nowhere to be seen.

"he opened a portal in space." the 9 tails within Naruto said coldly, to which Sora nodded while looking at a point in space. for now, Sasuke got away, although he could follow, there was a high likely hold that Sasuke would have gone to the city.

returning to the hidden leaf, Naruto looked at all his followers. after taking a deep breath, he looked towards the sky.

"to defeat Sora, we need more than power, but allies. and they can be found up there," Naruto said while pointing at the sky.

"... thats impossible," Minato said while bringing Sasuke's shirt, causing those of the Uchiha clan to stand with warning looks. at that moment, Sasuke was chained up. after all, he was a criminal who tried to kill Sora. but upon explaining everything and his theory about Naruto, how could Minato not be enraged hearing his son was controlling people mains?

"you knew?" Sasuke asked as he looked towards Sora, ignoring Minato. everyone looked towards Sora, and they were stunned seeing his node.

"As I have said before, there is Order and Chaos. my theory is that Naruto might be the embodiment of Order, or to some degree channel that power. this explains why he is so... bright. this is why he can turn chaos into order through his words, and so on. To some degree, maybe he could have brought peace to this world, but it seems like my existence is pushing order to do more extreme means." Sora said calmly, making Minato and Kashina stunned

"I'm Chaos, it's normal for Naruto to reject me. in fact, he was the first person to reject me. he was the first person to seek out any reason to reject me... at first, I thought Sasuke might have been this world chaos, but with what just happened, I don't think so anymore." Sora said calmly,

"Why... why didn't you do something sooner?" Minato asked angrily, this was his son, if Sora knew then should he have at least tried to do something? but he was only meant with Sora's calm and indifferent eyes.

"What do you think I should have done? Waste of time proving a theory? As all-knowing as I am, this is the first time I a stumble upon someone like Naruto... no, the second time." Sora suddenly frown as he thought of someone, wasn't his second wife a lot like Naruto?

"anyways, I leave Naruto in your hands. if I was him and I wanted to stop me, I would have given up. but since he is stupid, I'm guessing he would try and leave this planet. so, you should rush back to the hidden leaf village. remember to cover your ears and only listen to those around him," Sora said calmly, causing Minato and Kashina to disappear, shooting toward the hidden leaf.

"I will create a time chamber for you all to train in and cultivate. for a month, you will have it all for free. but after which, you will stop coughing up money. After which, Itachi shall lead the steps towards conquering this galaxy. I care not what you all do. move with the mindset that Naruto would join the enemy side and would give them our information" Sora said calmly before disappearing, leaving everyone with heavy looks.

their enemies were people who had been eating chakra fruits for many years, their strength would be far above the six-path tier. they might be at the Star God Tier, or even higher. Sora had many a few tiers above the Six Paths Tier

Star God tier, and Comic God Tier. he made these tiers all by looking at the powerhouses across the universe, of course, Sora knew more than he was saying, but for now, this was what they would all know. too much information wasn't good for them.

of course, there was the universe god, which was the strongest being within this universe, but even for someone like Sora, he could only see traces of this being, and these traces went back billions of years ago towards the birth of this universe,