
A Circle of Betrayal

Friends make your life better, your smile more brighter and love in your heart more real. But what if you wake up one day and realise its all been a lie and they are the people who can hurt you and break your heart? What will happen? Will they continue being your friends? Will you ever trust anyone ever again?

emmanuelcheret · ファンタジー
6 Chs



Jason kept staring me at intervals especially when Jenny wasn't looking. I pretended not notice so as to hide my embarrassment in case our eyes meet or he caught me staring as well. It was like a game that we are playing, a game of starring and timing. I think so. I like it when he looks at me, there is something amazing from his stare. As much as I try to ignore that fact it keeps popping up in my thoughts and I cant shake it off.

My boyfriend is supposed to be here by now, we had agreed to meet here at the Luna park at four thirty since his job ends at four and the little thirty minutes he would use it to make it here. It was getting late now and he still not here, I was getting irritated now. I had driven for three hours just to come and see him and he is not even here, who does that? Jenny was rubbing my back in soothing circles because she seemed to have noticed my distress. Jason was talking about something I don't even know, something about football which I hold no interest in, nevertheless I found it great because they were not bombarding my me with endless questions about my supposed boyfriend and his whereabouts which I also don't have an idea.

The air was filled with his deep voice and silent chuckle when he recalls something funny done on the field by some football player named Ronaldo, I don't even know if I got that one correct. It was hard not to stare at him especially when his perfect teeth flashes that breath taking smile with his perfect set of teeth. I am sure he has a couple of broken hearts rolled his sleeve and tones of beautiful lasses crushing on him. It was like a punch of the face when I saw how Jenny cuddled up by his side so that her head was resting on his laps and he was shuffling her hair into a beautiful mess, I envied her, if only he was mine.

"Claudia, I think we should head back now, the park is about to be closed now" Jason said with a sad smile on his face. "I am sure he must have a good reason for not showing up, no man can turn down a girl like you, it can't happen and forgive me for saying this buy he is an idiot if he does." There is something in the way that he said those words that made me smile despite my current state. I was angry for being an idiot as always. I was angry at myself for wasting my time waiting for an ungrateful idiot like Mars. I had always made myself available for him every time he needs me or not. I think I have been pushing him into me. "Lets go to our place, you can spend the night there and we can catch up some more. I had missed you so much. we are going to do it just like the old times, is it not wonderful?"

Jenny was very excited, I could see it in her eyes and her smile made no effort to hide it. She was pleased that I was going with them and not Mars. She was sad that Mars turned me down by not showing up as we had agreed. A part of me was also happy that I was spending the night with my best friend and her handsome boyfriend. Another part of me was sad and angry, I was trying hard to imagine all the explanations he was going to come up with, I did not understand why he could not even afford a phone call or a simple text like 'hey babe, I am sorry I don't think I can make it as we agreed. I promise me to make it up later. I love you.'